% \iffalse meta-comment
% chronos.dtx
% Additions and changes Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Clea F. Rees.
% Code from skeleton.dtx Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Scott Pakin (see below).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2008-05-04 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'muaintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Clea F. Rees.
% This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
% The file chronos.dtx is a derived work under the terms of the
% LPPL. It is based on version 2.4 of skeleton.dtx which is part of
% dtxtut by Scott Pakin. A copy of dtxtut, including the
% unmodified version of skeleton.dtx is available from
% https://www.ctan.org/pkg/dtxtut and released under the LPPL.
% \fi
% \iffalse
% ref. ateb Max Chernoff: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/723294/
\ProvidesFileSVN{$Id: chronos-code.dtx 10925 2025-03-07 15:07:59Z cfrees $}[v0.9.1 \revinfo][\filebase DTX: Customisable TikZ-based timelines]
% l3doc loads fancyvrb
% fancyvrb overwrites svn-prov's macros without warning
% restore \fileversion \filerev in case we're using l3doc
%^^A \GetFileInfoSVN{chronos}
%^^A \title{\filebase}
%^^A \author{Clea F. Rees\thanks{%
%^^A     Bug tracker:
%^^A     \href{https://codeberg.org/cfr/REPO/issues}{\url{codeberg.org/cfr/REPO/issues}}
%^^A     \textbar{} Code:
%^^A     \href{https://codeberg.org/cfr/REPO}{\url{codeberg.org/cfr/REPO}}
%^^A     \textbar{} Mirror:
%^^A     \href{https://github.com/cfr42/REPO}{\url{github.com/cfr42/REPO}}% 
%^^A }}
%^^A \date{\fileversion~\filedate}
\expandafter\newif\csname ifchronoscodetoo\endcsname
%^^A \let\MakePrivateLetters\MyMakePrivateLetters
% \fi
% \changes{v0.9.1}{2025-03-05}{Minimal code documentation.
%   \lpack{docstrip} implementation.}
% \changes{v0.9}{2025-02-27}{First \ctan{} release.}
% ^^A lua will replace v0.0 and 0000/00/00 when tagging
% \ifchronoscodetoo
%   \ProvidesFileSVN{$Id: chronos-code.dtx 10925 2025-03-07 15:07:59Z cfrees $}[v0.9.1 \revinfo]
%   \DefineFileInfoSVN[chronoscode]
%   \GetFileInfoSVN{chronoscode}
%   \let\chronoscodeversion\fileversion
%   \let\chronoscoderev\filerev
%   \let\chronoscodebase\filebase
%   \let\chronoscodeinfo\fileinfo
%   \let\chronoscodedate\filedate
%   \let\chronoscodefilename\filename
% \fi
% \title{\lpack{\chronosfilebase} code\thanks{%
%     This is file \texttt{\chronoscodefilename}.%
%   }%
% }
% \author{Clea F. Rees\thanks{%
%     Bug tracker:
%     \href{https://codeberg.org/cfr/chronos/issues}{\url{codeberg.org/cfr/chronos/issues}}
%     \textbar{} Code:
%     \href{https://codeberg.org/cfr/chronos}{\url{codeberg.org/cfr/chronos}}
%     \textbar{} Mirror:
%     \href{https://github.com/cfr42/chronos}{\url{github.com/cfr42/chronos}}%
%   }%
% }
%^^A \date{\chronoscodedate}%
% \date{\chronoscodeversion\ (\textsc{svn} \chronoscoderev)}%
% \maketitle
% \addtocontents{part}{Implementation}
% \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
% \setlength{\parskip}{0.5em}
% \begin{abstract}
%   \noindent\lpack{\chronosfilebase} implementation.
% \end{abstract}
% Note that part of this code was originally developed with no intention it should be published.
% Much of this code is not written in English and much of the original user interface is similarly non-English.
% Where this is the case, the code now supports English aliases of the original macros and keys.
% However, although I have tried to provide translations of all useful comments, no doubt I have missed some.
% I have also tried to provide some English indication regarding the purpose of commands and keys whose use is ‘obvious’ only if the name is understood.
% These additions are currently very sparsely scattered, however, and you should probably complain by filing a bug if you are actually interested in what it is supposed to do\footnote{%
%   I've been told the main reason to document my code is for future-me.
%   I do not expect future me to require English translations \dots.
%   If you are not me, it would therefore be useful to let me know.%
% }.
% \restoregeometry
% \setlength\tewadjust{\marginparwidth+\marginparsep-\paperwidth+\textwidth+\oddsidemargin+1in}%
% \pagestyle{fancy}%
% \thispagestyle{fancyplain}%
% \fancyheadoffset[lh]{\tewadjust}%
%^^A doctools redefn of macrocode is singularly ineffective:
%^^A the environment just ends up undefined 
%^^A so fallback to restored l3p's 
%^^A note that it causes problems with links to restore this in 
%^^A BEGINdocument
%^^A and the redefn of environment just prints the name ...
% \let\macrocode\chronosdocmacrocode
% \let\endmacrocode\endchronosdocmacrocode
% \let\environment\chronosdocenvironment
% \let\endenvironment\endchronosdocenvironment
% \let\OrigMakePrivateLetters\MakePrivateLetters
%^^A \let\MakePrivateLetters\MyMakePrivateLetters
% \ExplSyntaxOn
% \cs_new:Npn \__chronosdoc_mpl: {
%   \char_set_catcode_letter:N \@\char_set_catcode_letter:N \_\char_set_catcode_letter:N \:
% }
% \cs_set_eq:NN \MakePrivateLetters \__chronosdoc_mpl:
% \ExplSyntaxOff
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section[chronos]{\lpack{chronos}}\label{sec:cod-pkg}%^^A <<< (pkg)
% \LaTeXe{} package.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ProvidesPackageSVN[chronos.sty]{$Id: chronos-code.dtx 10925 2025-03-07 15:07:59Z cfrees $}[v0.9.1 \revinfo]
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% ^^A Paid â defnyddio \GetFileInfoSVN*/\GetFileInfoSVN{} yn y fan hon!!
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% copied verbatim, excepting format from Joseph Wright's \path{siunitx.sty} under LPPL
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% almost verbatim from \path{siunitx.sty}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \PackageError{chronos}{Support package expl3 too old}
    You need to update your installation of the bundles 'l3kernel' and
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{key}{simple colour names,simple color names,no simple colour names,no simple color names}%^^A <<<
%   Only a single option really.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\keys_define:nn { chronos } %^^A <<<
  enwau~lliw~syml .legacy_if_set:n = chronos@enwaulliwsyml,
  enwau~lliw~syml .default:n = true,
  enwau~lliw~syml .initial:n = true,
  enwau~lliw~syml .usage:n = general,
  simple~colour~names .legacy_if_set:n = chronos@enwaulliwsyml,
  simple~colour~names .default:n = true,
  simple~colour~names .usage:n = general,
  simple~color~names .legacy_if_set:n = chronos@enwaulliwsyml,
  simple~color~names .default:n = true,
  simple~color~names .usage:n = general,
  dim~enwau~lliw~syml .legacy_if_set_inverse:n = chronos@enwaulliwsyml,
  dim~enwau~lliw~syml .default:n = true,
  dim~enwau~lliw~syml .usage:n = general,
  no~simple~colour~names .legacy_if_set_inverse:n = chronos@enwaulliwsyml,
  no~simple~colour~names .default:n = true,
  no~simple~colour~names .usage:n = general,
  no~simple~color~names .legacy_if_set_inverse:n = chronos@enwaulliwsyml,
  no~simple~color~names .default:n = true,
  no~simple~color~names .usage:n = general,
} %^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{key}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\IfFormatAtLeastTF}%^^A <<<
% Joseph Wright: from \path{siunitx.sty} ; \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/64327823#64327823}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\providecommand \IfFormatAtLeastTF { \@ifl@t@r \fmtversion }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
\IfFormatAtLeastTF { 2022-06-01 }
  \ProcessKeyOptions [ chronos ] 
  \RequirePackage { l3keys2e }
  \ProcessKeysOptions { chronos }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A if we require 2022-02-24 expl3 above what is this for?
%^^A is it even possible to use that expl3 with somehow an older format?
%^^A (wasn't expl3 in the format by then?)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\IfFormatAtLeastTF { 2020-10-01 }{
  \RequirePackage { xparse }
  \providecommand \ExpandArgs [1]
  { \cs_if_exist_use:c { exp_args:N #1 } }
%    \end{macrocode}
% A mae fixedpointarithmetic eisiau fp - fixedpointarithmetic needs fp
%    \begin{macrocode}
\RequirePackage{tikz,etoolbox,pgfcalendar,calc,fp}% rwyt ti *eisiau* calc!
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN expl3 <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN booleans
%    \begin{macrocode}
\bool_new:N \l__chronos_byw_troi_bool
\bool_new:N \l__chronos_digwyddiad_troi_bool
\bool_new:N \l__chronos_parhad_troi_bool
\bool_new:N \l__chronos_theori_troi_bool
\bool_new:N \l__chronos_gwybodaeth_troi_bool
\bool_new:N \l__chronos_troi_bool
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END booleans
%^^A BEGIN clists
%    \begin{macrocode}
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_uchod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_isod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_byw_uchod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_byw_isod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_parhad_uchod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_parhad_isod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_digwyddiad_uchod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_digwyddiad_isod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_theori_uchod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_theori_isod_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_uchod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_isod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_byw_uchod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_byw_isod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_parhad_uchod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_parhad_isod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_digwyddiad_uchod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_digwyddiad_isod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_theori_uchod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_lliwiau_theori_isod_rhag_clist
\clist_new:N \l__chronos_llythrennau_bach_clist
\clist_set:Nn \l__chronos_llythrennau_bach_clist 
  a, an, and, as, but, for, if, in, is, of, on, the 
\clist_new:N \l__chronos_dyddiadau_coords_clist
\clist_new:N \l__chronos_subheadings_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_century_subheadings_clist
\clist_new:N \l__chronos_headings_clist
\clist_new:N \l__chronos_tmpa_clist
\clist_new:N \g__chronos_tmpa_clist
\clist_new:N \l__chronos_tmpb_clist
\clist_new:N \l__chronos_tmpc_clist
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END clists
%^^A BEGIN integers
%    \begin{macrocode}
\int_gzero_new:N \g__chronos_int
\int_new:N \l__chronos_tmpa_int
\int_new:N \l__chronos_tmpb_int
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END integers
%^^A BEGIN prop
%    \begin{macrocode}
\prop_new:N \l__chronos_byw_prop
\prop_new:N \l__chronos_digwyddiad_prop
\prop_new:N \l__chronos_gwybodaeth_prop
\prop_new:N \l__chronos_parhad_prop
\prop_new:N \l__chronos_theori_prop
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \prop_new:N \l__chronos_cylchtheori_prop
%    \begin{macrocode}
\prop_new:N \l__chronos_rhagosedig_prop
\prop_new:N \l__chronos_prop
\prop_new:N \l__chronos_tmpa_prop
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END prop
%^^A BEGIN regexes
%    \begin{macrocode}
\regex_const:Nn \c__chronos_enw_regex { [^A-Za-z0-9\s\-] }
\regex_const:Nn \c__chronos_enw_priflythren_cyntaf_regex { (^[^A-Za-z]*)([a-z]) }
\regex_const:Nn \c__chronos_enw_diogelu_regex 
  ([\s\-\c{\\}][[:punct:]]*) ([^\s\-\c{\\}]*) (\b|\c{\\}) 
} % \s unrhyw space character \b word boundary
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \regex_const:Nn \c__chronos_pure_year_regex { ^ [\+\-]? \d+ \z }% \z = \Z = $ ($ yn newid popeth i maths yn ôl Kile!)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\regex_const:Nn \c__chronos_curly_bracket { [ \{ \} ] }
\regex_const:Nn \c__chronos_initial_minus { ^\- }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END regexes
%^^A BEGIN seq
%    \begin{macrocode}
\seq_new:N \l__chronos_gosod_seq
\seq_new:N \l__chronos_tmpa_seq
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END seq
%^^A BEGIN token lists
%    \begin{macrocode}
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_lliw_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_date_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_dateformat_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_year_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_yearformat_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_minoryearformat_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_tikzname_tl
\tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_dateformat_tl { !d/!m/!Y }
\tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_yearformat_tl { !Y }
\tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_minoryearformat_tl { !c }
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_tmpa_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_tmpb_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
\tl_new:N \l__chronos_tmpd_tl
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END token lists
% \begin{colkey}{foreground,background,timeline foreground,timeline background,timeline border outer,timeline border inner,timeline border middle,life,period,event,theory,info}
%   Colour keys handled by \lpack{l3keys}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\keys_define:nn { chronos / lliwiau }%^^A <<<
  foreground .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  foreground .groups:n = {core},
  background .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  background .groups:n = {core},
  timeline ~ foreground .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  timeline ~ foreground .groups:n = {core ~ derivative},
  timeline ~ background .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  timeline ~ background .groups:n = {core ~ derivative},
  timeline ~ border ~ outer  .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  timeline ~ border ~ outer .groups:n = {core ~ border},
  timeline ~ border ~ inner  .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  timeline ~ border ~ inner .groups:n = {core ~ border},
  timeline ~ border ~ middle  .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  timeline ~ border ~ middle .groups:n = {core ~ border},
  life / default .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  event / default .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  period / default .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  theory / default .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
  info / default .code:n = {\__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn 
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{colkey}
% \begin{collistkey}{default above,default below,life above,life below,event above,event below,period above,period below,theory above,theory below}
%   Colour list keys handled by \lpack{l3keys}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  default ~ above .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_uchod_clist,
  default ~ below .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_isod_clist,
  life /  above .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_byw_uchod_clist,
  life / below .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_byw_isod_clist,
  event / above .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_digwyddiad_uchod_clist,
  event / below .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_digwyddiad_isod_clist,
  period / above .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_parhad_uchod_clist,
  period / below .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_parhad_isod_clist,
  theory / above .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_theori_uchod_clist,
  theory / below .clist_gset:N = \g__chronos_lliwiau_theori_isod_clist,
}%^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{collistkey}
%^^A BEGIN functions <<<
%^^A BEGIN functions : dyddiadau <<<
% YY yn lle YYYY
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_year_shorten:n #1
  \int_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpa_int { \tl_count:n { #1 } }
    \l__chronos_tmpa_int < 3
      \l__chronos_tmpa_int < 4
      \__chronos_year_shorten_aux:w 0 #1 \q_stop
      \__chronos_year_shorten_aux:w #1 \q_stop % expl3 manuaal, 46
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_year_shorten_aux:w #1 #2 #3 #4 \q_stop
  #3 #4
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_year_shorten:n { V , v , x }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_year_semi_shorten:n #1
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   \int_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpb_int { \int_abs:n {#1} }
%^^A   \tl_set:Nx \l__chronos_tmpc_tl { \int_to_arabic:n { \l__chronos_tmpb_int } }
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \int_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpa_int { \tl_count:n { #1 } }
    \l__chronos_tmpa_int < 4
%    \end{macrocode}
% \lpack{expl3} manual, 46 (w/\verb|q_stop|?) ; \S\,5.7 Unbraced     
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \__chronos_year_semi_shorten_aux:w #1 \q_stop 
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A     \exp_last_unbraced:NV \__chronos_year_semi_shorten_aux:w \l__chronos_tmpc_tl \q_stop % expl3 manual, 46 (w/q_stop?) ; \S\,5.7 Unbraced Expansion: osgoi \exp_after:wN ble sy'n bosibl (\exp_args:N* yn well 'na \exp_last_unbraced:N*? wn i ddim sut i ddefnyddio hynny beth bynnag)
%^^A     \exp_after:wN \__chronos_year_semi_shorten_aux:w \l__chronos_tmpc_tl \q_stop % expl3 manuaal, 46
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_year_semi_shorten_aux:w #1 #2 #3 #4 \q_stop
  #2 #3 #4
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_year_semi_shorten:n { V , v , x }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \int_abs:n { v }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_replace_all:Nnn { Nnx }
%    \end{macrocode}
% dangos dyddiadau \textbar{} show dates
% ateb Joseph Wright: \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/327642/} ; PD/CCO at \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/users/73/joseph-wright}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_show_date:n #1
  \tl_set_eq:NN \l__chronos_date_tl \l__chronos_dateformat_tl
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !a }
    { \pgfcalendarweekdayshortname{\thechronos@weekday} }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !A }
    { \pgfcalendarweekdayname{\thechronos@weekday} }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !b }
    { \pgfcalendarmonthshortname{\csname chronos@#1month\endcsname} }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !B }
    { \pgfcalendarmonthname{\csname chronos@#1month\endcsname} }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !c }
    { \__chronos_year_semi_shorten:x { \int_abs:v { chronos@#1year } } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !d }
    { \csname chronos@#1day\endcsname }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !E }
    { \__chronos_dateformat_era:v { chronos@#1year } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !m }
    { \csname chronos@#1month\endcsname }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !q }
    { \__chronos_dateformat_sign:v { chronos@#1year } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !Q }
    { \__chronos_dateformat_signs:v { chronos@#1year } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !y }
    { \__chronos_year_shorten:x { \int_abs:v { chronos@#1year } } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_date_tl { !Y }
    { \int_abs:v { chronos@#1year } }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_show_year:n #1
{% ateb Joseph Wright: \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/327642/} ; PD/CCO at \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/users/73/joseph-wright}
  \tl_set_eq:NN \l__chronos_year_tl \l__chronos_yearformat_tl
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_year_tl { !c }
    { \__chronos_year_semi_shorten:x { \int_abs:n { #1 } } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_year_tl { !E }
    { \__chronos_dateformat_era:n { #1 } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_year_tl { !q }
    { \__chronos_dateformat_sign:n { #1 } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_year_tl { !Q }
    { \__chronos_dateformat_signs:n { #1 } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_year_tl { !y }
    { \__chronos_year_shorten:x { \int_abs:n { #1 } } }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnx \l__chronos_year_tl { !Y }
    { \int_abs:n { #1 } }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_dateformat_sign:n #1
  \int_compare:nT { #1 < 0 } { - }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_dateformat_sign:n { v }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_dateformat_signs:n #1
  { #1 < 0 } { - }
    \int_compare:nT { #1 > 0 }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_dateformat_signs:n { v }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_dateformat_era:n #1
  { #1 < 0 } { \chronos@yearbce }
    \int_compare:nT { #1 > 0 }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_dateformat_era:n { v }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_set_dateformat:n #1
  \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_dateformat_tl { #1 }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l__chronos_dateformat_tl { ~ } { \c_space_token }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_set_dateformat:n { v }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_set_yearformat:n #1
  \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_yearformat_tl { #1 }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l__chronos_yearformat_tl { ~ } { \c_space_token }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_set_yearformat:n { V }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_set_minoryearformat:n #1
  \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_minoryearformat_tl { #1 }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l__chronos_minoryearformat_tl { ~ } { \c_space_token }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_set_minoryearformat:n { V }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \regex_match:NnTF { NVTF }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_set_date_aux:n 
  \tl_set:Nx \l__chronos_tmpc_tl { #1 }
  \regex_replace_all:NnN \c__chronos_curly_bracket {} \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
  \regex_match:NVTF \c__chronos_initial_minus \l__chronos_tmpc_tl 
    \exp_last_unbraced:NV \__chronos_set_date_aux_bce:w \l__chronos_tmpc_tl \q_stop 
    \exp_last_unbraced:NV \__chronos_set_date_aux_ce:w \l__chronos_tmpc_tl \q_stop
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_set_date:nnnn 
    \legacy_if:nF { chronos@yearzero }
      \int_compare:nNnT { 0 } < { #1 }
    \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#4year\endcsname{#1}%
    \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#4month\endcsname{#2}%
    \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#4day\endcsname{#3}%
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_set_date_aux_bce:w -#1 - #2 -  #3 - #4 @#5 \q_stop
  \__chronos_set_date:nnnn {-#1} {#2} {#3} {#5}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \__chronos_set_date_aux_ce:w #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 @#5 \q_stop
    \__chronos_set_date:nnnn {#1} {#2} {#3} {#5}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END functions : dyddiadau >>>
%^^A BEGIN functions : lliwiau <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_troilliwiau:nn
  \clist_if_empty:cTF { g__chronos_lliwiau_#1_#2_clist }
    \clist_gpop:cN { g__chronos_lliwiau_#2_clist } \l__chronos_lliw_tl
    \clist_gput_right:cV { g__chronos_lliwiau_#2_clist } \l__chronos_lliw_tl
    \clist_gpop:cN { g__chronos_lliwiau_#1_#2_clist } \l__chronos_lliw_tl
    \clist_gput_right:cV { g__chronos_lliwiau_#1_#2_clist } \l__chronos_lliw_tl
\cs_new_nopar:Nn \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { \colorlet {#1} {#2} }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_darparu_lliw:nn
%^^A {
%^^A   \color_if_exist:nF { #1 } { \color_set_eq:nn { #1 } { #2 } }
%^^A }
%^^A \cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_darparu_lliw:nn { Vn }
%^^A END functions : lliwiau >>>
%^^A BEGIN functions : enwau <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_creu_tikzname:n
  \int_compare:nTF { \tl_count:n { #1 } < 2 }
%    \end{macrocode}
% expand unwaith os llai na 2 token yn \#1 (gallu defnyddio pgffor loops i greu digwyddiadau etc.)
% expand once if fewer than 2 tokens in \#1 (can use \lpack{pgffor} loops to create events etc.)
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \tl_set:No \l__chronos_tikzname_tl { #1 }
%    \end{macrocode}
% fel arall, peidio i ddiogelu macros fformatio (e.e. \cs{emph}{} etc.)
% otherwise, don't protect formatting macros (e.g.~\cs{emph}{} etc.)
% (what did I mean by this?)
