# bibfind -- Prints entries in your bib file that match search string.
# USAGE: bibfind <string> [<file>]
# Note:
#   Place bibfind in ~/bin, then chmod +x bibfind, then edit bibfind to change 
#   the default bib file (see the variable $bibfile on line 29).
# 2001-07-05, Oyvind.Breivik@dnmi.no

### Arguments

   my ($str,$file) = @ARGV;

### Locals

   my @paragraphs;
   my $home; 
   my $bibfile;

### Main

   die "USAGE: $0 <string> [<file>]\n" if $#ARGV < 0;
   $/ = ''; # $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR set to read paragraphs
   $home = $ENV{"HOME"};
   $bibfile = "$home/dok/tex/bibtex/Breivik.bib"; # Default bibtex file
   $file = $bibfile if ($#ARGV < 1);

   open(FILE, $file) or die "ERROR: Can't open $file";
   print "$file\n";
   @paragraphs = <FILE>; # Slurp up file by paragraph

   foreach (@paragraphs) {
      print if /$str/i; # Case ignored, if wanted, remove trailing i.