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tikzname_tl { #1 }
  \regex_replace_all:NnN \c__chronos_enw_regex { } \l__chronos_tikzname_tl
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_enw_priflythrennu_eraill:n
  \clist_if_in:NnTF \l__chronos_llythrennau_bach_clist { #1 } { #1 } 
    \str_uppercase:n #1 
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_enw_priflythrennu:n
  \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_tl { #1 }
  \legacy_if:nF {chronos@felymae}
    \regex_replace_all:NnN \c__chronos_enw_diogelu_regex 
      \1 \c{__chronos_enw_priflythrennu_eraill:n} \cB{ \2 \cE} \3 
    } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
    \regex_replace_all:NnN \c__chronos_enw_priflythren_cyntaf_regex 
      \1 \c{str_uppercase:n}\2 
    } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_enw_priflythrennu:n { V,o }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END functions : enwau >>>
%^^A BEGIN functions: containment 
% functions: containment
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_at_begin: %^^A <<< functions: containment
  \cs_set_eq:NN \chronosset \@@chronosset
  \pgfsetlayers{\chronos@layers}% cadw newidiadau tu mewn i'r grwp
  \cs_if_free:NT \chronosbaselineskip 
    \cs_new_eq:NN \chronosbaselineskip \chronos@baselineskip 
  \int_gincr:N \g__chronos_int
} %^^A >>>  functions: containment
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN functions: pgf keys <<<
% \lpack{pgfkeys}
%^^A BEGIN functions: pgf keys (prop)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion:nnn
{% #1: tag #2 key #3 key-value list
  \prop_put:cnn { l__chronos_#1_prop } { #2 } { {#3} }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion_rhag:nn
{% #1: tag #2 key #3 key-value list
  \prop_put:Nnn \l__chronos_prop  { #1 } { {#2} }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \prop_put_from_keyval:Nn { cV }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion_rhestr:nnn
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 }
    \prop_put:cnn { l__chronos_##1_prop } { #2 } { {#3} } 
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion:nnn
{ % roedd y problem yn #3 yn eisoes!
  \prop_get:cnNTF { l__chronos_#1_prop } { #2 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
     \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpd_tl { #3 }
     \regex_replace_all:nnN { \\ } { \\\\ } \l__chronos_tmpd_tl
     \regex_replace_once:nnN { \}\z } { , \u{l__chronos_tmpd_tl} \} } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
     \prop_put:cnV { l__chronos_#1_prop } { #2 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
     \prop_put:cnn { l__chronos_#1_prop } { #2 } { {#3} } 
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhestr:nnn
{ % ##  #1 rhestr o prop lists; #2 property; #3 value
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 }
    \prop_get:cnNTF { l__chronos_##1_prop } { #2 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
      \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpd_tl { #3 }
      \regex_replace_all:nnN { \\ } { \\\\ } \l__chronos_tmpd_tl
      \regex_replace_once:nnN { \}\z } { , \u{l__chronos_tmpd_tl} \} } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
      \prop_put:cnV { l__chronos_##1_prop } { #2 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
      \prop_put:cnn { l__chronos_##1_prop } { #2 }  { {#3} } 
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhestr_pre:nnn
{ % ##  #1 rhestr o prop lists; #2 property; #3 value
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 }
    \prop_get:cnNTF { l__chronos_##1_prop } { #2 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
      \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpd_tl { #3 }
      \regex_replace_all:nnN { \\ } { \\\\ } \l__chronos_tmpd_tl
      \regex_replace_once:nnN { ^\{ } { \{ \u{l__chronos_tmpd_tl} , } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
      \prop_put:cnV { l__chronos_##1_prop } { #2 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
      \prop_put:cnn { l__chronos_##1_prop } { #2 }  { {#3} } 
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhag:nn
  \prop_get:cnNTF { l__chronos_prop } { #1 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
    \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpd_tl { #2 }
    \regex_replace_all:nnN { \\ } { \\\\ } \l__chronos_tmpd_tl
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A     \regex_replace_all:nnN { ( \cP ) } { \1\1 } \l__chronos_tmpd_tl
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \regex_replace_once:nnN { \}\z } { , \u{l__chronos_tmpd_tl} \} } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
    \prop_put:NnV \l__chronos_prop { #1 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
    \prop_put:Nnn \l__chronos_prop  { #1 } { {#2} } 
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhag_pre:nn
  \prop_get:cnNTF { l__chronos_prop } { #1 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
    \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpd_tl { #2 }
    \regex_replace_all:nnN { \\ } { \\\\ } \l__chronos_tmpd_tl
    \regex_replace_once:nnN { ^\{ } { \{ \u{l__chronos_tmpd_tl} , } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
    \prop_put:NnV \l__chronos_prop { #1 } \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
    \prop_put:Nnn \l__chronos_prop  { #1 } { {#2} } 
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \prop_concat:NNN { NNc }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_gosod_nodweddion:n
%    \end{macrocode}
% cadw status \textbar{} save status
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \prop_set_eq:NN \l__chronos_rhagosedig_prop \l__chronos_prop
  \prop_concat:NNc \l__chronos_tmpa_prop \l__chronos_prop { l__chronos_#1_prop }
  \prop_set_eq:NN \l__chronos_prop \l__chronos_tmpa_prop
  \prop_map_function:NN \l__chronos_prop \__chronos_tikzset:nn
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__chronos_gosod_nodweddion:n { V }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_ailosod_nodweddion:
  \prop_set_eq:NN \l__chronos_prop \l__chronos_rhagosedig_prop
  \prop_map_function:NN \l__chronos_prop \__chronos_tikzset:nn
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_dangos_nodweddion:n
  \str_case:nnF { #1 }
    { life } { \prop_show:N \l__chronos_byw_prop }
    { event } { \prop_show:N \l__chronos_digwyddiad_prop }
    { period } { \prop_show:N \l__chronos_parhad_prop }
    { theory } { \prop_show:N \l__chronos_theori_prop }
    { info } { \prop_show:N \l__chronos_gwybodaeth_prop }
    \prop_show:c { l__chronos_#1_prop }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_dangos_nodweddion_rhag:
  \prop_show:N \l__chronos_prop 
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_tikzset:nn
{% \pgfqkeys{#1}{#2} = \pgfkeys{#1/.cd}{#2} ond yn gyflymach (Skillman a t 977)
  \pgfqkeys {/chronos} { #1/.style = #2 }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END functions: pgf keys (prop)
%^^A BEGIN functions: pgf keys (lliwiau)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_lliwiau_cadw_rhag:
  \clist_map_inline:nn { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori }
    \clist_map_inline:nn { isod, uchod }
      \clist_gset_eq:cc { g__chronos_lliwiau_##1_####1_rhag_clist } 
  \clist_gset_eq:NN \g__chronos_lliwiau_isod_rhag_clist \g__chronos_lliwiau_isod_clist
  \clist_gset_eq:NN \g__chronos_lliwiau_uchod_rhag_clist \g__chronos_lliwiau_uchod_clist
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_lliwiau_clirio:
  \clist_map_inline:nn { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori }
    \clist_map_inline:nn { isod, uchod }
      \clist_gset_eq:cc { g__chronos_lliwiau_##1_####1_clist }
  \clist_gset_eq:NN \g__chronos_lliwiau_isod_clist \g__chronos_lliwiau_isod_rhag_clist
  \clist_gset_eq:NN \g__chronos_lliwiau_uchod_clist \g__chronos_lliwiau_uchod_rhag_clist
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END functions: pgf keys (lliwiau)
%^^A BEGIN functions: pgf keys (headings)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_at_end:
  \clist_if_empty:NF \l__chronos_headings_clist
    \clist_remove_duplicates:N \l__chronos_headings_clist
    \clist_map_inline:Nn \l__chronos_headings_clist
      \foreach \i/\j/\k in {##1} {%
        \testunteitl[/chronos/@amseraumawr]{\i}{\j}{\k}(chronos ~ main ~ headings)}%^^A paid â defnyddio ';' neu dim byd yma
      \legacy_if:nT { chronos@placeholders}
        \scoped[on ~ chronos ~ foreground ~ layer]
          \foreach \i/\j/\k in {##1} {\draw [/chronos/placeholder ~ lines] %
            (chronos ~ main ~ headings -| \j) edge ~ node {\j} %
            (chronos ~ bottom -| \j) (chronos ~ main ~ headings -| \k) %
            edge ~ node {\k} (chronos ~ bottom -| \k);}
  \clist_if_empty:NF \l__chronos_subheadings_clist
    \clist_remove_duplicates:N \l__chronos_subheadings_clist
    \clist_map_inline:Nn \l__chronos_subheadings_clist
      \foreach \i/\j/\k/\m in {##1} {\testunteitl[/chronos/@amserau]{\i}{\j}{\k}(\m)}%^^A paid â defnyddio ';' neu dim byd yn y fan hon
  \clist_if_empty:NF \g__chronos_century_subheadings_clist
    \clist_remove_duplicates:N \g__chronos_century_subheadings_clist
    \clist_map_inline:Nn \g__chronos_century_subheadings_clist
      \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__chronos_tmpa_seq { / } { ##1 }
      \seq_get_left:NN \l__chronos_tmpa_seq \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
      \seq_get_right:NN \l__chronos_tmpa_seq \l__chronos_tmpd_tl
      \int_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpb_int { 100 * \l__chronos_tmpc_tl }
      \int_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpa_int { \l__chronos_tmpb_int - 100 }
      {chronos ~ year ~ \int_to_arabic:n {\l__chronos_tmpa_int}}%
      {chronos ~ year ~ \int_to_arabic:n {\l__chronos_tmpb_int}}%
      (chronos ~ lower ~ subheadings)% paid â defnyddio ';' neu dim byd yn y fan hon
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END functions: pgf keys (headings)
%^^A BEGIN functions: pgf keys (keys)
% \verb|\__chronos_kex|\meta{whatever} functions just produce groups of pgf keys for the plain/prime/plus triple, standard/every, cy/en and combinations thereof
% tldr: reduce clutter/typing and facilitate changes/fixes (hopefully)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kexpander:nnnn
{ % #1 enw (brif enw) | name (primary name) ; 
  % #2 llwybr/prop tag | path/prop tag ; 
  % #3 rhag | default (' or +) ; 
  % #4 tags
  \pgfqkeys{/chronos} {
      \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion_rhag:nn { #2 } { ##1 }
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{#2/.append ~ style={##1}}
      \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhag:nn { #2 } { ##1 }
    #1/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1#3,
    every ~ #1'/.code={
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{#2/.style/.expand ~ once={##1}}
      \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion_rhestr:nnn { #4 } { #2 } { ##1 }
      \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion_rhag:nn { #2 } { ##1 }
    every ~ #1+/.code={
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{#2/.append ~ style/.expand ~ once={##1}}
      \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhestr:nnn { #4 } { #2 } { ##1 }
      \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhag:nn { #2 } { ##1 }
    every ~ #1/.forward ~ to=/chronos/every ~ #1#3,
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kexpander:nnnnn
{ % #1 enw | name ; 
  % #2 enw saesneg | english name ; 
  % #3 llwybr/prop tag | path/property tag ; 
  % #4 rhag | default (' or +) ; 
  % #5 tags
  \__chronos_kexpander:nnnn { #1 } { #3 } { #4 } { #5 }
  \pgfqkeys{/chronos} {
    #2'/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1',
    #2+/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1+,
    #2/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1,
    every ~ #2'/.forward ~ to=/chronos/every ~ #1',
    every ~ #2+/.forward ~ to=/chronos/every ~ #1+,
    every ~ #2/.forward ~ to=/chronos/every ~ #1,
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kexpandtotags:nnn
{ % #1 enw | name ;
  % #2 enw saesneg | english name ;
  % #3 rhag | default (' or +)
  \pgfqkeys{/chronos} {
    every ~ #1'/.code={
      \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion:nnn {#1}{@tag}{##1}
    every ~ #1+/.code={
      \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion:nnn {#1}{@tag}{##1}
    every ~ #1/.forward ~ to=/chronos/every ~ #1#3,
    every ~ #2'/.forward ~ to=/chronos/every ~ #1',
    every ~ #2+/.forward ~ to=/chronos/every ~ #1+,
    every ~ #2/.forward ~ to=/chronos/every ~ #1,
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kextripler:nnnn
{ % #1 enw | name ; 
  % #2 llwybr/prop tag | path/prop tag ; 
  % #3 rhag | default ; 
  % #4 math e.e. style neu code | type e.g. style or code
  \pgfqkeys{/chronos} {
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{#2/.append ~ #4={##1}}
    #1/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1#3,
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kexforwardtriple:nn
  \pgfqkeys{/chronos} {
    #2'/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1',
    #2+/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1+,
    #2/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1,
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn
{ % #1 enw | name ;
  % #2 enw saesneg | english name ;
  % #3 llwybr/prop tag | path/property tag ;
  % #4 rhag | default ;
  % #5 math e.e. style neu code | type e.g. style or code
  \__chronos_kextripler:nnnn { #1 } { #3 } { #4 } { #5 }
  \__chronos_kexforwardtriple:nn { #1 } { #2 }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kexforwarder:nn
{ % #1 llwybr/enw | path/name ;
  % #2 rhestr allweddau newydd | list of new keys
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #2 }
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos} { ##1/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1 }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn
{ % #1 llwybr | path ;
  % #2 enw | name ;
  % #3 rhestr allweddau newydd ar yr un llwybr | list of new keys on the same path
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #3 }
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#1} { ##1/.forward ~ to=/chronos/#1/#2 }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \__chronos_kexkeymaker:nnn
  \clist_map_inline:nn { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori, gwybodaeth, prif }
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/##1} { #1/.#2={#3} }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END functions: pgf keys (keys)
%^^A END functions: pgf keys >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \legacy_if:nTF { oTF }
%    \end{macrocode}
% Joseph Wright: \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/65523217#65523217}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_eq:NN \__chronos_keys_set_exclude_groups:nnn \keys_set_exclude_groups:nnn
\cs_if_exist:NF \__chronos_keys_set_exclude_groups:nnn
  \cs_new_eq:NN \__chronos_keys_set_exclude_groups:nnn \keys_set_filter:nnn
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END functions >>>
%^^A BEGIN macros y paced <<<
% **mewnol hefyd!** \textbar{} **internal also!**
% Ddylwn i ddefnyddio \cs{NewDocumentCommand} (ond *mewnol*?), \cs{newcommand}/\cs{newcommand*}, \cs{def}/\cs{gdef}/\cs{edef}/\cs{xdef}, \verb|cs_new_eq:NN|, \cs{let} neu rhywbeth arall??!!
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand* \chronos@tikzprefix { \int_to_arabic:n { \g__chronos_int } }
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@env@begin \__chronos_at_begin:
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@setdateformat \__chronos_set_dateformat:n
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@setyearformat \__chronos_set_yearformat:n
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@setminoryearformat \__chronos_set_minoryearformat:n 
%    \end{macrocode}
% for pgf/tikz convenience
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@showdate { o m }
    \IfValueT { #1 }
      \__chronos_set_dateformat:n { #1 }
    \pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday{\csname thechronos@#2date\endcsname}{\c@chronos@weekday}%
    \__chronos_show_date:n { #2 }
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@showdate@cs { o m }
    \IfValueT { #1 }
      \__chronos_set_dateformat:v { #1 }
    \pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday{\csname thechronos@#2date\endcsname}{\c@chronos@weekday}%
    \__chronos_show_date:n { #2 }
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@showyear { o m }
    \IfValueT { #1 }
      \tl_set:No \l__chronos_tmpc_tl { #1 }
      \tl_if_empty:NF \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
        \__chronos_set_yearformat:V \l__chronos_tmpc_tl
    \__chronos_show_year:n { #2 }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@minoryearformat  
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand* \chronos@minoryearformat { \l__chronos_minoryearformat_tl }
\newcommand* \chronos@troilliwiau@uchod [1] [byw] {% O {byw}
  \__chronos_troilliwiau:nn { #1 } { uchod }
  \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@lliw\endcsname{\l__chronos_lliw_tl}
\newcommand* \chronos@troilliwiau@isod [1] [byw] {% O {byw} 
  \__chronos_troilliwiau:nn { #1 } { isod }
  \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@lliw\endcsname{\l__chronos_lliw_tl}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@lliwiau@uchod { o m }
  \IfValueTF { #1 } 
    { \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_tl { _#1 } }
    { \tl_clear:N \l__chronos_tmpc_tl }
  \clist_gset:cn { g__chronos_lliwiau \l__chronos_tmpc_tl _uchod_clist } { #2 }
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@lliwiau@isod { o m }
  \IfValueTF { #1 } 
    { \tl_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_tl { _#1 } }
    { \tl_clear:N \l__chronos_tmpc_tl }
  \clist_gset:cn { g__chronos_lliwiau \l__chronos_tmpc_tl _isod_clist } { #2 }
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@lliwiau@clear \__chronos_lliwiau_clirio:
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@lliwiau@cadw@rhag \__chronos_lliwiau_cadw_rhag:
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A enwau
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand* \chronos@creu@tikzname [2] {% m m
  \__chronos_creu_tikzname:n { #2 }
  \expandafter\let\csname chronos@#1@tikzname\endcsname \l__chronos_tikzname_tl
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@enw@priflythrennu \__chronos_enw_priflythrennu:V 
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@testunteitl@priflythrennu \__chronos_enw_priflythrennu:n 
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \NewDocumentCommand \chronos@coords@completion { m m }
%^^A {
%^^A   \__chronos_coords_complete:nn { #1 }{ #2 }
%^^A }
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@cadw@nodweddion@rhag \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion_rhag:nn 
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@cadw@nodweddion  \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion:nnn
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion:nnn 
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhestr { s t {^} m m m }
  \IfBooleanTF { #2 }
    \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhestr_pre:nnn { #3 }{ #4 }{ #5 }
    \IfBooleanT { #1 } { \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhag_pre:nn { #4 }{ #5 } }
    \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhestr:nnn { #3 }{ #4 }{ #5 }
    \IfBooleanT { #1 } { \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhag:nn { #4 }{ #5 } }
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@cadw@nodweddion@rhestr { s m m m }
  \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion_rhestr:nnn { #2 }{ #3 }{ #4 }
  \IfBooleanT { #1 } { \__chronos_cadw_nodweddion_rhag:nn { #3 }{ #4 } }
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag \__chronos_ychwanegu_nodweddion_rhag:nn 
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@gosod@nodweddion \__chronos_gosod_nodweddion:n 
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@gosod@nodweddion@var \__chronos_gosod_nodweddion:V 
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@ailosod@nodweddion \__chronos_ailosod_nodweddion: 
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@dangos@nodweddion \__chronos_dangos_nodweddion:n 
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@dangos@nodweddion@rhag \__chronos_dangos_nodweddion_rhag: 
\newcommand* \chronos@ychwanegu@gosod [1] 
  \legacy_if:nF { chronos@preset } { 
    \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 }
      \seq_put_right:Nn \l__chronos_gosod_seq {##1}
\newcommand* \chronos@dangos@gosod 
  \seq_show:N \l__chronos_gosod_seq
\newcommand* \chronos@if@gosodTF [3] 
  \seq_if_in:NnTF \l__chronos_gosod_seq { #1 } { #2 } { #3 } 
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \newcommand* \chronos@if@gosodT [2] { \seq_if_in:NnT \l__chronos_gosod_seq { #1 } { #2 } }%
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand* \chronos@if@gosodF [2] 
  \seq_if_in:NnF \l__chronos_gosod_seq { #1 } { #2 } 
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@dangos@lliwiau { 
  s O { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori } D () { isod, uchod }  
} {
  \clist_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpb_clist { #2 }
  \clist_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_clist { #3 }
  \clist_map_inline:Nn \l__chronos_tmpb_clist
    \clist_map_inline:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_clist
      \clist_show:c { g__chronos_lliwiau_##1_####1_clist }
  \IfBooleanT { #1 }
    \clist_map_inline:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_clist
      \clist_show:c {g__chronos_lliwiau_##1_clist}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@dangos@lliwiau@rhag 
  s O { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori } D () { isod, uchod }  
} {
  \clist_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpb_clist { #2 }
  \clist_set:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_clist { #3 }
  \clist_map_inline:Nn \l__chronos_tmpb_clist
    \clist_map_inline:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_clist
      \clist_show:c { g__chronos_lliwiau_##1_####1_rhag_clist }
  \IfBooleanT { #1 }
    \clist_map_inline:Nn \l__chronos_tmpc_clist
      \clist_show:c {g__chronos_lliwiau_##1_rhag_clist}
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronosdangoslliwiau \chronos@dangos@lliwiau
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronosdangoslliwiaurhag \chronos@dangos@lliwiau@rhag
\newcommand* \chronos@dangos@fformatiaudyddiadau{%
  { \l__chronos_dateformat_tl, \l__chronos_yearformat_tl, \l__chronos_minoryearformat_tl}
  { \tl_show:N ##1 }
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronosdangosfformatiaudyddiadau \chronos@dangos@fformatiaudyddiadau
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@to@clist { t {+} m m }
  \IfBooleanTF { #1 }
    \clist_put_right:co { l__chronos_#2_clist } { #3 }
    \clist_set:co { l__chronos_#2_clist } { #3 }
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@global@to@clist { s t {+} m m }
  \IfBooleanTF { #2 }
    \IfBooleanTF { #1 }
      \clist_gput_right:cx { g__chronos_#3_clist } { #4 }
      \clist_gput_right:co { g__chronos_#3_clist } { #4 }
    \IfBooleanTF { #1 }
      \clist_gset:cx { g__chronos_#3_clist } { #4 }
      \clist_gset:co { g__chronos_#3_clist } { #4 }
\newcommand* \chronos@global@clear@to@clist [1] {% m
    \clist_gclear:c { g__chronos_#1_clist }
\newcommand* \chronos@from@clist [2] {% m m
  \clist_remove_duplicates:c { l__chronos_#1_clist }
  \clist_if_empty:cTF { l__chronos_#1_clist }
    \expandafter\let\expandafter#2\csname l__chronos_#1_clist\endcsname
\newcommand* \chronos@global@from@clist [1] {
  \clist_use:cn { g__chronos_#1_clist } { , }
\newcommand* \chronos@global@eq@clist [2] {
  \clist_gset_eq:cc { g__chronos_#1_clist } { g__chronos_#2_clist }
\newcommand* \chronos@dangos@clist [1] { \clist_show:c { #1_clist } }
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@at@end  \__chronos_at_end:  
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@set@date@aux \__chronos_set_date_aux:n
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@set@date \__chronos_set_date:nnnn  % blwyddyn; mis; dydd; tag for macro
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \newcommand* \chronos@if@lliw [3] { \color_if_exist:nTF { #1 } { #2 } { #3 } }
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@legacy@if \legacy_if:oTF 
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@legacy@if@set \legacy_if_set:nn
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand* \chronos@legacy@if@set [2] {\cs:w #1#2\cs_end:}
\def\chronos@datetojulian@extractyear #1-#2-#3 {#1}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@dangoslliw 
  { s O {\chronos@temp@lliw} m }
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronos@keymaker \__chronos_kexkeymaker:nnn
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END macros y paced >>>
%^^A BEGIN yn lle etoolbox <<<
% \begin{macro}{\IfFreeTF,\IfFreeT,\IfFreeF}
% yn lle \cs{ifundef} o etoolbox - instead of \cs{ifundef} from \lpack{etoolbox}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfFreeTF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfFreeTF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfFreeTF \cs_if_free:NTF }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfFreeT {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfFreeT.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfFreeT \cs_if_free:NT }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfFreeF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfFreeF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfFreeF \cs_if_free:NF }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\IfExistTF,\IfExistT,\IfExistF}
% yn lle \cs{ifdef} o etoolbox - in place of \cs{ifdef} from \lpack{etoolbox}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfExistTF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfExistTF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfExistTF \cs_if_exist:NTF }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfExistT {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfExistT.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfExistT \cs_if_exist:NT }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfExistF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfExistF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfExistF \cs_if_exist:NF }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\IfCSFreeTF,\IfCSFreeT,\IfCSFreeF}
% yn lle \cs{ifcsundef} o etoolbox - instead of \cs{ifcsundef}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfCSFreeTF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfCSFreeTF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfCSFreeTF \cs_if_free:cTF }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfCSFreeT {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfCSFreeT.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfCSFreeT \cs_if_free:cT }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfCSFreeF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfCSFreeF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfCSFreeF \cs_if_free:cF }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\IfCSExistTF,\IfCSExistT,\IfCSExistF}
% yn lle \cs{ifcsdef} o etoolbox - instead of \cs{ifcsdef}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfCSExistTF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfCSExistTF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfCSExistTF \cs_if_exist:cTF }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfCSExistT {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfCSExistT.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfCSExistT \cs_if_exist:cT }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfCSExistF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfCSExistF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfCSExistF \cs_if_exist:cF }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\Undefine}
% yn lle \cs{undef} o etoolbox - instead of \cs{undef}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \Undefine {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\Undefine.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \Undefine \cs_undefine:N }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\CSletCS}
% yn lle \cs{csletcs} o etoolbox - instead of \cs{csletcs}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \CSletCS {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\CSletCS.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \CSletCS \cs_set_eq:cc }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\CSlet}
% yn lle \cs{cslet} o etoolbox - instead of \cs{cslet}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \CSlet {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\CSlet.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \CSlet \cs_set_eq:cN }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\IfBooleanExprTF,\IfBooleanExprT,\IfBooleanExprF}
% yn lle \cs{ifboolexpr} o etoolbox (ish) - instead of \cs{ifboolexpr}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfBooleanExprTF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfBooleanExprTF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfBooleanExprTF \bool_if:nTF }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfBooleanExprT {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfBooleanExprT.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfBooleanExprT \bool_if:nT }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfBooleanExprF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfBooleanExprF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfBooleanExprF \bool_if:nF }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\LegacyBoolean}
% yn lle \texttt{bool} o etoolbox (ish) - instead of \texttt{bool} from \lpack{etoolbox}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \LegacyBoolean {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\LegacyBoolean.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \LegacyBoolean \legacy_if_p:n }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\CSFreeBoolean}
% yn lle \texttt{test} o etoolbox (ish) - instead of \texttt{test} from \lpack{etoolbox}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \CSFreeBoolean {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\CSFreeBoolean.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \CSFreeBoolean \cs_if_free_p:N }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\IntCompareBoolean,\IfIntCompareTF,\IfIntCompareT,\IfIntCompareF}
% yn lle \cs{ifnumcomp} o etoolbox (ish) - instead of \cs{ifnumcomp} from \lpack{etoolbox}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IntCompareBoolean {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IntCompareBoolean.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IntCompareBoolean \int_compare_p:nNn }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfIntCompareTF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfIntCompareTF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfIntCompareTF \int_compare:nTF }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfIntCompareT {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfIntCompareT.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfIntCompareT \int_compare:nT }
\cs_if_exist:NTF \IfIntCompareF {\PackageWarning{chronos}{
  Refusing ~ to ~ overwrite ~ existing ~ \protect\IfIntCompareF.
   ~ This ~ may ~ not ~ work} 
} { \cs_new_eq:NN  \IfIntCompareF \int_compare:nF }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%^^A END yn lle etoolbox >>>
%^^A BEGIN macros y paced cyhoeddus \textbar{} public package macros <<<
% \begin{macro}{\chronosnewcolourscheme,\chronosnewcolorscheme}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronosnewcolourscheme { O {rhagosedig} m m }
    \cs_new_nopar:cn { __chronos_lliwiau_#2 : }
      \cs:w chronos@lliwiau@#1 \cs_end:
      \keys_set_groups:nnn { chronos / lliwiau } { core } { #3 }
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell }
        { chronos@prifliw }
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@lliw@llinell }
        { chronos@prifliw@cefndir }
      \keys_set_groups:nnn { chronos / lliwiau } { core ~ derivative } { #3 }
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@borderinner }
        { chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell }
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@borderouter }
        { chronos@prifliw@cefndir }
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@bordermiddle }
        { chronos@borderinner!50!chronos@borderouter }
      \keys_set_groups:nnn { chronos / lliwiau } { core ~ border } { #3 }
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@byw@lliw@rhagosodedig }
        { chronos@prifliw } 
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@digwyddiad@lliw@rhagosodedig }
        { chronos@prifliw } 
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@parhad@lliw@rhagosodedig }
        { chronos@prifliw } 
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@theori@lliw@rhagosodedig }
        { chronos@prifliw } 
      \__chronos_color_set_from_existing:nn { chronos@gwybodaeth@lliw@rhagosodedig }
        { chronos@prifliw } 
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A    % oedd \keys_set_filter:nnn
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \__chronos_keys_set_exclude_groups:nnn { chronos / lliwiau }
        { core, core ~ derivative, core ~ border } { #3 }
        \mmzset { csname ~ meaning ~ to ~ context={ __chronos_lliwiau_#2 : } }
    \cs_new_eq:cc  { chronos@lliwiau@#2 } { __chronos_lliwiau_#2 : }
\cs_new_eq:NN \chronosnewcolorscheme \chronosnewcolourscheme
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%^^A END macros y paced cyhoeddus | public package macros >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END expl3 >>>
%^^A BEGIN hydoedd 2e <<<
%^^A \newlength{\chronos@amser@dechraulength}
%^^A \newlength{\chronos@amser@diweddlength}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \newlength{\chronos@width}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END hydoedd 2e >>>
%^^A BEGIN dimens <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \newdimen\chronos@timelineunitlength
%    \begin{macrocode}
\chronos@height=\pi pt
\chronos@borderheight=\pi pt
\chronos@llinell@yshift=\pi pt
\chronos@border@penawdau=\pi pt
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END dimens >>>
%^^A BEGIN rhifyddion 2e <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END rhifyddion 2e >>>
%^^A BEGIN amodol <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END amodol >>>
%^^A BEGIN pre-defined macros <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \def\chronos@width{\textwidth}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END pre-defined macros >>>
% addaswyd o ateb Martin Scharrer: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/56405/}
% i ddefnyddio \cs{setto}<dim> macros y tu mewn i lluniau tikz
% to use \cs{setto}<dim> macros inside tikz pictures
% LPPL permission: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/users/2975/martin-scharrer}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\pgfinterruptpicture #1\endpgfinterruptpicture}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN lliwiau <<<
% \begin{colour}{%^^A
%   Blue,%^^A
%   Blue3,%^^A
%   DarkGoldenrod1,%^^A
%   DarkGray,%^^A
%   DarkOrange1,%^^A
%   DarkOrchid3,%^^A
%   DarkSlateGrey,%^^A
%   DeepPink2,%^^A
%   DeepSkyBlue2,%^^A
%   DodgerBlue1,%^^A
%   DodgerBlue2,%^^A
%   DodgerBlue3,%^^A
%   DodgerBlue4,%^^A
%   Firebrick1,%^^A
%   ForestGreen,%^^A
%   Green,%^^A
%   Green3,%^^A
%   Ivory2,%^^A
%   Ivory3,%^^A
%   Ivory4,%^^A
%   Lavender,%^^A
%   LavenderBlush1,%^^A
%   LavenderBlush2,%^^A
%   LavenderBlush3,%^^A
%   LavenderBlush4,%^^A
%   MediumPurple,%^^A
%   MidnightBlue,%^^A
%   MistyRose2,%^^A
%   MistyRose3,%^^A
%   MistyRose4,%^^A
%   Orange,%^^A
%   OrangeRed1,%^^A
%   Purple0,%^^A
%   Red,%^^A
%   SeaGreen3,%^^A
%   Seashell2,%^^A
%   Seashell3,%^^A
%   Seashell4,%^^A
%   Silver,%^^A
%   SpringGreen4,%^^A
%   Thistle2,%^^A
%   Thistle3,%^^A
%   Thistle4,%^^A
%   Violet,%^^A
%   Yellow,%^^A
%   darkgray%^^A
% }
% Copied from \path{xcolor.sty}, \path{x11names.def}, \path{svgnames.def}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\definecolorset{rgb}{chronos}{}{% xcolor.sty, x11names.def, svgnames.def
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{colour}
% \begin{colour}{chronosCerulean,chronosPeriwinkle,chronosWildStrawberry}
% From \path{dvipsnames.def}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%^^A dvipsnames.def
\definecolor{chronosCerulean}      {cmyk}{0.94,0.11,0,0}
\definecolor{chronosPeriwinkle}    {cmyk}{0.57,0.55,0,0}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{colour}
% cronoleg colours
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A  BEGIN lliwiau prif
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \colorlet{chronos@prifliw}{black}% prifliw
  \colorlet{chronos@prifliw@cefndir}{white}% prifliw cefndir
  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell}{black}%^^A oedd lliw cefndir amser?
  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@llinell}{white}%^^A oedd lliw amser
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   \colorlet{chronos@lliw@cefndir}{white}% lliw cefndir
%^^A  angen y ffurf gywir
%^^A  yn wreiddiol, 'gwybodaeth' oedd theori ac 'ee' oedd gwybodaeth
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@cefndir@gwybodaeth}{chronos@prifliw!25!chronos@prifliw@cefndir}%^^A lliw cefndir ee = prifliw!25!prifliw cefndir
  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@gwybodaeth}{chronos@prifliw}% lliw ee = prifliw
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@symbolau@cefndir}{chronos@lliw@cefndir}% lliw symbolau cefndir = lliw cefndir
%^^A  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@symbolau}{chronos@prifliw}% lliw symbolau = prifliw
%^^A   \colorlet{lliw dig}{prifliw!75!prifliw cefndir}
%^^A  END lliwiau prif
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% default colours
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A  BEGIN lliwiau prif
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \colorlet{chronos@prifliw}{black}%^^A prifliw
  \colorlet{chronos@prifliw@cefndir}{white}%^^A prifliw cefndir
  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell}{black}%^^A oedd lliw cefndir amser?
  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@llinell}{white}%^^A oedd lliw amser
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   \colorlet{chronos@lliw@cefndir}{white}% lliw cefndir
%^^A  angen y ffurf gywir
%^^A  yn wreiddiol, 'gwybodaeth' oedd theori ac 'ee' oedd gwybodaeth
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {chronos@prifliw!25!chronos@prifliw@cefndir}%^^A lliw cefndir ee = prifliw!25!prifliw cefndir
  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@gwybodaeth}{chronos@prifliw}%^^A lliw ee = prifliw
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@symbolau@cefndir}{chronos@lliw@cefndir}% lliw symbolau cefndir = lliw cefndir
%^^A  \colorlet{chronos@lliw@symbolau}{chronos@prifliw}% lliw symbolau = prifliw
%^^A   \colorlet{lliw dig}{prifliw!75!prifliw cefndir}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A  END lliwiau prif
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END lliwiau >>>
%^^A rhagosodedig
% we need an English alias here
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A \chronos@lliwiau@cronoleg
% \begin{macro}{\testunteitl}%^^A <<<
% Main title tag.
%    \begin{macrocode}

\NewDocumentCommand \testunteitl { O {/chronos/@amserau} m o m m r() }{%^^A <<<
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   #1: opsiwn: style for node
%^^A   #2: enw sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio dwywaith -> node name + node content (\chronos@testunteitl@priflythrennu)
%^^A   #3: opsiwn: content y node 
%^^A   #4: first node for horizontal (x) placement
%^^A   #5: second node for horizontal (x) placement (average taken)
%^^A   #6: () required: node for vertical (y) placement
%^^A   dibynnu ar (chronos main headings) a (chronos bottom)
%^^A   \chronos@coords@completion{#3}{#4}%
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \coordinate (chronos@coord@temp) at ($(#4)!1/2!(#5)$);
  \IfValueTF {#3}{\def\chronos@tempa{#3}}{%
  \node (#2) [anchor=base,#1] at (#6 -| chronos@coord@temp) {\chronos@tempa};
    \begin{scope}[on chronos overlay layer]
      \draw [help lines, draw=chronos@lliw@node] (#2.north east) 
        -| (#2.south west) -| cycle;
}% >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>

%^^A BEGIN allweddau PGF/TikZ <<<
%^^A BEGIN rhifau <<<
% Number format from \texttt{fixedpointarithmetic}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format,
  int detect,
  set thousands separator={},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END rhifau >>>
%^^A BEGIN layers / haenennau / haenau <<<
% Layers
%    \begin{macrocode}
  declare layer/.code={%\DeclareDocumentCommand
    \pgfdeclarelayer{chronos #1}%
  declare layer/.list={background,middle ground,foreground,overlay},
    chronos background,%
    chronos middle ground,%
    chronos foreground,%
    chronos overlay,%
    chronos background,%
    chronos middle ground,%
    chronos foreground,%
    chronos overlay%
  create layer/.code={%
%    \end{macrocode}
% adapted from \path{tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarybackgrounds.code.tex}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      on chronos #1 layer/.style={%
        execute at begin scope={%
          \pgfonlayer{chronos #1}%
          \tikzset{every on chronos #1 layer/.try,##1}%
        execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
  create layer/.list={background,middle ground,foreground,overlay},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END layers / haenennau / haenau >>>
%^^A BEGIN ychwanegu i siap rectangle <<<
% Adapt the rectangle shape to provide more anchors for easy placement of connectors.
% This is used locally within the package environment.
% ateb Symbol 1: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/385953/}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@xc{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner xsep}}%
  \advance\pgf@x by 2\pgf@xc%
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@xb{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/minimum width}}%
  \pgf@x=.5\pgf@x\advance\pgf@x by.5\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox%
  \pgf@y=\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox\advance\pgf@y by\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@yc{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner ysep}}%
  \advance\pgf@y by 2\pgf@yc%
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@yb{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/minimum height}}%
  \pgf@y=.5\pgf@y\advance\pgf@y by-.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%
  \advance\pgf@y by.5\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox%
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@xc{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner xsep}}
  \advance\pgf@x by 2\pgf@xc%
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@xb{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/minimum width}}%
  \pgf@x=-.5\pgf@x\advance\pgf@x by.5\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox%
  \advance\pgf@y by\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@yc{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner ysep}}%
  \advance\pgf@y by 2\pgf@yc%
  \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@yb{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/minimum height}}%
  \advance\pgf@y by-.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%
  \advance\pgf@y by.5\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox%
\pgf@sh@anchor{middle north east}{\middlenortheast}
\pgf@sh@anchor{middle south west}{\middlesouthwest}
\pgf@sh@anchor{middle south east}{\middlenortheast\pgf@xa=\pgf@x%
\pgf@sh@anchor{middle north west}{\middlesouthwest\pgf@xa=\pgf@x%
\pgf@sh@anchor{middle north}{%
  \pgf@x=.5\pgf@x\advance\pgf@x by \pgf@xa
\pgf@sh@anchor{middle south}{%
  \pgf@x=.5\pgf@x\advance\pgf@x by \pgf@xa
\pgf@sh@anchor{middle west}{%
  \advance\pgf@y by \pgf@ya
\pgf@sh@anchor{middle east}{%
  \advance\pgf@y by \pgf@ya
  \advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@xa%
  \advance\pgf@y by-\pgf@ya%
  \advance\pgf@xa by\pgf@xc%
  \advance\pgf@ya by\pgf@yc%
  \pgf@process{\pgf@marshal}\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xa\advance\pgf@y by\pgf@ya%
  /chronos/middle anchorborder/.is if=chronos@middleanchorborder,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END ychwanegu i siap rectangle >>>
%^^A BEGIN \tikzset helpers <<<
% Context initialisation.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@cyd@destun@init { s t {+} o m m } {% chronos context initialisation <<<
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   #1: peidiwch â gosod nodweddion o clists? | don't install properties from clists?
%^^A   #2: setup dyddiadau? | dates?
%^^A   #3: alt. path for filtering
%^^A   #4: path & default path for filtering
%^^A   #5: keys to process
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \renewcommand* \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion [3]{\relax}%
  \renewcommand* \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag [2]{\relax}%
  \renewcommand* \chronos@cadw@nodweddion [3]{\relax}%
  \renewcommand* \chronos@cadw@nodweddion@rhag [2]{\relax}%
  \IfBooleanT {#2} {%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{% paid ag ychwanegu i property lists rhagosodedig mewn cyd-destun lleoll
%    \end{macrocode}
% don't add to default property lists in a local context
%    \begin{macrocode}
      blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/dangos cyfnodau}{@blynyddoedd yn unig}%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/heb gyfnodau}{@blynyddoedd yn unig}%
      dyddiadau llawn/.code={%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/dangos cyfnodau}{@llawn}%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/heb gyfnodau}{@llawn}%
      dangos cyfnodau/.code={%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/dangos cyfnodau}{@blynyddoedd yn unig}%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/dangos cyfnodau}{@llawn}%
      heb gyfnodau/.code={%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/heb gyfnodau}{@blynyddoedd yn unig}%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/heb gyfnodau}{@llawn}%
  \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{%^^A paid ag ychwanegu i property lists rhagosodedig mewn cyd-destun lleoll | ditto
    tags+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@tag/.append style={##1}}},
    testunau+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@testun/.append style={##1}}},
    cysylltiadau+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltiad/.append style={##1}}},
    cysylltwyr chronos'/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltwr@chronos/.style={##1}}},
    cysylltwyr chronos+/.code={%
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltwr@chronos/.append style={##1}}%
    cysylltwyr testun'/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltwr@testun/.style={##1}}},
    cysylltwyr testun+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltwr@testun/.append style={##1}}},
    prif gysylltwyr testun'/.code={%
    prif gysylltwyr testun+/.code={%
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltwr@testun@prif/.append style={##1}}%
    llinellau+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@llinell/.append style={##1}}},
    phantom/.is if=chronos@phantom,
    troi lliwiau/.is if=chronos@troilliwiau,
    troi lliwiau/.default=true,
    testun yshift/.chronos dimen=\chronos@testun@yshift,
    #4/cysylltwr chronos'/.code={%
    #4/cysylltwr testun'/.code={%
    #4/prif gysylltwr testun'/.code={%
    #4/tag+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@tag/.append style={##1}}},
    #4/testun+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@testun/.append style={##1}}},
    #4/cysylltiad+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltiad/.append style={##1}}},
    #4/llinell+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@llinell/.append style={##1}}},
    #4/cysylltwr chronos+/.code={%
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltwr@chronos/.append style={##1}}%
    #4/cysylltwr testun+/.code={%
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltwr@testun/.append style={##1}}%
    #4/prif gysylltwr testun+/.code={%
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@cysylltwr@testun@prif/.append style={##1}}%
    #4/blynyddoedd yn unig/.forward to=/chronos/blynyddoedd yn unig,
    #4/dyddiadau llawn/.forward to=/chronos/dyddiadau llawn,
    #4/dangos cyfnodau/.forward to=/chronos/dangos cyfnodau,
    #4/heb gyfnodau/.forward to=/chronos/heb gyfnodau,
    #4/testun yn unig/.forward to=/chronos/testun yn unig,
    #4/troi lliwiau/.is if=chronos@troilliwiau,
    #4/troi lliwiau/.default=true,
    #4/phantom/.is if=chronos@phantom,
    #4/testun yshift/.chronos dimen=\chronos@testun@yshift,
    #4/lliw rhagosodedig/.code={%
      \edef\tempa{\csname chronos@#4@lliw\endcsname}%
      \edef\tempb{\csname chronos@#4@lliw@rhagosodedig\endcsname}%
  \def\chronos@cadw{}% clirio'r macro
  \IfBooleanF {#1}{%
    key filters/defined/.install key filter,
    key filter handlers/append filtered to/.install key filter handler=\chronos@cadw,
  \IfValueTF {#3}{% defnyddio'r allweddau sy'n diffinio | define defined keys
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   \show\chronos@cadw
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \IfBooleanT {#2}{% set date formats, whether showing eras, whether using full dates
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/dangos cyfnodau}{@blynyddoedd yn unig}%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/heb gyfnodau}{@blynyddoedd yn unig}%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/dangos cyfnodau}{@llawn}%
          \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#4/heb gyfnodau}{@llawn}%
}% >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END \tikzset helpers >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN handlers <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /handlers/.chronos dimen/.code={%
      #1=\pgfmathresult pt
    \pgfkeysdef{\pgfkeyscurrentpath'+}{\advance #1 by ##1}%
    \pgfkeysdef{\pgfkeyscurrentpath'-}{\advance #1 by -##1}%
      \advance #1 by \pgfmathresult pt
      \advance #1 by -\pgfmathresult pt
  /handlers/.chronos 2 dimens/.code 2 args={%
      #1=\pgfmathresult pt
      #2=\pgfmathresult pt
      \advance #1 by ##1
      \advance #2 by ##2
      \advance #1 by -##1
      \advance #2 by -##2
      \pgfmathparse{##1}\advance #1 by \pgfmathresult pt
      \pgfmathparse{##2}\advance #2 by \pgfmathresult pt
      \pgfmathparse{##1}\advance #1 by -\pgfmathresult pt
      \pgfmathparse{##2}\advance #2 by -\pgfmathresult pt
  /handlers/.chronos layer choice/.code={%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \cs{chronos@ychwanegu@gosod} tracks the setting so if a user sets the layer explicitly, chronos won't override it
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \pgfkeys{%^^A set the layer to put all things of some kind on e.g. connections, lines, timeline border
      \pgfkeyscurrentpath/.is choice,
        \pgfkeys{/chronos/chronos@#1@haenen/.style={on chronos background layer}}%
      middle ground/.code={%
        \pgfkeys{/chronos/chronos@#1@haenen/.style={on chronos middle ground layer}}%
        \pgfkeys{/chronos/chronos@#1@haenen/.style={on chronos foreground layer}}%
        \pgfkeys{/chronos/chronos@#1@haenen/.style=on chronos overlay layer}%
  /handlers/.chronos lliw/.code={% chronos colour
  /handlers/.chronos track/.code={% track setting of property by user
      \pgfkeyscurrentpath/.append code={\chronos@ychwanegu@gosod{#1}},
  /handlers/.chronos search/.code={%^^A set up search so english paths work e.g. /chronos/life
        \pgfkeysalso{%^^A **angen** y {} o gwmpas ##1 isod! | **need** the {} around ##1 below!
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN /handlers/.chronos tag init
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /handlers/.chronos tag init/.code 2 args={%^^A initialise a chronos 'tag' e.g. life, event, period
%    \end{macrocode}
% english translations below
%    \begin{macrocode}
      enw/.store in/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@enw\endcsname,
%    \end{macrocode}
% create a tikz-friendly version of name, in case name contains anything problematic
%    \begin{macrocode}
      chronos@tikzname/.code={\chronos@creu@tikzname {#1}{##1}},
      enw/.forward to=/chronos/#1/chronos@tikzname,
      fel y mae/.is if=chronos@felymae,
      fel y mae/.default=true,
      llinell/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell',
      lliw/.store in/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@lliw\endcsname,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A    %   lliw/.chronos tag lliw={#1}{lliw},
%    \begin{macrocode}
      lliw rhagosodedig/.store in/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@lliw@rhagosodedig\endcsname,
      lliw rhagosodedig=chronos@prifliw,
      lliwiau uchod/.code={\chronos@lliwiau@uchod[#1]{##1}},
      lliwiau isod/.code={\chronos@lliwiau@isod[#1]{##1}},
      lliwiau uchod o clist/.code={\chronos@global@eq@clist{lliwiau_#1_uchod}{##1}},
      lliwiau isod o clist/.code={\chronos@global@eq@clist{lliwiau_#1_isod}{##1}},
      isod/.is if=chronos@#1@isod,
      uchod/.code/.expand once={\csname chronos@#1@isodfalse\endcsname},
      at/.store in/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@at\endcsname,
      at/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@tikzname\endcsname,
      angor/.store in/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@angor\endcsname,
      angor/.forward to=/tikz/anchor,
      cysylltu/.is if=chronos@#1@cysylltiad,
      cysylltiad/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad',
      cysylltwr chronos'/.code={%
      cysylltwr chronos+/.code={%
      cysylltwr chronos/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos+,
      cysylltwr testun'/.code={%
      cysylltwr testun+/.code={%
      cysylltwr testun/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun+,
      ffont testun/.code={%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@ffonttestun\endcsname{##1}},
      ffont testun=,
      prif gysylltwr testun'/.code={%
      prif gysylltwr testun+/.code={%
      prif gysylltwr testun/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun',
      tag/.forward to=/chronos/#1/tag+,
      testun/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun',
      cysylltwyr+/.code={%^^A rhan o /chronos/#1; paid â ddileu fe!! | part of /chronos/#1; don't delete it!!
        \csname chronos@#1@cysylltiadtheoritrue\endcsname
        \IfExistTF \chronos@cysylltwyr {%
        }{\def \chronos@cysylltwyr{##1}}%
        \csname chronos@#1@cysylltiadtheoritrue\endcsname
        \def \chronos@cysylltwyr{##1}%
      cysylltwyr/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwyr+,
      testun yn unig/.code={%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/testun yn unig}},
      troi lliwiau/.code={%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/troi lliwiau=##1}},
      troi lliwiau/.default=true,
      cynnwys testun/.store in=\chronos@cynnwys@testun,
      cynnwys enw/.store in=\chronos@cynnwys@enw,
      cynnwys dyddiadau/.store in=\chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau,
      yshift/.store in=\chronos@yshift,
      yshift/.forward to=yshift,
      testun yshift/.code={%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift=##1}},
      testun yshift'/.code={%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift'=##1}},
      testun yshift+/.code={%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift+=##1}},
      testun yshift-/.code={%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift-=##1}},
      testun yshift'+/.code={%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift'+=##1}},
      testun yshift'-/.code={%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift'-=##1}},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A    % begin saesneg: /chronos/#1
%^^A       /chronos/#2/.cd,% yn anffodus dyw hyn ddim yn gweithio (not forwarded on pellach)
%    \begin{macrocode}
      name/.forward to=/chronos/#1/enw,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A       at/.forward to=/chronos/#1/at, % paid â gwneud hwn! vicious circularity -> tex capacity exceeded!!
%    \begin{macrocode}
      as is/.forward to=/chronos/#1/fel y mae,
      colour/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliw,
      color/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliw,
      default colour/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliw rhagosodedig,
      default color/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliw rhagosodedig,
      colours above/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliwiau uchod,
      colours below/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliwiau isod,
      colors above/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliwiau uchod,
      colors below/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliwiau isod,
      colours above from clist/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliwiau uchod o clist,
      colours below from clist/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliwiau isod o clist,
      colors above from clist/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliwiau uchod o clist,
      colors below from clist/.forward to=/chronos/#1/lliwiau isod o clist,
      place below/.forward to=/chronos/#1/isod,
      place above/.forward to=/chronos/#1/uchod,
      tag anchor/.forward to=/chronos/#1/angor,
      connect/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltu,
      connection/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad,
      connection'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad',
      connection+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad+,
      connectors/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwyr,
      connectors+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwyr+,
      connectors'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwyr',
      text font/.forward to=/chronos/#1/ffont testun,
      text tag connector+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun+,
      text tag connector'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun',
      text tag connector/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun,
      main text tag connector+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun+,
      main text tag connector'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun',
      main text tag connector/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun,
      chronos connector+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos+,
      chronos connector'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos',
      chronos connector/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos,
      colour rotation/.forward to=/chronos/#1/troi lliwiau,
      color rotation/.forward to=/chronos/#1/troi lliwiau,
      line/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell,
      line'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell',
      line+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell+,
      only text/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun yn unig,
      text tag/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun,
      text tag'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun',
      text tag+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun+,
      text tag yshift/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun yshift,
      text tag yshift'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun yshift',
      text tag yshift+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun yshift+,
      text tag yshift-/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun yshift-,
      text tag yshift'+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun yshift'+,
      text tag yshift'-/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun yshift'-,
      text content/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cynnwys testun,
      name content/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cynnwys enw,
      dates content/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cynnwys dyddiadau,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A       yshift/.forward to=/chronos/#1/yshift, % paid â gwneud hwn! vicious circularity -> tex capacity exceeded!!
%^^A       tag/.forward to=/chronos/#1/tag, % paid â gwneud hwn! vicious circularity -> tex capacity exceeded!!
%^^A       tag+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/tag+, % paid â gwneud hwn! vicious circularity -> tex capacity exceeded!!
%^^A    % end saesneg: /chronos/#1
%^^A    % begin shortcuts
%    \begin{macrocode}
      cysylltiad #1+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad+,
      cysylltiad #1'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad',
      cysylltiad #1/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad,
      cysylltwr chronos #1+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos+,
      cysylltwr chronos #1'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos',
      cysylltwr chronos #1/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos,
      cysylltwr testun #1+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun+,
      cysylltwr testun #1'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun',
      cysylltwr testun #1/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun,
      prif gysylltwr testun #1+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun+,
      prif gysylltwr testun #1'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun',
      prif gysylltwr testun #1/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun,
      llinell #1+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell+,
      llinell #1'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell',
      llinell #1/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell,
      testun #1+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun+,
      testun #1'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun',
      testun #1/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A    % begin saesneg
%    \begin{macrocode}
      #2 connection+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad+,
      #2 connection'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad',
      #2 connection/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltiad,
      #2 chronos connector+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos+,
      #2 chronos connector'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos',
      #2 chronos connector/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr chronos,
      #2 text tag connector+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun+,
      #2 text tag connector'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun',
      #2 text tag connector/.forward to=/chronos/#1/cysylltwr testun,
      #2 main text tag connector+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun+,
      #2 main text tag connector'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun',
      #2 main text tag connector/.forward to=/chronos/#1/prif gysylltwr testun,
      #2 line+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell+,
      #2 line'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell',
      #2 line/.forward to=/chronos/#1/llinell,
      #2 text tag+/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun+,
      #2 text tag'/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun',
      #2 text tag/.forward to=/chronos/#1/testun,      
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A    % end saesneg
%^^A    % end shortcuts
%    \begin{macrocode}
      /chronos/#2/.chronos search=#1,
      /chronos/#1/.chronos search=#2,% heb bwrpas | pointless
      /chronos/#2/.forward to=/chronos/#1,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END .chronos tag init
%^^A BEGIN /handlers/.chronos tag dyddiadau init
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /handlers/.chronos tag dyddiadau init/.code args={#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8:#9}{% e.g. /chronos/byw/.chronos tag dyddiadau init=byw:geni:marw:bu farw:bufarw:geni:marw:birth:death
%    \end{macrocode}
% for elements belonging to tags of types which span more than one date e.g.\ life, period.
% we need 3 date formats (possibly all the same).
% the first is for the begin date when both dates belong to the same era.
% the second is for the begin date when the eras differ.
% the third is for the end date (regardless).
%    \begin{macrocode}
      dyddiadau/.code args={##1:##2}{%^^A angen y llinell nesaf am y saesneg yn unig
        \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#1}{#2=##1}%^^A needed only for the english ?? (why?)
      #4/.is if=chronos@#5,
%    \end{macrocode}
% paid â cheisio ddefnyddio macros yn lle allweddau yn y fan hon 
% don't try to use macros instead of keys here
%^^A       #2/.code={\chronos@set@date@aux{##1-01-01-0@#6}},
%^^A       #3/.code={\chronos@set@date@aux{##1-12-31-0@#7}\chronos@legacy@if@set{#5}{true}},
%    \begin{macrocode}
      #2/.style={/chronos/set date aux/.expanded={##1-01-01-0@#6}},
      #3/.style={/chronos/set date aux/.expanded={##1-12-31-0@#7},/chronos/#1/#4=true},
      label #2/.store in/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@label#2\endcsname,
      label #3/.store in/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@label#3\endcsname,
      fformatiau dyddiadau/.style args={##1:##2:##3}{%
        /chronos/#1/fformat #2 yr un gyfnod={##1},
        /chronos/#1/fformat #2 cyfnodau gwahanol={##2},
        /chronos/#1/fformat #3={##3},
      fformatiau dyddiadau/.chronos track={@#1@fformatiau@dyddiadau,@#1@cyfnodau,@#1@llawn},
      fformat #2 yr un gyfnod/.code={%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{##1}%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/#1/fformat #2 yr un gyfnod={##1}}%
      fformat #2 cyfnodau gwahanol/.code={%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{##1}%
          /chronos/#1/fformat #2 cyfnodau gwahanol={##1}}%
      fformat #2/.forward to=/chronos/#1/fformat #2 yr un gyfnod,
      fformat #2/.forward to=/chronos/#1/fformat #2 cyfnodau gwahanol,
      fformat #3/.code={%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{##1}%
        \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/#1/fformat #3={##1}}%
      fformat #2 yr un gyfnod/.chronos track={%
      fformat #2 cyfnodau gwahanol/.chronos track={%
      fformat #2/.chronos track={%
      fformat #3/.chronos track={%
      dangos cyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%^^A show eras + only years formats
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{!Y}%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{%
          !Y\thinspace !E}%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{!Y\thinspace !E}%
      dangos cyfnodau/@llawn/.code={% show eras + full dates formats
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{!d/!m/!Y}%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{%
          !d/!m/!Y\thinspace !E}%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{%
          !d/!m/!Y\thinspace !E}%
      dangos cyfnodau/llawn/.code n args=3{%^^A show eras + full dates set formats
        \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#1/dangos cyfnodau}{%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{##1}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{##2}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{##3}%
      dangos cyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig/.code n args=3{%^^A show eras + only years set formats
        \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#1/dangos cyfnodau}{%
          @blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{##1}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{##2}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{##3}%
      heb gyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%^^A w/o eras + only years formats
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{!Y}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{!Y}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{!Y}%
      heb gyfnodau/@llawn/.code={%^^A w/o eras + full dates formats
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{!d/!m/!Y}%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{!d/!m/!Y}%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{!d/!m/!Y}%
      heb gyfnodau/llawn/.code n args=3{%^^A w/o eras + full dates set formats
        \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#1/heb gyfnodau}{%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{##1}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{##2}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{##3}%
      heb gyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig/.code n args=3{%^^A w/o eras + only years set formats
        \pgfqkeys{/chronos/#1/heb gyfnodau}{%
          @blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnod\endcsname{##1}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#2@cyfnodau\endcsname{##2}%
            \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@fformat#3\endcsname{##3}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% english translations below
%    \begin{macrocode}
      blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
      \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/blynyddoedd yn unig}},
      dyddiadau llawn/.code={%
      \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/dyddiadau llawn}},
      dangos cyfnodau/.code={%
      \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/dangos cyfnodau}},
      heb gyfnodau/.code={%
      \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{#1}{@tag}{/chronos/heb gyfnodau}},
      dangos cyfnodau/.chronos track={@#1@cyfnodau},
      dyddiadau llawn/.chronos track={@#1@llawn},
      heb gyfnodau/.chronos track={@#1@cyfnodau},
      blynyddoedd yn unig/.chronos track={@#1@llawn},
      ffont dyddiad/.code={%
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@ffontdyddiad\endcsname{##1}},
      ffont dyddiad=,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A    % begin saesneg: /chronos/#1
%    \begin{macrocode}
      dates/.forward to=/chronos/#1/dyddiadau,
      #8/.forward to=/chronos/#1/#2,
      #9/.forward to=/chronos/#1/#3,
      date formats/.forward to=/chronos/#1/fformatiau dyddiadau,
      #8 format/.forward to=/chronos/#1/fformat #2,
      same era #8 format/.forward to=/chronos/#1/fformat #2 yr un gyfnod,
      different eras #8 format/.forward to=/chronos/#1/fformat #2 cyfnodau gwahanol,
      #9 format/.forward to=/chronos/#1/fformat #3,
      show eras/full/.forward to=/chronos/#1/dangos cyfnodau/llawn,
      show eras/only years/.forward to=/chronos/#1/dangos cyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig,
      without eras/full/.forward to=/chronos/#1/heb gyfnodau/llawn,
      without eras/only years/.forward to=/chronos/#1/heb gyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig,
      #8 label/.forward to=/chronos/#1/label #2,
      #9 label/.forward to=/chronos/#1/label #3,
      only years/.forward to=/chronos/#1/blynyddoedd yn unig,
      full dates/.forward to=/chronos/#1/dyddiadau llawn,
      without eras/.forward to=/chronos/#1/heb gyfnodau,
      show eras/.forward to=/chronos/#1/dangos cyfnodau,
      date font/.forward to=/chronos/#1/ffont dyddiad,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A    % end saesneg: /chronos/#1
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END .chronos tag dyddiadau init
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /handlers/.chronos key maker/.code n args=3{%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END handlers >>>
%^^A BEGIN chronos (prif gôd)
%    \begin{macrocode}
    The key chronos is deprecated.\MessageBreak
    Use the environment chronos instead.}},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END chronos (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN byw | life (prif gôd)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END byw (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN digwyddiad | event (prif gôd)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END digwyddiad (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN parhad | period (prif gôd)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END parhad (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN theori | theory (prif gôd)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END theori (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN cylch theori | theory circle (prif gôd) --- cylchau bychain heb gysylltiadau
%    \begin{macrocode}
  cylch theori/.code={%
  cylch theori/.default={},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END cylch theori (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN gwybodaeth | info (prif gôd)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END gwybodaeth (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN prif (teitl) main (title) (prif gôd) 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END prif (teitl) (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN hawlfraint copyright (prif gôd) 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END hawlfraint copyright (prif gôd)
%^^A BEGIN saesneg byw digwyddiad parhad theori cylch theori prif
%    \begin{macrocode}
  life/.forward to=/tikz/byw,
  event/.forward to=/tikz/digwyddiad,
  period/.forward to=/tikz/parhad,
  theory/.forward to=/tikz/theori,
  theory circle/.forward to=/tikz/cylch theori,
  main/.forward to=/tikz/prif,
  copyright/.forward to=/tikz/hawlfraint,
  copyleft/.forward to=/tikz/hawlfraint,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END saesneg byw digwyddiad parhad theori cylch theori prif
%^^A BEGIN top-level styles
%    \begin{macrocode}
  chronos connect/.style args={#1:#2}{#1,/chronos/@cysylltiad=lliw #2},
  chronos create chronos connector/.style args={#1:#2}{%
    #1,/chronos/@cysylltwr@chronos=lliw #2},
  chronos create text tag connector/.style args={#1:#2}{%
    #1,/chronos/@cysylltwr@testun=lliw #2},
  chronos mark line/.style args={#1:#2}{#1,/chronos/@llinell=lliw #2},
  chronos text tag/.style args={#1:#2}{#1,/chronos/@testun=lliw #2},
  chronos tikz'/.code={\pgfkeysdef{/chronos/@tikz}{#1}},
  chronos tikz+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@tikz/.append code={#1}}},
  chronos tikz/.forward to=/chronos tikz+,
  chronos tikz outside bb'/.code={\pgfkeysdef{/chronos/@@tikz}{#1}},
  chronos tikz outside bb+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@@tikz/.append code={#1}}},
  chronos tikz outside bb/.forward to=/chronos tikz outside bb+,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END top-level styles
%^^A BEGIN llwybrau: /chronos /chronos/byw /chronos/digwyddiad /chronos/theori
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/.search also={/chronos/llinell amser,/tikz,/pgf},
  /chronos/llinell amser/.search also={/chronos,/tikz,/pgf},
  /chronos/byw/.search also={/chronos,/tikz,/pgf},
  /chronos/digwyddiad/.search also={/chronos,/tikz,/pgf},
  /chronos/parhad/.search also={/chronos,/tikz,/pgf},
  /chronos/theori/.search also={/chronos,/tikz,/pgf},
  /chronos/theori/cylchau/.search also={/chronos/theori,/chronos,/tikz,/pgf},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END llwybrau: /chronos /chronos/byw /chronos/digwyddiad /chronos/theori
%^^A BEGIN /chronos <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  before headings+/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@before@headings/.append code={#1}}},
  before headings'/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@before@headings/.code={#1}}},
  before headings/.forward to=/chronos/before headings+,
  before drawing frame+/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@before@frame/.append code={#1}}},
  before drawing frame'/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@before@frame/.code={#1}}},
  before drawing frame/.forward to=/chronos/before drawing frame+,
  tikz'/.forward to=/tikz/chronos tikz',
  tikz+/.forward to=/tikz/chronos tikz+,
  tikz/.forward to=/tikz/chronos tikz,
  tikz outside bb'/.forward to=/tikz/chronos tikz outside bb',
  tikz outside bb+/.forward to=/tikz/chronos tikz outside bb+,
  tikz outside bb/.forward to=/tikz/chronos tikz outside bb,
%    \end{macrocode}
% @tikz is for standard ; @@tikz ignores bb ; for both user code and chronos
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  @timeline@config is for indirect user code or overwritable chronos ; @@ is reserved for chronos
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \chronos@if@gosodF {@byw@cyfnodau} 
      {\pgfqkeys{/chronos/byw}{dangos cyfnodau}}%
    \chronos@if@gosodF {@parhad@cyfnodau}
      {\pgfqkeys{/chronos/parhad}{dangos cyfnodau}}%
    \chronos@if@gosodF {@digwyddiad@cyfnodau}
      {\pgfqkeys{/chronos/digwyddiad}{dangos cyfnodau}}%
    \chronos@if@gosodF {@byw@llawn}
      {\pgfqkeys{/chronos/byw}{blynyddoedd yn unig}}%
    \chronos@if@gosodF {@parhad@llawn}
      {\pgfqkeys{/chronos/parhad}{blynyddoedd yn unig}}%
    \chronos@if@gosodF {@digwyddiad@llawn}
      {\pgfqkeys{/chronos/digwyddiad}{dyddiadau llawn}}%
      {\pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{blynyddoedd=ar y llinell}}%
        {fill=####1,fill opacity=.25,draw=none}%
        {draw=####1,thick,fill opacity=.75}%
        {draw=####1,draw opacity=.75,fill=none}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% efaillai bod yn anghywir tan inni ailosod yn hwyrach!! \textbar{} maybe wrong until we reset later!!
%    \begin{macrocode}
  chronos tweak/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@style/.append style={#1}}},
  chronos opacity/.code={%
      @style/.append style={transparency group,opacity=#1},
      every cysylltiadau+={opacity=#1},
      every cysylltwyr chronos+={opacity=#1},
      /chronos/prif/@frame/.append style={opacity=#1},
      /chronos/llinell amser/.cd,
      llinell+={draw opacity=#1,fill opacity=#1},
      timeline@bare@mark@on@line/.append style={opacity=#1},
      timeline@minor@mark@on@line/.append style={opacity=#1},
      timeline@mark@on@line/.append style={opacity=#1},
      timeline@bare@mark@off@line/.append style={opacity=#1},
      timeline@minor@mark@off@line/.append style={opacity=#1},
      timeline@mark@off@line/.append style={opacity=#1},
      timeline@year@on@line/.append style={opacity=#1},
      timeline@year@ff@line/.append style={opacity=#1},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN dyddiadau (pgfcalendar)
%    \begin{macrocode}
  set date aux/.code={% paid â geisio dorri hwn - mae'n torri pethau'n ddrwg ond *dim ond yn nifer bach o achosion felly rhy hawdd i feddwl bod popeth yn iawn ...
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END dyddiadau (pgfcalendar)
%^^A BEGIN teitlau, pennawdau, isbennawdau etc. <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  heading+/.code n args=3{% name/content; start ; end
  subheading+/.code n args=4{% name/content; start ; end; pos
  subheadings+/.code={% name/content; start ; end; pos
  heading'/.code n args=3{%
  subheading'/.code n args=4{%
  century subheading+/.code 2 args={% name/content; start ; end; pos
  century subheadings+/.code 2 args={% name/content; start ; end; pos
    \foreach \i in {#1} {\chronos@global@to@clist+{century_subheadings}{\i/#2}}%
  century subheading'/.code 2 args={% name/content; start ; end; pos
  century subheadings'/.code 2 args={% name/content; start ; end; pos
    \foreach \i in {#1} {\chronos@global@to@clist{century_subheadings}{\i/#2}}%
  heading/.forward to=/chronos/heading+,
  headings/.forward to=/chronos/headings+,
  subheading/.forward to=/chronos/subheading+,
  subheadings/.forward to=/chronos/subheadings+,
  century subheading/.forward to=/chronos/century subheading+,
  century subheadings/.forward to=/chronos/century subheadings+,
  subheadings drops/.chronos 2 dimens={\chronos@subheading@drop@uchod}%
  heading drop/.chronos dimen=\chronos@heading@drop,
  headings drops'/.code args={#1:#2:#3}{%
  headings drops'+/.code args={#1:#2:#3}{%
    \advance \chronos@heading@drop by #1 
    \advance \chronos@subheading@drop@uchod by #2 
    \advance\chronos@subheading@drop@isod by #3%
  headings drops'-/.code args={#1:#2:#3}{%
    \advance \chronos@heading@drop by -#1 
    \advance \chronos@subheading@drop@uchod by -#2 
    \advance\chronos@subheading@drop@isod by -#3%
  headings drops'=0pt:0pt:0pt,
  chronos coords'/.code={\chronos@to@clist{dyddiadau_coords}{#1}},
  chronos coords+/.code={\chronos@to@clist+{dyddiadau_coords}{#1}},
  chronos coords/.forward to=/chronos/chronos coords+,
  frame/.is if=chronos@frame,
  frame uses bb/.is if=chronos@framedefnyddiobb,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END teitlau, pennawdau, isbennawdau etc. >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% set up every byw, every byw', every byw+, every life, every life', every life+ etc.; \verb|#3| gives default (' or +)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\__chronos_kexpandtotags:nnn { byw } { life } { + }
\__chronos_kexpandtotags:nnn { digwyddiad } { event } { + }
\__chronos_kexpandtotags:nnn { parhad } { period } { + }
\__chronos_kexpandtotags:nnn { theori } { theory } { + }
\__chronos_kexpandtotags:nnn { gwybodaeth } { info } { + }
%    \end{macrocode}
% like kexpander but without every keys
%    \begin{macrocode}
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { every ~ cylch ~ cylch ~ theori }
  { every ~ theory ~ circle ~ text } { every@cylch ~ cylch ~ theori } { + }
  { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { every ~ testun ~ cylch ~ theori }
  { every ~ theory ~ circle ~ circle } { every@testun ~ cylch ~ theori }
  { + } { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { llinell ~ amser / llinell } { timeline ~ line }
  { llinell ~ amser / timeline@line } { ' } { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { llinell ~ amser / border } { timeline ~ border }
  { llinell ~ amser / timeline@border } { ' } { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { prif / teitl } { prif / title } { prif / @teitl }
  { ' } { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { amserau } { subheadings ~ style } { @amserau }
  { ' } { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { amseraumawr } { headings ~ style }
  { @amseraumawr } { ' } { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { hawlfraint } { copyright } { @hawlfraint }
  { ' } { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnnn { hawlfraint } { copyright } { @hawlfraint } { ' }
  { style }
\__chronos_kexforwardtriple:nn { hawlfraint } { copyleft }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnn { timeline ~ config } {@timeline@config } { + } { code }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnn { gwybodaeth / label } { gwybodaeth / @label } { ' }
  { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnn { prif / frame } { prif / @frame } { ' } { style }
\__chronos_kextripler:nnnn { theori / cylchau / label }
  { theori / cylchau / @label } { ' } { style }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN every (digwyddiad, byw, parhad, theori) <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  every@cylch cylch theori/.style={%
    fill=chronos@prifliw, draw=chronos@prifliw, even odd rule},
  every@testun cylch theori/.style={%
    decoration={text effects along path, text={#1}, text effects/.cd,%
      fit text to path, text=chronos@prifliw@cefndir,%
      characters={text along path, font=\scriptsize\scshape}}, decorate},
  every byw isod/.code={%
  every digwyddiad isod/.code={%
  every parhad isod/.code={%
  every byw uchod/.code={%
  every digwyddiad uchod/.code={%
  every parhad uchod/.code={%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN every (digwyddiad, byw, parhad, theori) saesneg
%    \begin{macrocode}
  every life below/.forward to=/chronos/every byw isod,
  every period below/.forward to=/chronos/every parhad isod,
  every event below/.forward to=/chronos/every digwyddiad isod,
  every life above/.forward to=/chronos/every byw uchod,
  every period above/.forward to=/chronos/every parhad uchod,
  every event above/.forward to=/chronos/every digwyddiad uchod,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END every (digwyddiad, byw, parhad, theori) saesneg
%^^A END every (digwyddiad, byw, parhad, theori) >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN llinell amser | timeline <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/llinell amser/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{#1}},
  /chronos/timeline/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser,
  /chronos/timeline/.chronos search=llinell amser,
  /chronos/llinell amser/.cd,
  timeline arrow/.is if=chronostimelinearrow,
  timeline arrow/.default=true,
  no timeline arrow/.code={\chronostimelinearrowfalse},
  do timeline arrow/.code={},
  conditional timeline arrow/.code 2 args={%
      llinell amser/.cd,
      do timeline arrow/.add code={%
          \tikzset{/chronos/llinell amser/timeline@arrow}%
          \tikzset{/chronos/llinell amser/no@timeline@arrow}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN ffontiau
%    \begin{macrocode}
  ffont camau mawr/.store in=\chronos@ffont@camaumawr,
  ffont camau bach/.store in=\chronos@ffont@camaubach,
  ffont cyfnodau/.store in=\chronos@ffont@cyfnodau,
  ffont/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/ffont cyfnodau,
  ffont/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/ffont camau bach,
  ffont/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/ffont camau mawr,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN ffontiau saesneg
%    \begin{macrocode}
  major step font/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/ffont camau mawr,
  minor step font/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/ffont camau bach,
  eras font/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/ffont cyfnodau,
  timeline font/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/ffont,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END ffontiau saesneg
%^^A END ffontiau
%^^A BEGIN llinell amser | timeline
%^^A BEGIN hydoedd % haenau  (dim dyfnder?)
%    \begin{macrocode}
  border ar/.chronos layer choice=border,
  border ar=background,
  llinell amser ar/.chronos layer choice=llinell amser,
  llinell amser ar=foreground,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN hydoedd & haenau saesneg
%    \begin{macrocode}
  border on/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/border ar,
  timeline on/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/llinell amser ar,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END hydoedd & haenau saesneg
%^^A END hydoedd & haenau
%^^A BEGIN dyddiadau
%    \begin{macrocode}
  dyddiad diwedd/.style={%
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{set date aux/.expanded={#1-12-31-0@end}}%
  dyddiad dechrau/.style={%
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{set date aux/.expanded={#1-01-01-0@start}}%
  dyddiadau/.code args={#1:#2}{%^^A angen y llinell nesaf am y saesneg yn unig <= ???!!
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{dyddiad dechrau=#1,dyddiad diwedd=#2}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END dyddiadau
%^^A BEGIN camau
%    \begin{macrocode}
  cam blwyddyn fawr/.store in=\chronos@cam@blwyddyn@fawr, %^^A oedd cam mawr
  cam blwyddyn fach/.store in=\chronos@cam@blwyddyn@fach, %^^A oedd cam bach
  rhaniadau cam/.store in=\chronos@camrhaniadau,%^^A cam rhaniadau %^^A oedd camau bach / \chronos@minorsteps
  camu o flwyddyn/.store in=\chronos@stepfrom,
  cam blwyddyn/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{cam blwyddyn fawr=#1}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END camau
%^^A BEGIN lliwiau y llinell amser
%    \begin{macrocode}
  lliw mewnol y border/.chronos lliw=borderinner,
  timeline border inner colour/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/lliw mewnol y border,
  timeline border inner color/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/lliw mewnol y border,
  lliw allanol y border/.chronos lliw=borderouter,
  timeline border outer colour/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/lliw allanol y border,
  timeline border outer color/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/lliw allanol y border,
  lliw canol y border/.chronos lliw=bordermiddle,
  timeline border middle colour/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/lliw canol y border,
  timeline border middle color/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/lliw canol y border,
  cefndir/.chronos lliw=lliw@cefndir@llinell,
  blaendir/.chronos lliw=lliw@llinell,
  timeline background/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/cefndir,
  timeline foreground/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blaendir,
  background/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/cefndir,
  foreground/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blaendir,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END lliwiau y llinell amser
%^^A BEGIN nodau a blynyddoedd | marks and years
%    \begin{macrocode}
  nodi cyfnodau/.is if=chronos@markeras,% cyfnodau ar y llinell amser
  @nodi cyfnodau/.code={\chronos@ychwanegu@gosod{markeras}},
  nodi cyfnodau/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/@nodi cyfnodau,
  timeline mark eras/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/nodi cyfnodau,
  mark eras/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/nodi cyfnodau,
  timeline years set/.store in=\chronos@timelineyears,
  blynyddoedd/.is choice,
  timeline years/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blynyddoedd,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   blynyddoedd y llinell amser/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blynyddoedd,
%    \begin{macrocode}
  blynyddoedd/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/timeline years set,
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{%
      angor blynyddoedd=base,
  },% oedd /chronos/llinell amser/heb flynyddoedd
  blynyddoedd/none/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blynyddoedd/dim,%^^A oedd /chronos/timeline no years
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{%
        above, anchor=\chronos@timelineyearsanchor, yshift=.5*\chronos@height},
      angor blynyddoedd=south,
  blynyddoedd/above/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blynyddoedd/uchod,
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{%
        below, anchor=\chronos@timelineyearsanchor, yshift=-.5*\chronos@height},
      angor blynyddoedd=north,
  blynyddoedd/below/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blynyddoedd/isod,
  blynyddoedd/ar y llinell/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{%
      angor blynyddoedd=center,
  blynyddoedd/on line/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blynyddoedd/ar y llinell,
  blynyddoedd/off line/.code={%    
    \IfBooleanExprTF {%
      ! ( \LegacyBoolean {chronos@blynyddoedduchod} %
      || \LegacyBoolean {chronos@blynyddoeddisod} )
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{blynyddoedd=uchod}%
  blynyddoedd/.chronos track=timeline@years,
  angor blynyddoedd/.store in=\chronos@timelineyearsanchor,
  angor blynyddoedd/.chronos track={angor@blynyddoedd},
  timeline years anchor/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/angor blynyddoedd,
  blwyddyn sero/.is if=chronos@yearzero,
  year zero/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blwyddyn sero,
  mark at era switch/.is if=chronos@markateraswitch,
  mark at era switch/.default=true,
  @mark at era switch/.code={\chronos@ychwanegu@gosod{markateraswitch}},
  mark at era switch/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/@mark at era switch,
  year at era switch/.code={%
  year at era switch/.default=true,
  blynyddoedd bychain/.is if=chronos@minoryears,
  blynyddoedd bychain/.default=true,
  minor years/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/blynyddoedd bychain,
  nodau/.is if=chronos@marks,
  timeline marks/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/nodau,
  nodau bach/.is if=chronos@marks@minor,
  nodau bach/.default=true,
  timeline minor marks/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/nodau bach,
  dangos blynyddoedd/.is if=chronos@timeline@showyears,
  dangos blynyddoedd/.default=true,
  timeline show years/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/dangos blynyddoedd,
  nodau noeth/.is if=chronos@marks@bare,
  nodau noeth/.default=true,
  nodau noeth/.chronos track={@bare},
  timeline bare marks/.forward to=/chronos/llinell amser/nodau noeth,
    text=chronos@lliw@llinell, text opacity=1, align=center, %
    fill opacity=.75, anchor=\chronos@timelineyearsanchor},
    {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-, thin, shorten >=-2.5pt},
    {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-, very thin,%
    shorten >=-2.5pt},
  era switch off line/.style={thick, shorten >=0pt},
    {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-, very thin,%
    shorten >=-1.5pt},
  timeline@year@on@line/.style={text=chronos@lliw@llinell, anchor=center},
  timeline@minor@mark@on@line/.style={draw=chronos@lliw@llinell, thin},
  timeline@bare@mark@on@line/.style={draw=chronos@lliw@llinell, thick},
  timeline mark@too/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{%
      timeline@mark@on@line/.append style={#1},
      timeline@mark@off@line/.append style={#1},
  timeline minor mark@too/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{%
      timeline minor marks,
      timeline@minor@mark@on@line/.append style={#1},
      timeline@minor@mark@off@line/.append style={#1},
  timeline bare mark@too/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{%
      timeline bare marks,
      timeline@bare@mark@on@line/.append style={#1},
      timeline@bare@mark@off@line/.append style={#1},
  timeline year@too/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/llinell amser}{%
      timeline@year@on@line/.append style={#1},
      timeline@year@off@line/.append style={#1},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END nodau a blynyddoedd | marks and years
%^^A END llinell amser | timeline >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% forward each key in \#3 to the key in \#2; all keys on /chronos/\#1
%    \begin{macrocode}
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } { timeline ~ mark@too } 
  { timeline ~ mark, timeline ~ all ~ marks }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } { timeline ~ minor ~ mark@too }
  { timeline ~ minor ~ mark, timeline ~ all ~ marks }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } { timeline ~ bare ~ mark@too }
  { timeline ~ bare ~ mark, timeline ~ all ~ marks }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } { timeline ~ year@too }
  { timeline ~ year, timeline ~ all ~ marks }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } {dyddiadau } { dates }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } {dyddiad ~ dechrau }
  {  dechrau, start ~ date, start }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } {dyddiad ~ diwedd }
  {  diwedd, end ~ date, end }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } {cam ~ blwyddyn ~ fawr }
  { step ~ major ~ years, step ~ major ~ year, cam ~ blwyddyn ~ mawr }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } {cam ~ blwyddyn ~ fach }
  { cam ~ blynyddoedd ~ bach, step ~ minor ~ years, step ~ minor ~ year }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } {rhaniadau ~ cam }
  { step ~ divisions } %^^A oedd camau bach, minor steps
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } {cam ~ blwyddyn }
  { cam ~ blynyddoedd, step ~ years, step ~ year }
\__chronos_kexforwarder:nnn { llinell ~ amser } {camu ~ o ~ flwyddyn }
  { step ~ from ~ year }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN testun
%    \begin{macrocode}
  ce year label/.store in=\chronos@yearce,
  bce year label/.store in=\chronos@yearbce,
  timeline ce label/.store in=\chronos@ce,
  timeline bce label/.store in=\chronos@bce,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END testun  
%^^A BEGIN lliwiau <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  cefndir/.chronos lliw=prifliw@cefndir,
  background/.forward to=/chronos/cefndir,
  blaendir/.chronos lliw=prifliw,
  foreground/.forward to=/chronos/blaendir,
  troi lliwiau/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/troi lliwiau=#1}%
  troi lliwiau/.default=true,
  colour rotation/.forward to=/chronos/troi lliwiau,
  color rotation/.forward to=/chronos/troi lliwiau,
  heb droi lliwiau/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/troi lliwiau=false}%
  no colour rotation/.forward to=/chronos/heb droi lliwiau,
  no color rotation/.forward to=/chronos/heb droi lliwiau,
  troi pob liw/.style={/chronos/.cd, byw/troi lliwiau=true,%
    digwyddiad/troi lliwiau=true, parhad/troi lliwiau=true, %
    theori/troi lliwiau=true, troi lliwiau=true},
  rotate all colours/.forward to=/chronos/troi pob liw,
  rotate all colors/.forward to=/chronos/troi pob liw,
  troi dim lliwiau/.style={/chronos/.cd, byw/troi lliwiau=false,%
    digwyddiad/troi lliwiau=false, parhad/troi lliwiau=false,%
    theori/troi lliwiau=false, heb droi lliwiau},
  rotate no colours/.forward to=/chronos/troi dim lliwiau,
  rotate no colors/.forward to=/chronos/troi dim lliwiau,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END lliwiau >>>
%^^A BEGIN lefelau <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  lefelau/.style args={#1:#2}{
  lefelau at/.store in=\chronos@lefelau@at,
  lefelau at=chronos mid,
  uchod/.store in=\chronos@uchod,
  isod/.store in=\chronos@isod,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END lefelau >>>
%^^A BEGIN formats <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  fformat dyddiad/.code={\chronos@setdateformat{#1}},
  date format/.forward to=/chronos/fformat dyddiad,
  year format/.code={\chronos@setyearformat{#1}},
  minor year format/.code={\chronos@setminoryearformat{#1}},
  dangos cyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
    \chronos@setdateformat{!Y\thinspace !E}%
  dangos cyfnodau/@llawn/.code={\chronos@setdateformat{!d/!m/!Y\thinspace !E}},
  dangos cyfnodau/llawn/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/dangos cyfnodau}{%
  dangos cyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/dangos cyfnodau}{%
      @blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={\chronos@setdateformat{#1}}%
  heb gyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={\chronos@setdateformat{!Y}},
  heb gyfnodau/@llawn/.code={\chronos@setdateformat{!d/!m/!Y}},
  heb gyfnodau/llawn/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/heb gyfnodau}{@llawn/.code={\chronos@setdateformat{#1}}}%
  heb gyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/heb gyfnodau}{%
      @blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={\chronos@setdateformat{#1}}%
  blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/blynyddoedd yn unig}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{byw}{@tag}{/chronos/blynyddoedd yn unig}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{digwyddiad}{@tag}{/chronos/blynyddoedd yn unig}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{parhad}{@tag}{/chronos/blynyddoedd yn unig}%
        dangos cyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig,
        heb gyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig,
  only years/.forward to=/chronos/blynyddoedd yn unig,
  dyddiadau llawn/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/dyddiadau llawn}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{byw}{@tag}{/chronos/dyddiadau llawn}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{digwyddiad}{@tag}{/chronos/dyddiadau llawn}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{parhad}{@tag}{/chronos/dyddiadau llawn}%
        dangos cyfnodau/@llawn,
        heb gyfnodau/@llawn,
  full dates/.forward to=/chronos/dyddiadau llawn,
  dangos cyfnodau/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/dangos cyfnodau}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{byw}{@tag}{/chronos/dangos cyfnodau}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{digwyddiad}{@tag}{/chronos/dangos cyfnodau}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{parhad}{@tag}{/chronos/dangos cyfnodau}%
        dangos cyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig,
        dangos cyfnodau/@llawn,
  show eras/.forward to=/chronos/dangos cyfnodau,
  heb gyfnodau/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/heb gyfnodau}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{byw}{@tag}{/chronos/heb gyfnodau}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{digwyddiad}{@tag}{/chronos/heb gyfnodau}%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{parhad}{@tag}{/chronos/heb gyfnodau}%
        heb gyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig,
        heb gyfnodau/@llawn,
  without eras/.forward to=/chronos/heb gyfnodau,
  show eras/only years/.forward to=/chronos/dangos cyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig,
  show eras/full dates/.forward to=/chronos/dangos cyfnodau/dyddiadau llawn,
  without eras/only years/.forward to=/chronos/heb gyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig,
  without eras/full dates/.forward to=/chronos/heb gyfnodau/dyddiadau llawn,
  heb gyfnodau/.chronos track={@digwyddiad@cyfnodau,@byw@cyfnodau,@parhad@cyfnodau},
  dangos cyfnodau/.chronos track={@digwyddiad@cyfnodau,@byw@cyfnodau,@parhad@cyfnodau},
  dyddiadau llawn/.chronos track={@digwyddiad@llawn,@byw@llawn,@parhad@llawn},
  blynyddoedd yn unig/.chronos track={@digwyddiad@llawn,@byw@llawn,@parhad@llawn},
  every date format/.code={%^^A defnyddio macros yn lle allweddau rhag ofn , yn #1 => pam ar ddaear?
  every date format/.chronos track={%
  every date format/.chronos track={%
  every date format/.chronos track={%
  testun yn unig/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/testun yn unig}%
  only text/.forward to=/chronos/testun yn unig,
  event years on line/.code={% 
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/digwyddiad}{blynyddoedd yn unig,heb gyfnodau}%
  event year on line/.style={%
    /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@years,%
    /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@year@on@line,%
  event year on line skip/.code={\gdef\chronos@specialdate{}},
  event dates split/.is if=chronos@eventdatessplit,
  event date split/.style={},
  testun yshift/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift=\pgfmathresult pt}%
    \chronos@testun@yshift=\pgfmathresult pt
  testun yshift'/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift=#1}%
  testun yshift+/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift'+=\pgfmathresult pt}%
    \advance \chronos@testun@yshift by \pgfmathresult pt
  testun yshift'+/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion@rhag{@tag}{/chronos/testun yshift'+=#1}%
    \advance \chronos@testun@yshift by #1
  text tag yshift/.forward to=/chronos/testun yshift,
  text tag yshift'/.forward to=/chronos/testun yshift,
  text tag yshift'+/.forward to=/chronos/testun yshift,
  text tag yshift+/.forward to=/chronos/testun yshift,
  special date/.code={\gdef\chronos@specialdate{#1}},
%    \end{macrocode}
% saesneg: /chronos (mwy uchod)
%    \begin{macrocode}
  levels/.forward to=/chronos/lefelau,
  levels at/.forward to=/chronos/lefelau at,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END formats >>>
%^^A BEGIN placeholders <<<
% ateb Qrrbrbirlbel \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/694967/}
% permission for lppl: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/694799/how-can-i-disable-shadows-and-similar-preaction-postaction-effects-in-tikz-or/694967#comment1725164_694967}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  discard node/.code={% ^^A
    \setbox\pgfutil@tempboxa\box\pgfutil@voidb@x % empty out box
%    \end{macrocode}
% ateb Qrrbrbirlbel uchod ac ateb arall fe: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/688111/} ; defnyddio yn lle \cs{chronosphantom}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  phantom node/.code=\tikz@addoption{% 
    \expandafter\let\csname pgf@sh@boxes@\tikz@shape\endcsname\pgfutil@empty},
%    \end{macrocode}
% sylwad Qrrbrbirlbel: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/694799/how-can-i-disable-shadows-and-similar-preaction-postaction-effects-in-tikz-or?noredirect=1#comment1724762_694799}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  zap preactions/.code=\let\tikz@preactions\@empty,
  zap postactions/.code=\let\tikz@postactions\@empty,
  placeholders/.is choice,
      placeholder/.style={fill=none, draw=none,/chronos/discard node},%^^A phantom node,zap preactions,zap postactions},
      placeholder/.style={on chronos middle ground layer,fill opacity=.1,%
        draw opacity=.25,text opacity=.5,/chronos/.cd,zap preactions,%
        zap postactions},
  placeholder lines/.style={help lines,%
    every node/.append style={rotate=-90,anchor=south,pos=.25,inner sep=0pt}},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END placeholders >>>
%^^A BEGIN show coords <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  show coords/.is if=chronos@showcoords,
  show coords/.default=true,
  show nodes/.is if=chronos@shownodes,
  show nodes/.default=true,
  show coordinate/.style n args=5{fill=#1, circle, anchor=center,%
    inner sep=1pt, text=#1, pin={[#1, inner sep=0pt, pin edge={draw=#1},%
    pin distance=#4, #5]#2:#3}},
  show coord/.style 2 args={%
    /chronos/show coordinate={chronos@lliw@coord}{#1}{#2}{30pt}{}},
  show node coord/.style 2 args={%
    /chronos/show coordinate={chronos@lliw@node}{#1}{#2}{30pt}{}},
  show node/.style={},
  show bounding box/.is if=chronos@showbb,
  show bounding box/.default=true,
  show node colour/.chronos lliw=lliw@node,
  show bb colour/.chronos lliw=lliw@bb,
  show coordinate colour/.chronos lliw=lliw@coord,
  show node color/.forward to=/chronos/show node colour,
  show coordinate color/.forward to=/chronos/show coordinate colour,
  show bb color/.forward to=/chronos/show bb colour,
  show node colour=blue,
  show coordinate colour=red,
  show bb colour=chronosGreen,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END show coords>>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
      placeholders,show coords,show node colour=blue,show coordinate colour=red,%
      show bounding box,show nodes,show node/.style={draw=chronos@lliw@node}}},
  debug/.forward to=/chronos/dadfygio,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN digwyddiadau, bywydau, cysylltiadau rhwng y llinell a'r ddau
%    \begin{macrocode}
  enwau lliw syml/.is if=chronos@enwaulliwsyml,
  enwau lliw syml/.default=true,
  dim enwau lliw syml/.code={\chronos@enwaulliwsymlfalse},
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@tag/.append style={#1}}%
  cysylltiad ar/.chronos layer choice=cysylltiad,
  cysylltiadau ar/.forward to=/chronos/cysylltiad ar,
  cysylltiad ar=main,
  llinell ar/.chronos layer choice=llinell,
  llinellau ar/.forward to=/chronos/llinell ar,
  llinell ar=middle ground,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A  bocses a chysylltiadau theori
%^^A   cysylltwr theori/.style={anchor=center},% oedd cylch cysylltu
%    \begin{macrocode}
  cysylltwyr theori/.forward to=/chronos/theori/cysylltwr testun,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   {\pgfkeys{/chronos/theori/cysylltwr testun'={anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,#1}}},% oedd cylchau cysylltu
%^^A   cylchau theori/.code={\pgfqkeys{/chronos/theori/cylchau}{label cylch theori/.style={#1}}},
%^^A   cylchau theori/.style={align=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, font=\scriptsize\scshape, text=chronos@prifliw},
%    \begin{macrocode}
  theori dash/.style={},
  lliwiau uchod/.code={\chronos@lliwiau@uchod{#1}},
  lliwiau isod/.code={\chronos@lliwiau@isod{#1}},
  lliwiau uchod o clist/.code={\chronos@global@eq@clist{lliwiau_uchod}{#1}},
  lliwiau isod o clist/.code={\chronos@global@eq@clist{lliwiau_isod}{#1}},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A set up /chronos/#1 with ' and + variants to set default #3; set up every #1 with ' and + variants to set default #1 and corresponding keys for tags in #5 ; use #4 as the default ; set up keys for forwarding using #2 as alias for #1
%    \begin{macrocode}
\__chronos_kexpander:nnnnn { llinellau } { lines } { @llinell } { ' }
  { byw, digwyddiad, parhad }
\__chronos_kexpander:nnnnn { cysylltwyr  ~ chronos } { chronos ~ connectors }
  { @cysylltwr@chronos } { + } { byw, digwyddiad, parhad }
\__chronos_kexpander:nnnnn { cysylltwyr ~ testun } { text ~ tag ~ connectors }
  { @cysylltwr@testun } { + } { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori }
\__chronos_kexpander:nnnnn { prif ~ gysylltwyr ~ testun }
  { main ~ text ~ tag ~ connectors } { @cysylltwr@testun@prif } { ' }
  { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori }
\__chronos_kexpander:nnnnn { cysylltiadau } { connections } { @cysylltiad }
  { ' } { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori }
\__chronos_kexpander:nnnnn { testunau } { text ~ tags } { @testun }
  { ' } { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori, gwybodaeth }
\__chronos_kexpander:nnnnn { fformat ~ dyddiad } { date ~ format }
  { @fformat@dyddiad } { ' } { byw, digwyddiad, parhad, theori, gwybodaeth }
  llinell amser/.cd,
  lled/.chronos dimen=\chronos@width,
  uchder/.chronos dimen=\chronos@height,
  uchder y border/.chronos dimen=\chronos@borderheight,
  timeline era margin/.chronos dimen=\chronos@eramargin,
  timeline margin/.chronos dimen=\chronos@timelinemargin,
  timeline width/.chronos dimen=\chronos@width,
  width/.chronos dimen=\chronos@width,
  timeline height/.chronos dimen=\chronos@height,
  height/.chronos dimen=\chronos@height,
  timeline border height/.chronos dimen=\chronos@borderheight,
  llinell yshift/.chronos dimen=\chronos@llinell@yshift,
  line yshift/.chronos dimen=\chronos@llinell@yshift,
  border penawdau/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@penawdau,
  border pen/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@pen,
  border gwaelod/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@gwaelod,
  border de/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@de,
  border chwith/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@chwith,
  border allanol/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@allanol,
  headings border/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@penawdau,
  top border/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@penawdau,
  bottom border/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@gwaelod,
  right border/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@de,
  left border/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@chwith,
  outer border/.chronos dimen=\chronos@border@allanol,
  no connections/.code={%
  no connectors/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{every cysylltwyr testun'={coordinate},%
      every cysylltwyr chronos'={coordinate}}},
  no text tag connectors/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{every cysylltwyr testun'={coordinate}}},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN saesneg: digwyddiadau, bywydau, cysylltiadau rhwng y llinell a'r ddau
%    \begin{macrocode}
  simple colour names/.forward to=/chronos/enwau lliw syml,
  simple color names/.forward to=/chronos/enwau lliw syml,
  no simple colour names/.forward to=/chronos/dim enwau lliw syml,
  no simple color names/.forward to=/chronos/dim enwau lliw syml,
  connection/.forward to=/chronos/@cysylltiad,
  connection on/.forward to=/chronos/cysylltiad ar,
  connections on/.forward to=/chronos/cysylltiadau ar,
  colours above/.forward to=/chronos/lliwiau uchod,
  colours below/.forward to=/chronos/lliwiau isod,
  colors above/.forward to=/chronos/lliwiau uchod,
  colors below/.forward to=/chronos/lliwiau isod,
  colours above from clist/.forward to=/chronos/lliwiau uchod o clist,
  colours below from clist/.forward to=/chronos/lliwiau isod o clist,
  colors above from clist/.forward to=/chronos/lliwiau uchod o clist,
  colors below from clist/.forward to=/chronos/lliwiau isod o clist,
  lines on/.forward to=/chronos/llinell ar,
  line on/.forward to=/chronos/llinell ar,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   line yshift/.forward to=/chronos/llinell yshift,
%^^A END saesneg: digwyddiadau, bywydau, cysylltiadau rhwng y llinell a'r ddau
%^^A END digwyddiadau, bywydau, cysylltiadau rhwng y llinell a'r ddau
%^^A END /chronos >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/byw
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/byw/.chronos tag init={byw}{life},
  /chronos/byw/.chronos tag dyddiadau init=byw:geni:marw:bu farw:bufarw:geni:marw:birth:death,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END /chronos/byw
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/digwyddiad <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/digwyddiad/.chronos tag init={digwyddiad}{event},
  dyddiad/.style={/chronos/set date aux/.expanded={#1-01-01-0@dig}},
  ffont dyddiad/.code={\def\chronos@digwyddiad@ffontdyddiad{#1}},
  ffont dyddiad=,
  fformat dyddiad/.code={%
      {/chronos/digwyddiad/fformat dyddiad={#1}}%
  fformat dyddiad/.chronos track={%
  dangos cyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
    \def\chronos@digwyddiad@fformatdyddiad{!Y\thinspace !E}},
  dangos cyfnodau/@llawn/.code={%
    \def\chronos@digwyddiad@fformatdyddiad{!d/!m/!Y\thinspace !E}},
  dangos cyfnodau/llawn/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/digwyddiad/dangos cyfnodau}{%
  dangos cyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/digwyddiad/dangos cyfnodau}{%
      @blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={\def\chronos@digwyddiad@fformatdyddiad{#1}}}},
  heb gyfnodau/@blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={\def\chronos@digwyddiad@fformatdyddiad{!Y}},
  heb gyfnodau/@llawn/.code={\def\chronos@digwyddiad@fformatdyddiad{!d/!m/!Y}},
  heb gyfnodau/llawn/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/digwyddiad/heb gyfnodau}{%
      @llawn/.code={\def\chronos@digwyddiad@fformatdyddiad{#1}},@llawn/.show code}},
  heb gyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
    \pgfqkeys{/chronos/digwyddiad/heb gyfnodau}{%
      @blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={\def\chronos@digwyddiad@fformatdyddiad{#1}}}},
  dangos cyfnodau/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{digwyddiad}{@tag}{/chronos/dangos cyfnodau}},
  heb gyfnodau/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{digwyddiad}{@tag}{/chronos/heb gyfnodau}},
  dyddiadau llawn/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{digwyddiad}{@tag}{/chronos/dyddiadau llawn}},
  blynyddoedd yn unig/.code={%
    \chronos@ychwanegu@nodweddion{digwyddiad}{@tag}{/chronos/blynyddoedd yn unig}},
  dangos cyfnodau/.chronos track={@digwyddiad@cyfnodau},
  dyddiadau llawn/.chronos track={@digwyddiad@llawn},
  heb gyfnodau/.chronos track={@digwyddiad@cyfnodau},
  blynyddoedd yn unig/.chronos track={@digwyddiad@llawn},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN saesneg: /chronos/digwyddiad
%    \begin{macrocode}
  date/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/dyddiad,
  date font/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/ffont dyddiad,
  date format/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/fformat dyddiad,
  show eras/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/dangos cyfnodau,
  only years/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/blynyddoedd yn unig,
  full dates/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/dyddiadau llawn,
  without eras/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/heb gyfnodau,
  show eras/only years/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/dangos cyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig,
  show eras/full dates/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/dangos cyfnodau/dyddiadau llawn,
  without eras/only years/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/heb gyfnodau/blynyddoedd yn unig,
  without eras/full dates/.forward to=/chronos/digwyddiad/heb gyfnodau/dyddiadau llawn,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END saesneg: /chronos/digwyddiad
%^^A END /chronos/digwyddiad >>> 
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/parhad
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/parhad/.chronos tag init={parhad}{period},
  /chronos/parhad/.chronos tag dyddiadau init=parhad:dechrau:diwedd:gorffenedig:gorffenedig:thing:otherthing:start:end,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN saesneg: /chronos/parhad
%^^A END saesneg: /chronos/parhad
%^^A END /chronos/parhad
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/theori
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/theori/.chronos tag init={theori}{theory},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN saesneg: /chronos/thoeri
%^^A END saesneg: /chronos/thoeri
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/theori/cylchau
%    \begin{macrocode}
  enw/.store in=\chronos@cylchtheori@enw,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   fel y mae/.is if=chronos@felymae,
%^^A   fel y mae/.default=true,
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \chronos@creu@tikzname {cylchtheori}{#1}
  enw/.forward to=/chronos/theori/cylchau/chronos@tikzname,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   angor/.store in=\chronos@cylchtheori@angor,
%^^A   angor/.forward to=/tikz/anchor,
%^^A   at/.code yn gweithio am \cylchtheori ond ni weithio am \byw etc.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  at/.code={\coordinate (chronos@cylchtheori@at) at (#1);},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   lliw/.store in=\chronos@cylchtheori@lliw,
%^^A   meintiau/.style args={#1:#2}{
%^^A 	/chronos/theori/cylchau/mawr=#1,
%^^A 	/chronos/theori/cylchau/bach=#2,
%^^A   },
%    \begin{macrocode}
  meintiau/.chronos 2 dimens={\chronos@cylchtheori@mawr}{\chronos@cylchtheori@bach},
  mawr/.chronos dimen=\chronos@cylchtheori@mawr,
  bach/.chronos dimen=\chronos@cylchtheori@bach,
  labeli/.style args={#1:#2}{
	/chronos/theori/cylchau/label uchod=#1,
	/chronos/theori/cylchau/label isod=#2,
  label uchod/.store in=\chronos@cylchtheori@label@uchod,
  label isod/.store in=\chronos@cylchtheori@label@isod,
  testunau cylch/.style args={#1:#2}{
	/chronos/theori/cylchau/testun cylch uchod=#1,
	/chronos/theori/cylchau/testun cylch isod=#2,
  testun cylch uchod/.store in=\chronos@cylchtheori@circletext@uchod,
  testun cylch isod/.store in=\chronos@cylchtheori@circletext@isod,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/theori/cylchau saesneg
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/theory/circles/.chronos search=theori/cylchau,
  name/.forward to=/chronos/theori/cylchau/enw,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   as is/.forward to=/chronos/theori/fel y mae,
%^^A   tag anchor/.forward to=/chronos/theori/cylchau/angor,
%    \begin{macrocode}
  sizes/.chronos 2 dimens={\chronos@cylchtheori@mawr}{\chronos@cylchtheori@bach},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   sizes/.forward to=/chronos/theori/cylchau/meintiau,
%^^A   theory circle label/.forward to=/chronos/theori/cylchau/label cylch theori,
%    \begin{macrocode}
  circle texts/.forward to=/chronos/theori/cylchau/testunau cylch,
  labels/.forward to=/chronos/theori/cylchau/labeli,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END /chronos/theori/cylchau saesneg
%^^A END /chronos/theori/cylchau
%^^A END /chronos/theori
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/gwybodaeth
%    \begin{macrocode}
  enw/.store in=\chronos@gwybodaeth@enw,
    \chronos@creu@tikzname {gwybodaeth}{#1}
  enw/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/chronos@tikzname,
  angor/.store in=\chronos@gwybodaeth@angor,
  at/.store in=\chronos@gwybodaeth@at,
  capsiwn/.store in=\chronos@gwybodaeth@capsiwn,
  lliw/.store in=\chronos@gwybodaeth@lliw,
  lliw rhagosodedig/.store in=\chronos@gwybodaeth@lliw@rhagosodedig,
  lliw rhagosodedig=chronos@lliw@gwybodaeth,
  testun/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/testun',
  tag/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/tag+,
  cynnwys testun/.store in=\chronos@cynnwys@testun,
  cynnwys enw/.store in=\chronos@cynnwys@enw,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN saesneg: /chronos/gwybodaeth
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/info/.chronos search=gwybodaeth,
  name/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/enw,
  caption/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/capsiwn,
  colour/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/lliw,
  color/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/lliw,
  default colour/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/lliw rhagosodedig,
  default color/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/lliw rhagosodedig,
  text tag/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/testun,
  text tag'/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/testun',
  text tag+/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/testun+,
  tag anchor/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/angor,
  text content/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/cynnwys testun,
  name content/.forward to=/chronos/gwybodaeth/cynnwys enw,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END saesneg: /chronos/gwybodaeth
%^^A END /chronos/gwybodaeth
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/prif
%    \begin{macrocode}
  enw/.store in=\chronos@prifdeitl@enw,
    \chronos@creu@tikzname {prifdeitl}{#1}
  enw/.forward to=/chronos/prif/chronos@tikzname,
  angor/.store in=\chronos@prifdeitl@angor,
  angor/.forward to=/tikz/anchor,
  at/.code={\coordinate (chronos@prifdeitl@at) at (#1);},
  cynnwys enw/.store in=\chronos@prifdeitl@cynnwys,
  llinellau teitl/.style={%
    /tikz/.cd,draw=chronos@prifliw,inner xsep=0pt,#1,%
    append after command={%
      (main title.north west)--(main title.north east) (main title.south west)%
      --(main title.south east)},draw=none},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/prif saesneg
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/main/.chronos search=prif,
  name/.forward to=/chronos/prif/enw,
  tag anchor/.forward to=/chronos/prif/angor,
  name content/.forward to=/chronos/prif/cynnwys enw,
  title lines/.forward to=/chronos/prif/llinellau teitl,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END /chronos/prif saesneg
%^^A END /chronos/prif
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/hawlfraint
%    \begin{macrocode}
  enw/.store in=\chronos@hawlfraint@enw,
    \chronos@creu@tikzname {hawlfraint}{#1}
  enw/.forward to=/chronos/hawlfraint/chronos@tikzname,
  angor/.store in=\chronos@hawlfraint@angor,
  angor/.forward to=/tikz/anchor,
  at/.code={\coordinate (chronos@hawlfraint@at) at (#1);},
  awdur/.store in=\chronos@hawlfraint@awdur,
  blwyddyn/.store in=\chronos@hawlfraint@blwyddyn,
  cynnwys enw/.store in=\chronos@hawlfraint@cynnwys,
  cylchdroi/.store in=\chronos@hawlfraint@cylchdroi,
  copyleft/.is if=chronos@copyleft,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN /chronos/hawlfraint saesneg
%    \begin{macrocode}
  /chronos/copyright/.chronos search=hawlfraint,
  /chronos/copyleft/.chronos search=hawlfraint,
  author/.forward to=/chronos/hawlfraint/awdur,
  name/.forward to=/chronos/hawlfraint/enw,
  name content/.forward to=/chronos/hawlfraint/cynnwys enw,
  notice/.forward to=/chronos/hawlfraint/notis,
  rotate/.forward to=/chronos/hawlfraint/cylchdroi,
  tag anchor/.forward to=/chronos/hawlfraint/angor,
  year/.forward to=/chronos/hawlfraint/blwyddyn,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END /chronos/hawlfraint saesneg
%^^A END /chronos/hawlfraint
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN /chronos frâm, borders, cysylltwyr, llinellau, testunau etc.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  borders'/.code args={#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6}{%^^A penawdau:pen:de:gwaelod:chwith:allanol
  borders'+/.code args={#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6}{%^^A penawdau:pen:de:gwaelod:chwith:allanol
    \advance\chronos@border@penawdau by #1 
    \advance\chronos@border@pen by #2 
    \advance\chronos@border@de by #3 
    \advance\chronos@border@gwaelod by #4 
    \advance\chronos@border@chwith by #5 
    \advance\chronos@border@allanol by #6 
  borders'-/.code args={#1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6}{%^^A penawdau:pen:de:gwaelod:chwith:allanol
    \advance\chronos@border@penawdau by -#1 
    \advance\chronos@border@pen by -#2 
    \advance\chronos@border@de by -#3 
    \advance\chronos@border@gwaelod by -#4 
    \advance\chronos@border@chwith by -#5 
    \advance\chronos@border@allanol by -#6 
  cysylltwyr chronos={anchor=center,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt},%^^A oedd cylch chronos
  cysylltwyr testun={anchor=center,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt},%^^A oedd cylch
  prif gysylltwyr testun={},
  testunau+={outer sep=0pt,text=#1!75!black},%^^A every eisiau ##
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END /chronos frâm, borders, cysylltwyr, llinellau, testunau etc.
%^^A BEGIN cynlluniau lliwiau
%    \begin{macrocode}
  cynllun lliwiau/.code={\csname chronos@lliwiau@#1\endcsname},
  colour scheme/.forward to=/chronos/cynllun lliwiau,
  color scheme/.forward to=/chronos/cynllun lliwiau,
  lliwiau cronoleg/.code={%
      \mmzset{csname meaning to context={chronos@lliwiau@cronoleg}}%
  lliwiau rhagosodedig/.code={\chronos@lliwiau@rhagosodedig},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END cynlluniau lliwiau
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END allweddau PGF/TikZ >>>
%^^A BEGIN style cronoleg <<<
%    \begin{macrocode}
  cronoleg/.style={% mewnol | internal
    cronoleg/.meaning to context,
    cynllun lliwiau=cronoleg,
    byw/troi lliwiau=true,
    digwyddiad/troi lliwiau=true,
    parhad/troi lliwiau=true,
    theori/troi lliwiau=false,
    theori/lliw rhagosodedig=chronos@lliw@theori,
    digwyddiad/lliw rhagosodedig=chronos@prifliw!75!chronos@prifliw@cefndir,
    parhad/lliw rhagosodedig=chronos@prifliw!75!chronos@prifliw@cefndir,
    gwybodaeth/lliw rhagosodedig=chronos@lliw@gwybodaeth,
    blynyddoedd yn unig,
    llinell amser={%
      timeline years=on line,
      llinell={chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell, opacity=.8},
      ffont camau mawr=\normalfont\bfseries,
      ffont camau bach=\normalfont\bfseries\footnotesize,
      ffont cyfnodau=\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries,
      timeline year={text=chronos@lliw@llinell, align=center},
      timeline mark={draw=chronos@lliw@llinell, ultra thick, shorten >=1.5pt},
      timeline minor mark={draw=chronos@lliw@llinell, thick, shorten >=3pt},
      timeline height'=10mm,
      timeline border height'=2.5mm,
      cam blwyddyn fawr=500,
      cam blwyddyn fach=100,
      timeline border outer colour=chronos@prifliw@cefndir,
      timeline border inner colour=chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell!80!chronos@borderouter,
      timeline border middle colour=chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell!20!chronos@borderouter,
      timeline mark eras,
      timeline marks,
      minor years,
      llinell amser ar=foreground,
      border ar=background,
      start date={-500},
      end date=2050,
      timeline margin'=10pt,
      timeline era margin'=15pt,
    timeline ce label={CE},
    timeline bce label={BCE},
    cysylltiadau={draw=##1, opacity=.75, thick},
    cysylltwyr testun={fill=##1, fill opacity=1, circle, minimum size=5pt, %
      anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
    cyffredin/cysylltiad/.style={draw=##1, opacity=.5, thick},
    every cysylltwyr chronos={fill=####1, opacity=.75, circle, %
      minimum size=2.5pt, anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
    cyffredin/testun/.style={outer xsep=0pt, rounded corners=2pt, thick, %
      text opacity=1, draw opacity=1, inner sep=2pt, fill opacity=.25,%
    byw/cysylltiad={/chronos/cyffredin/cysylltiad=##1, opacity=.75},
    theori/cysylltiad={thick, draw=chronos@prifliw, double=chronos@prifliw@cefndir},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A %     digwyddiad/lliwiau isod={chronos@prifliw!75!chronos@prifliw@cefndir},
%^^A %     digwyddiad/lliwiau uchod={chronos@prifliw!75!chronos@prifliw@cefndir},
%    \begin{macrocode}
    theori/cysylltwr testun={fill=chronos@prifliw@cefndir, circle, %
      minimum size=5pt, anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, thick, %
    byw/testun={/chronos/cyffredin/testun, align=left, text=##1!50!black, %
      fill=##1, draw=##1},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A     every digwyddiad+={only text},% yn hawsach i toggle on na off felly paid ag analluogi fel rhagosodedig
%    \begin{macrocode}
    digwyddiad/testun={/chronos/cyffredin/testun, align=left, text=##1!50!black, %
      fill=##1, draw=##1},
    parhad/testun={/chronos/cyffredin/testun, align=left, text=##1!50!black, %
      fill=##1,  draw=##1},
    theori/testun={/chronos/cyffredin/testun, align=center, inner sep=3pt, %
      text=chronos@lliw@theori, fill=chronos@lliw@cefndir@theori, %
      fill opacity=.8, draw=chronos@prifliw, double=chronos@prifliw@cefndir, %
    byw/llinell={fill=##1, fill opacity=.25, draw=none},
    digwyddiad/llinell={draw=##1, draw opacity=.25, fill=none},
    parhad/llinell={fill=##1, fill opacity=.25, draw=none},
    llinell ar=main,
    cysylltiad ar=middle ground,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A     byw/lliwiau isod o clist={lliwiau_isod},
%^^A     byw/lliwiau uchod o clist={lliwiau_uchod},
%    \begin{macrocode}
    theori/cylchau/label={align=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,%
      font=\scriptsize\scshape, text=chronos@prifliw},
    every cylch cylch theori'={fill=chronos@prifliw, draw=chronos@prifliw, %
      thick, even odd rule, fill opacity=.8},
    every testun cylch theori'={decoration={text effects along path, text={##1}, %
        text effects/.cd, fit text to path, text=chronos@prifliw@cefndir, %
        characters={text along path, font=\scriptsize\scshape}}, decorate},
    theori/cylchau/circle texts=:,
    gwybodaeth/label={/chronos/@amserau, font=\itshape\footnotesize, %
      anchor=north, yshift=-2.5pt},% oedd pethau
    gwybodaeth/testun={/chronos/cyffredin/testun, align=left, text=##1, %
      outer sep=0pt, fill=chronos@lliw@cefndir@gwybodaeth, draw opacity=.8, %
      text opacity=.8, font=\scriptsize, draw=chronos@prifliw},% oedd ee ? oedd testun ee?
    theori dash/.style={chronos@prifliw, opacity=.75, thick, densely dashed},
    theory dash/.link=/chronos/theori dash,
    amserau={align=center, anchor=base, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, %
      color=chronos@prifliw!75!chronos@prifliw@cefndir, opacity=.8, %
    amseraumawr={align=center, anchor=base, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, %
      color=chronos@prifliw, opacity=.8, font=\bfseries},
    prif/frame={inner sep=5pt, ultra thick, draw=chronos@prifliw, %
      double=chronos@prifliw@cefndir, fill=none},% oedd chronos@prifliw@cefndir
    prif/teitl={/chronos/prif/@frame, font=\Huge\bfseries, text=chronos@prifliw,%
      anchor=center, align=center, rounded corners=5pt},
    headings drops'=10pt:10pt:7.5pt,
    hawlfraint={font=\footnotesize\bfseries, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, %
      chronos@prifliw, fill=chronos@prifliw@cefndir},
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A     hawlfraint/cylchdroi=90,
%^^A     hawlfraint/angor=west,
%    \begin{macrocode}
    llinellau={color=black!50, opacity=.5},
    special date=none,
    ce year label={\textsc{ce}},
    bce year label={\textsc{bce}},
    testun yshift=10pt,
    frame uses bb=false,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A END style cronoleg >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A BEGIN env y ddogfen <<<
% \begin{environment}{chronos}
%   Main environment.
%   Avoid \lpack{expl3} syntax here.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentEnvironment {chronos} { > { \TrimSpaces } O {} } 
{% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/159856/ - Claudio Fiandrino
    fixed point arithmetic,
    prif/frame/.append code={\chronos@frametrue},
    prif/frame+/.append code={\chronos@frametrue},
    prif/frame'/.append code={\chronos@frametrue},
    name prefix=\chronos@tikzprefix,
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A     \chronosshowpreset
%^^A     \chronosshowfeatures
%^^A %     
%^^A   \IfFreeF \bagpuss {%
%^^A     \chronosshowfeatures[digwyddiad]%
%^^A     \chronosshowfeatures
%^^A     \chronosshowfeatures[byw]
%^^A     \chronosshowfeatures[parhad]
%^^A     \chronosshowfeatures[theori]
%^^A     \chronosshowfeatures[gwybodaeth]}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \IfBooleanExprT { \CSFreeBoolean \chronos@startyear || \CSFreeBoolean \chronos@endyear  }
        Missing start and/or end date for timeline.
        I will attempt to fathom the concept of a timeline without time, 
        but I predict unpredictable results}%
          You must specify both a start and end date. 
          If I try to start at the beginning or finish at the end, 
            I exceed TeX's maximum dimension. 
          Besides, what if time is cyclical? 
          My author didn't tell me how to draw a 3D timeline.}%
      \IfFreeT \chronos@startyear {\chronos@set@date{1800}{01}{01}{start}}%
      \IfFreeT \chronos@endyear {\chronos@set@date{2050}{12}{31}{end}}%
        Sorry, but I cannot reverse time. 
        Perhaps you could ask a metaphysician? 
        Setting end to start and start to end}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% paid ag anghofio am awto-cywiro yn functions chronos re.\ blwyddyn sero
% don't forget about auto-correction in chronos functions re.\ year zero
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \extractcolorspec{chronos@lliw@llinell}{\chronos@templlll}%^^A \show\chronos@templlll
      \extractcolorspec{chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell}{\chronos@templlllc}%^^A \show\chronos@templlllc
      \extractcolorspec{white}{\chronos@templlw}%^^A \show\chronos@templlw
      \extractcolorspec{chronos@prifliw}{\chronos@templlpl}%^^A \show\chronos@templlpl
      \extractcolorspec{chronos@prifliw@cefndir}{\chronos@templlplc}%^^A \show\chronos@templlplc
      \ifchronos@yearsonline % BEGIN
        \chronos@if@gosodF{border}{\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{border ar=middle ground}}%
        \chronos@if@gosodF{llinell}{\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{llinell ar=middle ground}}%
        \chronos@if@gosodF{llinell amser}{\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{llinell amser ar=main}}%
        \chronos@if@gosodF{cysylltiad}{\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{cysylltiad ar=background}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% rhag: llunio ar y border \textbar{} default: draw on the border
%    \begin{macrocode}
        \ifdim\chronos@llinell@yshift=\pi pt 
          \chronos@llinell@yshift=0pt %
            A timeline arrow requires a suitable off line style}
        \chronos@if@gosodF{border}{\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{border ar=middle ground}}%
        \chronos@if@gosodF{llinell}{\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{llinell ar=main}}%
        \chronos@if@gosodF{llinell amser}{\pgfqkeys{/chronos}%
          {llinell amser ar=main}}%
          {cysylltiad ar=background}}%
      \providecolor{chronos main colour}{named}{chronos@prifliw}%
      \providecolor{chronos main background colour}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos main color}{named}{chronos@prifliw}%
      \providecolor{chronos main background color}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos prifliw}{named}{chronos@prifliw}%
      \providecolor{chronos prifliw cefndir}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos timeline foreground colour}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos timeline background colour}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos timeline foreground color}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos timeline background color}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos lliw llinell amser blaendir}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos lliw llinell amser cefndir}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos timeline border inner colour}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos timeline border outer colour}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos timeline border middle colour}{named}%
      \providecolor{chronos timeline border inner color}{named}
      \providecolor{chronos timeline border outer color}{named}
      \providecolor{chronos timeline border middle color}{named}
      \providecolor{chronos lliw llinell amser border mewnol}{named}
      \providecolor{chronos lliw llinell amser border allanol}{named}
      \providecolor{chronos lliw llinell amser border canol}{named}
      \colorlet{chronos current tag colour}{chronos@prifliw}%
      \colorlet{chronos current tag color}{chronos@prifliw}%
      \ifdim\chronos@height=\pi pt %^^A BEGIN
        \PackageInfo{chronos}{Timeline height unset. 
          Guessing an appropriate value.}%
          \ifdim\chronos@borderheight=\pi pt
              Timeline border height unset. Guessing an appropriate value.}%
        \else % off line
          \ifdim\chronos@borderheight=\pi pt
              Timeline border height unset. Guessing an appropriate value.}%
            \pgfmathsetlength \chronos@height {4*\chronos@borderheight}%
      \fi % END \ifdim\chronos@height=\pi pt
      \ifdim\chronos@borderheight=\pi pt %^^A angen height am hwn ; angen hwn am llinell yshift
          Timeline border height unset. Guessing an appropriate value.}%
          \pgfmathsetlength \chronos@borderheight {\chronos@height/4}
      \ifchronos@yearsonline %^^A BEGIN \ifchronos@yearsonline
        \pgfqkeys{/chronos/timeline}{do timeline arrow}%
        \ifdim\chronos@llinell@yshift=\pi pt %^^A BEGIN
          \ifdim\chronos@height<5pt %^^A BEGIN
            \ifdim\chronos@borderheight<.5pt %^^A BEGIN
              \ifchronos@blynyddoeddisod%^^A BEGIN
                \ifchronos@blynyddoedduchod%^^A BEGIN
                \fi %^^A END \ifchronos@blynyddoedduchod
              \fi %^^A END \ifchronos@blynyddoeddisod
              \ifchronos@blynyddoeddisod %^^A BEGIN
                \ifchronos@blynyddoedduchod %^^A BEGIN
                \fi %^^A END \ifchronos@blynyddoedduchod
              \fi %^^A END % \ifchronos@blynyddoeddisod
            \fi %^^A END \ifdim\chronos@borderheight<.5pt
            \ifchronos@blynyddoeddisod %^^A BEGIN
              \ifchronos@blynyddoedduchod %^^A BEGIN
              \fi %^^A END \ifchronos@blynyddoedduchod
            \fi %^^A END  \ifchronos@blynyddoeddisod
          \fi %^^A END \ifdim\chronos@height<5pt 
        \fi %^^A END \ifdim\chronos@llinell@yshift=\pi pt
      \fi %^^A END ifchronos@yearsonline
      \ifx\chronos@templlpl\chronos@templlplc \PackageWarning{chronos}{%
        You've set the main colour and the main background colour to the same.}\fi
      \IfExistT \chronos@camrhaniadau {\chronos@if@gosodF{@bare}{%
      }% \chronos@if@gosodF{markeras}
      \ifchronos@markeras % BEGIN
%    \end{macrocode}
% angen côd Martin Scharrer uchod - needs the above code by Martin Scharrer
% Rmano: \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/64273912#64273912}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Rmano: \url{https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/64273912#64273912}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \fi % END \ifchronos@markeras
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A       \ifchronos@yearsonline
%^^A         {% rhag ofn rhywun wedi gosod line width gwahanol | in case somebody's set a different line width
%^^A           % use a group to avoid setting timeline style globally
%^^A           \pgfqkeys{/pgf}{key filters/defined/.install key filter}%
%^^A           \pgfkeysfiltered{/chronos/llinell amser/timeline@line}%
%^^A           % so we need to take the line width out in a global dimen
%^^A           \global\chronos@tmpdimenb=\pgflinewidth
%^^A         }% & adjust the timeline width accordingly
%^^A         \advance \chronos@width by -\chronos@tmpdimenb
%^^A       \fi
% cofia!! \cs{chronos@set@date} a ffrindiau'n awto-cywiro am flwyddyn sero!!
% remember!! \cs{chronos@set@date} and friends auto-correct for year zero!!
% cofia! ti'n defnyddio **pgfcalendar** yn lle blynyddoedd nawr!!
% remember! you use \lpack{pgfcalendar} in place of years now!!
% (but I have no idea what I meant by this \dots)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A      \chronos@timelineunitlength \dimexpr\chronos@unit pt\relax% using this truncates the dimension and leads to visible inaccuracies e.g. 0.0003pt vs. 0.00031~pt makes a difference over 5,000 units or so!
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \path (0pt,0pt) ++(-\chronos@dechrau@dechrau,0pt) coordinate (chronos pre);%^^A oedd chronos@dechrau
      \path (\chronos@amser@diwedd pt,0pt) ++(\chronos@diwedd@diwedd,0pt) 
        coordinate (chronos post);%^^A oedd chronos@diwedd
      \chronos@inner@halfheight \dimexpr0.5\dimexpr\chronos@height\relax%
      \chronos@outer@halfheight \dimexpr\chronos@inner@halfheight+\dimexpr\chronos@borderheight\relax%
      \coordinate (chronos top) at (0pt,\chronos@inner@halfheight);%^^A oedd chronos@height
      \coordinate (chronos base) at (0pt,-\chronos@inner@halfheight);%^^A oedd chronos@depth
      \coordinate (chronos foot) at (0pt,-\chronos@outer@halfheight);
      \coordinate (chronos head) at (0pt,\chronos@outer@halfheight);
%    \end{macrocode}
% chronos pre-top, chronos post-top, chronos pre-base, chronos post-base
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \foreach \i/\j in {%
      } \coordinate (chronos \i-\j) at (chronos \i |- chronos \j);
      \coordinate (chronos start) at (0pt,0pt);% dal yn gywir?
      \coordinate (chronos origin) at (chronos start);% newid isod efaillai
      \coordinate (chronos end) at (\chronos@amser@diwedd pt,0pt);
      \coordinate (chronos mid) at ($(chronos pre)!.5!(chronos post)$);
      \coordinate (chronos mid-time) at ($(chronos start)!.5!(chronos end)$);
%    \end{macrocode}
% styles which rotate labels need this earlier; reset here in case altered
%    \begin{macrocode}
          \path [%
            top color=chronos@borderouter,%
            bottom color=chronos@borderinner,%
            middle color=chronos@bordermiddle,%
            /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@border%
          ] (chronos pre-top) rectangle (chronos post-head);
          \path [%
            bottom color=chronos@borderouter,%
            top color=chronos@borderinner,%
            middle color=chronos@bordermiddle,%
            /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@border%
          ] (chronos post-base) rectangle (chronos pre-foot);
      \end{scope}% [/chronos/chronos@border@haenen]
      \begin{scope}[/chronos/chronos@llinell amser@haenen]
%    \end{macrocode}
% fill the timeline if putting the years etc. onto it
%    \begin{macrocode}
          \fill [%
            /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@line%
          ] (chronos pre-top) rectangle (chronos post-base);
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A           \draw [chronos@lliw@cefndir@llinell,/chronos/llinell amser/timeline@line] (chronos pre-top) -- (chronos post-top) (chronos post-base) -- (chronos pre-base);
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% fel arall, draw
%    \begin{macrocode}
          \draw [%
            line width=\chronos@height,%
            /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@line%
          ] (chronos pre) -- (chronos post);
%    \end{macrocode}
% gweler ateb Qrrbrbirlbel: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/701524/} i fy nghwestiwn: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/701518/}
%    \begin{macrocode}
          \coordinate (tmpa) at (current bounding box.north);
          \coordinate (tmpb) at (current bounding box.south);
          \path (chronos pre) -- (chronos post) -- (tmpa) -- (tmpb);
        \fi % \ifchronos@yearsonline
%    \end{macrocode}
% prif label - main label
% lau cyfnodau - eras
%    \begin{macrocode}
        \ifchronos@markeras % BEGIN
            \node (chronos bce) [%
              inner xsep=0pt,%
            ] at (chronos start) {\chronos@bce};
            \node (chronos ce) [%
              inner xsep=0pt,%
            ] at (chronos end) {\chronos@ce};
            \settowidth \chronos@templgthc {\chronos@ffont@cyfnodau\chronos@bce}%
            \node (chronos bce) [%
              /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@years,%
              /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@year@off@line,%
              inner xsep=0pt,%
            ] at (chronos start) {\chronos@bce};
            \settowidth \chronos@templgthc {\chronos@ffont@cyfnodau\chronos@ce}%
            \node (chronos ce) [%
              /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@years,%
              /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@year@off@line,%
              inner xsep=0pt,%
            ] at (chronos end) {\chronos@ce};
        \fi % END \ifchronos@markeras
        \ifchronos@timeline@showyears % BEGIN
          \IfExistTF \chronos@cam@blwyddyn@fawr {%
            \IfExistTF \chronos@cam@blwyddyn@fach {%
                \PackageWarning{chronos}{Setting minor step year to zero}%
                \IfBooleanExprT {%
                  (\IntCompareBoolean {\chronos@cam@blwyddyn@fach} > {0}) && 
                  ! (\LegacyBoolean {chronos@minoryears}) && 
                  ! (\LegacyBoolean {chronos@marks@minor}) && 
                  (\LegacyBoolean {chronos@marks@bare})
                    Setting minor step year to zero so your marks are evenly spaced%
            \IfExistTF \chronos@cam@blwyddyn@fach {%
                Using minor step year as step year and setting minor step %
                  year to zero%
                You have not specified how frequently years should be marked %
                  on the timeline. 
                Guessing appropriate values. 
                Set step major year and/or step minor year to specify%
                            \fi % >10
                          \fi % >20
                        \fi % >50
                      \fi % > 100
                    \fi % > 150
                  \fi % >300
                \fi % >1000
              \fi % >1500
          }% \IfExistTF \chronos@cam@blwyddyn@fawr
          \IfExistF \chronos@camrhaniadau {%^^A rhaid \chronos@marks@baretrue o achos y côd uchod
                I'm guessing you want bare marks on your timeline. 
                If I'm wrong, specify step divisions=0 to override my decision}%
                \fi % >1
              \fi % >2
                  I'm guessing you don't want bare marks on your timeline. 
                  If I'm wrong, specify step divisions to override my decision}%
            \fi % <5
          }% \chronos@camrhaniadau
            \IfExistF \chronos@camrhaniadau {%
                You have requested bare marks but not specified how many. 
                Guessing 4 per minor step. Set step divisions to specify}%
            }% \IfExistT \chronos@camrhaniadau
          \fi % \ifchronos@marks@bare
          \IfFreeTF \chronos@stepfrom {%
                \fi % \ifx\chronos@startday\tempa
              \fi % \ifx\chronos@startmonth\tempa
            \fi % \ifnum\thechronos@startyear=\thechronos@endyear
              \IfBooleanExprTF {%
                ! (\LegacyBoolean{chronos@yearzero}) && 
                (\IntCompareBoolean{\thechronos@startmarkyear}{=}{1}) %
                \setcounter{chronos@startmarkyear}{0}% => 1 fel chronos@startmarkyear
                    \PackageWarning{chronos}{Ignoring steps}%
                You have explicitly requested years marked on your timeline %
                which are not modulo the steps you have specified. 
                I'm setting the year format to show full years, which should %
                make the result a bit more intelligible.%
          }% \IfFreeTF \chronos@stepfrom
              ? \thechronos@endyear : 
              ? \thechronos@endyear : 
          \IfExistT \chronos@camrhaniadau 
            {\pgfmathsetmacro \chronos@tempml{int(\chronos@camrhaniadau-1)}}%
          \IfBooleanExprTF {%
             || !  (\IntCompareBoolean{\chronos@nextstep}{<}{\thechronos@endyear}) 
             || ( (  (\IntCompareBoolean{\chronos@nextstep}{=}{0}) ||  
             (\IntCompareBoolean{\thechronos@startmarkyear}{=}{0}) ) &&  
             && ! \LegacyBoolean {chronos@yearzero} )
          }{%^^A osgoi infinite loop yn pgf \foreach isod
            \IfBooleanExprT {%
              ! \LegacyBoolean {chronos@yearzero} &&  
              &&   (  (\IntCompareBoolean{\chronos@nextstep}{=}{0}) ||  
              (\IntCompareBoolean{\thechronos@startmarkyear}{=}{0}) )
            } {\addtocounter{chronos@tempcntb}{-1}}%
              \IfExistTF \chronos@camrhaniadau 
                    Since your timeline spans fewer than two years, %
                    step divisions must be a factor of 12. 
                    I will use 4 if you requested 5 and 6 otherwise}%
                    \fi % \fnum\pgfmathresult>6 hynny yw 7,8,9,10,11
                  \fi % \ifnum\pgfmathresult=5
                \fi % \ifnum\pgfmathresult=0
                \ifnum\chronos@startday>1 \stepcounter{chronos@tempcntb}\fi
                \IfBooleanExprF {%
                  \foreach \m [expand list] in {\chronos@tempu}%
                    \chronos@set@date {\thechronos@startyear}{\m}{01}{tempa}%
                      \fi % \m=1
                    \fi % \thechronos@tempadate>\thechronos@enddate
                  }% \foreach \m in {\chronos@tmpstartmonth,...,12}
                    \foreach \m [expand list] in {\chronos@tempu} %^^A {1,...,\chronos@endmonth}
                      \chronos@set@date {\thechronos@endyear}{\m}{01}{tempa}%^^A awto-cywiro am flwyddyn sero
                        \fi %^^A \m=1
                      \fi %^^A \thechronos@tempadate>\thechronos@enddate
                    }%^^A \foreach \m in {1,...,\chronos@endmonth}
                  \fi % \thechronos@startyear<\thechronos@endyear
                  }%^^A \ifboolexpr { test {\ifnum\thechronos@tmpstartmonth=\thechronos@endmonth} and test {\ifnum\thechronos@startyear=\thechronos@endyear} }
              }{%^^A \IfExistTF \chronos@camrhaniadau F
              }%^^A \IfExistTF \chronos@camrhaniadau
              \foreach \b [%
                evaluate=\b as \i using {%
                  ((\b==0)&&(\thechronos@tempcnta==0)) ? 1 : int(\b)}%
              ] in {\thechronos@startmarkyear,\thechronos@endyear} {%
                \chronos@set@date{\i}{01}{01}{year}%^^A awto-cywiro am flwyddyn sero
            \fi % \ifnum\thechronos@tempcntb<2
            \foreach \b [%
              evaluate=\b as \i using {%
                ((\b==0)&&(\thechronos@tempcnta==0)) ? 1 : int(\b)}%
            ] in {%
            } {%
              \chronos@set@date{\i}{01}{01}{year}% awto-cywiro am flwyddyn sero
          }%^^A \ifboolexpr { test {\ifnumcomp{\chronos@nextstep}{=}{\thechronos@startyear}} or test {\ifnumcomp{\chronos@nextstep}{=}{\thechronos@endyear}} }
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A           \IfFreeF \bagpuss { \show\chronos@camrhaniadau \ifchronos@marks@bare\show\mebare\else\show\meclothed\fi \chronosshowpreset}
%    \begin{macrocode}
          \foreach \d/\b/\chronosyeari [%
            expand list,%
            remember=\chronosyeari as \ilast (initially \pi),%
            remember=\d as \dlast (initially \pi)%
          ] in {\chronos@global@from@clist{tmpa}}
          {% BEGIN \foreach \b ...
            \ifnum\d=\dlast\relax % BEGIN
              \coordinate (chronos date \d) at (\chronos@tempa pt,0pt);
              \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{% defnyddio am nodau noeth beth bynnag ac am marciau cyffredinol os y llinell amser yn fyr
                temp@on/.style={/chronos/llinell amser/timeline@minor@mark@on@line},
                temp@off/.style={/chronos/llinell amser/timeline@minor@mark@off@line},
                \node (chronos phantom year) [%
                  rotate around/.style={},%
                  /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@years,%
                  /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@year@on@line,%
                ] at (chronos start) {\phantom{1}};
                \node (chronos phantom year) [%
                  rotate around/.style={},%
                  /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@years,%
                  /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@year@off@line,%
                ] at (chronos start) 
              \fi % \ifnum\dlast=\pi
                  \path [/chronos/temp@on] 
                    (chronos phantom year.south -| chronos date \d) -- 
                    (chronos phantom year.north -| chronos date \d);
                  \path [/chronos/temp@off] (chronos date \d)  -- 
                    ( chronos date \d |- chronos phantom year.\chronos@timelineyearsanchor) 
              \else % \ifnum\b=-5000
                \coordinate (chronos year \chronosyeari) at (\chronos@tempa pt,0pt);
                  \coordinate (chronos first marked year) at (chronos year \chronosyeari);
                    \coordinate (chronos origin) at (\chronos@tempa pt,0pt);
                      \coordinate (chronos origin) at (\chronos@tempa pt,0pt);
%    \end{macrocode}
% make \cs{foreach} loops work straightforwardly (not used in main code)
%    \begin{macrocode}
                      \coordinate (chronos year 0) at (chronos year 1);
                    \fi % \ifchronos@yearzero
                  \fi % \ifnum\chronosyeari=1
                \fi % \ifnum\b=\thechronos@startmarkyear
                \fi % \ifnum\b=\chronos@nextstep
                    \IfBooleanExprT {%
                      ! \LegacyBoolean {chronos@yearzero} && 
                      \IntCompareBoolean {\chronosyeari}={1}
                  \fi % \ifnum\pgfmathresult=0
                \fi % \ifnum\chronos@cam@blwyddyn@fach=0
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@mark@on@line},
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@mark@off@line},
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@minor@mark@on@line},
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@minor@mark@off@line},
                \fi %^^A \ifchronos@cam@mod
%    \end{macrocode}
% \cs{ifchronos@temp} tracks whether we draw a node (T) or coordinate (F)
%    \begin{macrocode}
                \ifchronos@markateraswitch %
                  \ifchronos@minoryears \else \ifchronos@cam@mod \else \chronos@tempfalse \fi\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% BEGIN \cs{ifchronos@yearsonline} \dots
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% if labelling era switch or not switching here, use a node
%    \begin{macrocode}
                    \node (chronos year \chronosyeari) [%
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@years,%
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@year@on@line,%
                    ] at (chronos year \chronosyeari) 
                  \fi %^^A END \ifchronos@temp
                  \ifchronos@marks %^^A BEGIN
                    \path [/chronos/temp@on] (chronos year \chronosyeari.south) -- 
                      (chronos year \chronosyeari |- chronos base);%^^A rhag ofn rotate (pwy sy'n gwybod?)
                    \path [/chronos/temp@on] (chronos year \chronosyeari.north) -- 
                      (chronos year \chronosyeari |- chronos top);%^^A rhag ofn rotate (pwy sy'n gwybod?)
                    \ifchronos@marks@bare % BEGIN
                      \ifnum\dlast=\pi\relax % BEGIN
                        \ifnum\chronos@camrhaniadau>1 % BEGIN
                          \foreach \m [evaluate=\m as \n using {int(\m-1)}] 
                            in {2,...,\chronos@camrhaniadau}
                            \path [%
                              /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@bare@mark@on@line%
                            ] ([xshift={-\n*\chronos@tempg pt}]chronos year 
                              \chronosyeari |- chronos phantom year.south)
                              -- ([xshift={-\n*\chronos@tempg pt}]chronos year 
                              \chronosyeari |- chronos phantom year.north);
                          \ifnum\b=\chronos@nextstep % BEGIN
                            \path (chronos year \ilast);
                            \setlength \chronos@templgtha{%
                              \chronos@tempgx-\chronos@tempg pt}%
                            \ifdim\chronos@templgtha<0pt\relax % BEGIN
                              \foreach \n in {1,...,\chronos@tempml}
                                \coordinate (a) at (\chronos@templgtha,0pt);
                                \path [%
                                  /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@bare@mark@on@line%
                                ]  (a |- chronos phantom year.south) -- 
                                  (a |- chronos phantom year.north);
                                \addtolength \chronos@templgtha{-\chronos@tempg pt}%
                            \fi % END \ifdim\chronos@templgtha<0pt
                          \fi % END \ifnum\b=\chronos@nextstep
                          \ifnum\chronos@tempny>\thechronos@endyear % BEGIN
                            \path (chronos year \chronosyeari);
                            \setlength \chronos@templgtha{%
                              \chronos@tempgx+\chronos@tempg pt}%
                            \path (chronos end);
                            \ifdim\chronos@templgtha>\chronos@tempgx\relax % BEGIN
                              \foreach \n in {1,...,\chronos@tempml}
                                \coordinate (a) at (\chronos@templgtha,0pt);
                                \path [%
                                  /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@bare@mark@on@line%
                                  (a |- chronos phantom year.south) -- 
                                  (a |- chronos phantom year.north);
                                \addtolength \chronos@templgtha{\chronos@tempg pt}%
                            \fi % END \ifdim\chronos@templgtha<0pt                        
                          \fi % END \ifnum\chronos@tempny>\thechronos@endyear
                        \fi % END \ifnum\chronos@camrhaniadau>1
                      \fi % END \ifnum\dlast=\pi
                    \fi % END \ifchronos@marks@bare
                  \fi % END \ifchronos@marks
                \else % chronos@yearsonline yw F
%    \end{macrocode}
% if labelling era switch or not switching here, use a node
%    \begin{macrocode}
                    \node (chronos node year \chronosyeari) [%
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@years,%
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@year@off@line,%
                    ] at (chronos year \chronosyeari) 
                    \node (chronos node year \chronosyeari) [%
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@years,%
                      /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@year@off@line,%
                    ] at (chronos year \chronosyeari) 
                  \fi %^^A END % \ifchronos@temp
                  \ifchronos@marks %^^A BEGIN 
                        \path [%
                          shorten <=.5*\chronos@height,
                          /chronos/llinell amser/era switch off line%
                        ] (\chronos@tempa pt,0pt)  -- 
                          (chronos node year \chronosyeari.center -| chronos year \chronosyeari) 
                          ;%^^A rhag ofn rotate
                      \path [shorten <=.5*\chronos@height, /chronos/temp@off] 
                        (\chronos@tempa pt,0pt)  -- 
                        (chronos node year \chronosyeari.\chronos@timelineyearsanchor -| chronos year \chronosyeari) ;
                      \ifchronos@marks@bare % BEGIN
                          \foreach \m  [evaluate=\m as \n using {int(\m-1)}] in
                            \path [%
                              shorten <=.5*\chronos@height, 
                              /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@bare@mark@off@line%
                            ] ([xshift={-\n*\chronos@tempg pt}]\chronos@tempa pt,0pt) 
                              coordinate (\chronosyeari-\n) -- 
                              (\chronosyeari-\n |- chronos node year \chronosyeari.\chronos@timelineyearsanchor);
                          \ifnum\b=\chronos@nextstep % BEGIN
                            \path (chronos year \ilast);
                            \setlength \chronos@templgtha{%
                              \chronos@tempgx-\chronos@tempg pt}%
                            \ifdim\chronos@templgtha<0pt\relax % BEGIN
                              \foreach \n in {1,...,\chronos@tempml}
                                \path [%
                                  shorten <=.5*\chronos@height,
                                  /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@bare@mark@off@line%
                                ] (\chronos@templgtha,0pt) coordinate (a) -- 
                                  (a |- chronos node year \chronosyeari.\chronos@timelineyearsanchor);
                                \addtolength \chronos@templgtha{-\chronos@tempg pt}%
                                \ifdim\chronos@templgtha<0pt \breakforeach\fi
                            \fi % \ifdim\chronos@templgtha<0pt
                          \fi % \ifnum\b=\chronos@nextstep
                          \ifnum\chronos@tempny>\thechronos@endyear % BEGIN
                            \path (chronos year \chronosyeari);
                            \setlength \chronos@templgtha{%
                              \chronos@tempgx+\chronos@tempg pt}%
                            \path (chronos end);
                            \ifdim\chronos@templgtha>\chronos@tempgx\relax % BEGIN
                              \foreach \n in {1,...,\chronos@tempml}
                                \path [%
                                  shorten <=.5*\chronos@height,%
                                  /chronos/llinell amser/timeline@bare@mark@off@line,%
                                ] (\chronos@templgtha,0pt) coordinate (a) -- 
                                  (a |- chronos node year \chronosyeari.\chronos@timelineyearsanchor);
                                \addtolength \chronos@templgtha{\chronos@tempg pt}%
                            \fi % END \ifdim\chronos@templgtha<0pt                        
                          \fi % END \ifnum\b=\thechronos@endyear
                        \fi % END \ifnum\chronos@camrhaniadau>1below
                      \fi % END \ifchronos@marks@bare
                    \fi % END  \ifnum\dlast=\pi
                  \fi % END \ifchronos@marks
                \fi % END years on line
              \fi % \ifnum\b=-5000
            \fi % \ifnum\d=\dlast % END
          }% END \foreach \b ...
        \fi % END showing years
        \ifx\chronos@coords\@empty\relax % BEGIN 
          \foreach \i in \chronos@coords {%
            \chronos@set@date{\i}{01}{01}{tempa}% awto-cywiro am flwyddyn sero
              \coordinate (chronos year \i) at (\chronos@temph pt,0pt);
              \coordinate (chronos date \i) at (\chronos@temph pt,0pt);
        \fi% END
            timeline years=on line,
      \end{scope}% [/chronos/chronos@llinell amser@haenen] ?
%    \end{macrocode}
% phantom nodes - haws i gosodi pethau \textbar\ easy to install things
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \begin{scope}[%^^A <<< byw,every node etc.
          byw,every node/.append style={%
          \node (u1) [%
            anchor=south west, yshift=\chronos@borderheight+2pt, alias=level 1%
          ] at (chronos top -| \chronos@lefelau@at) 
            {\phantom{Enw}u1 \textbar{} level 1\\\phantom{1234}};
            \foreach \i [count=\ino] in {2,...,\chronos@uchod} 
              \node (u\i) [anchor=south west, alias=level \i] at 
                (u\ino.north west) {%
                  \phantom{Enw}u\i{} \textbar{} level \i\\\phantom{1234}%
          \node (i1) [%
            anchor=north west, yshift=-\chronos@borderheight-2pt, alias=level -1%
          ] at (chronos base -| \chronos@lefelau@at) 
            {\phantom{Enw}i1 \textbar{} level -1\\\phantom{1234}};
            \foreach \i [count=\ino] in {2,...,\chronos@isod} 
              \node (i\i) [anchor=north west, alias=level -\i] at 
                (i\ino.south west) 
                {\phantom{Enw}i\i{} \textbar{} level -\i\\\phantom{1234}};
          \begin{scope}[on chronos overlay layer]
              \foreach \i in {1,...,\chronos@uchod} 
                \draw [help lines, draw=chronos@lliw@node] (u\i.north east) 
                  -| (u\i.south west) -| cycle;
              \foreach \i in {1,...,\chronos@isod} 
                \draw [help lines, draw=chronos@lliw@node] 
                  (i\i.north east) -| (i\i.south west) -| cycle;
          \end{scope}%[on chronos overlay layer]
      \end{scope}%^^A >>> byw, every node etc.
%    \end{macrocode}
% At the end of \texttt{chronos} \dots
%    \begin{macrocode}
}{%^^A oedd yn execute at end picture={...}
            \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{subheadings drops'=0pt:0pt}%
          \fi % \ifchronos@framedefnyddiobb
        \fi % \ifchronos@headings
      \fi % \ifchronos@frame
          \PackageWarning{chronos}{Setting headings drop to 15pt}%
          \PackageWarning{chronos}{Setting upper subheading drop to 12pt}%
          \PackageWarning{chronos}{Setting lower subheading drop to 10pt}%
          \coordinate (u0) at (current bounding box.north);
            Placing (u0) at (current bounding box.north) for headings placement.%
        \ifdim\chronos@border@penawdau=\pi pt
          \IfIntCompareTF {\chronos@uchod > 0}
              Allowing 15pt plus headings and subheadings drops for headings.%
              Allowing 5pt plus headings and subheadings drops for headings.%
          \advance \chronos@border@penawdau by \chronos@heading@drop
          \advance \chronos@border@penawdau by \chronos@subheading@drop@uchod
          \advance \chronos@border@penawdau by \chronos@subheading@drop@isod
          \coordinate (i0) at (current bounding box.south);
            Placing (i0) at (current bounding box.south) for structural purposes.%
        \advance\chronos@templgtha by \chronos@border@pen
        \coordinate (chronos margin top) at 
          ($(u\chronos@uchod.north -| chronos post) + (0pt,\chronos@templgtha)$);
        \advance\chronos@templgtha by \chronos@heading@drop
        \coordinate (chronos main headings) at 
          ($(chronos margin top) - (0pt,\chronos@templgtha)$);% oedd pen & gwahanol
        \coordinate (chronos bottom) at 
          ($(i\chronos@isod.south) + (0pt,-\chronos@border@gwaelod)$);% oedd gwaelod
        \coordinate (chronos upper subheadings) at 
          ($(chronos main headings) - (0pt,\chronos@subheading@drop@uchod)$);% oedd pwy1
        \coordinate (chronos lower subheadings) at 
          ($(chronos upper subheadings) - (0pt,\chronos@subheading@drop@isod)$);% oedd pwy2
        \coordinate (chronos@de) at ($(chronos post) + (\chronos@border@de,0pt)$);% oedd de
        \coordinate (chronos@chwith) at 
          ($(chronos pre) + (-\chronos@border@chwith,0pt)$);% oedd chwith
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A        \coordinate (chronos@chwith1) at ($(chronos pre) + (\chronos@border@chwith,0pt)$);% oedd chwith1
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \fi % \ifchronos@headings
        \scoped[on chronos background layer]{%
          \ifchronos@framedefnyddiobb % if frame uses bb
            \node (chronos frame) [%
              fit=(current bounding box), /chronos/prif/@frame%
            ] {};
            \node (chronos frame) [fit=(chronos margin top -| chronos@de) 
              (chronos bottom -| chronos@chwith), /chronos/prif/@frame] {};
          \fi % \ifchronos@framedefnyddiobb
          \path (chronos frame.south west) 
            ++(-\chronos@border@allanol,-\chronos@border@allanol) |- 
            (chronos frame.north east) -- 
      \fi % \ifchronos@frame
    \end{scope}% [/chronos/@style]
      \begin{scope}[on chronos overlay layer]
        \foreach \i/\j in {%
          chronos foot/-55,%
          chronos head/north,%
          chronos base/-25,%
          chronos top/120,%
          chronos start/85,%
          chronos end/85,%
          chronos pre/west,%
          chronos post/east,%
          chronos pre-top/175,%
          chronos post-top/15,%
          chronos pre-base/south west,%
          chronos post-base/south east,%
          chronos pre-head/155,%
          chronos post-head/north east,%
          chronos pre-foot/south,%
          chronos post-foot/south,%
          chronos origin/-85,%
          chronos mid/90,%
          chronos mid-time/-90%
        \node [/chronos/show coord={\j}{\i}] at (\i) {}; 
          \node [/chronos/show coord={45}{chronos first marked year}] at 
            (chronos first marked year) {};
          \foreach \i/\j in {%
            chronos main headings/east,%
            chronos bottom/north,%
            chronos upper subheadings/east,%
            chronos lower subheadings/east,%
            chronos margin top/north%
          \node [/chronos/show coord={\j}{\i}] at (\i) {};
        \node (chronos@gwybodaeth@coords) [%
          below=2.5pt of current bounding box.south west,%
          anchor=north west,%
          every pin,%
        ] {\textbullet{} coordinates};
    \fi % \ifchronos@showcoords
      \begin{scope}[on chronos overlay layer]
          \foreach \i/\j in {chronos bce/south, chronos ce/-95} 
            \draw [help lines, draw=chronos@lliw@node] (\i.north west) -| 
              (\i.south east) -| cycle;
            \node [/chronos/show node coord={\j}{\i}] at (\i) {};
        \fi % \ifchronos@markeras
          \draw [help lines, draw=chronos@lliw@node] (chronos frame.north west)
            -| (chronos frame.south east) -| cycle;
          \node [/chronos/show node coord={north}{chronos frame}] at 
            (chronos frame.north) {};
        \fi % \ifchronos@frame
          \node (chronos@gwybodaeth@nodes) [%
            right=of chronos@gwybodaeth@coords.base east,%
            anchor=base west,%
            every pin,%
          ] {\textbullet{} nodes};
          \node (chronos@gwybodaeth@nodes) [%
            below=2.5pt of current bounding box.south west,%
            anchor=north west,%
            every pin,%
          ] {\textbullet{} nodes};        
        \fi % \ifchronos@showcoords
    \fi % \ifchronos@shownodes
      \begin{scope}[on chronos overlay layer]
        \draw [help lines,draw=chronos@lliw@bb]
          (current bounding box.north east) -| (current bounding box.south west)
            -| cycle;
        \node [%
          /chronos/show coordinate={chronos@lliw@bb}{90}{bounding box}{15pt}{}%
        ] at (current bounding box.120) {};
          \node (chronos@gwybodaeth@bb) [%
            right=of chronos@gwybodaeth@nodes.base east,%
            anchor=base west,%
            every pin,%
          ] {\textbullet{} bounding box};
            \node (chronos@gwybodaeth@bb) [%
              right=of chronos@gwybodaeth@coords.base east,%
              anchor=base west,%
              every pin,%
            ] {\textbullet{} bounding box};
            \node (chronos@gwybodaeth@bb) [%
              below=2.5pt of current bounding box.south west,%
              anchor=north west,%
              every pin,%
            ] {\textbullet{} bounding box};        
          \fi % \ifchronos@showcoords
        \fi % \ifchronos@shownodes
    \fi % \ifchronos@showbb
%    \end{macrocode}
  % ailosod pethau rhagosodedig sy'n gosod gyda \cs{g} neu \cs{global}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
%^^A END env y ddogfen >>>
%^^A BEGIN macros y ddogfen <<<
% \begin{macro}{\chronosset,\@chronosset,\@@chronosset}%^^A <<<
%   This can't be the right way to do this, can it?
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \@chronosset { s m } {%
\NewDocumentCommand \@@chronosset { s m }
    \bs chronosset has no effect inside a chronos environment.
    Usage ignored %
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\byw}%^^A <<<
% That is, \cs{chronoslife}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand\byw { m }{%
    \chronos@byw@cysylltiadtheorifalse %^^A rhag ofn
    \tikzset{byw={enw={??},marw={\year-\month-\day},bu farw=false,#1}}%
      \PackageInfo{chronos}{Setting split false for non-event.}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% temporary coordinate accurate only for x
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \coordinate (\chronos@byw@tikzname) at (\chronos@templ pt,0pt);
    \IfExistTF \chronos@cynnwys@testun{%
      \IfExistF \chronos@cynnwys@enw {%
        \def \chronos@cynnwys@enw {\chronos@enw@priflythrennu{\chronos@byw@enw}}%
      \IfExistTF \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
        \pretocmd \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {\\\chronos@byw@ffontdyddiad}{}{}%
            \def \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
            \def \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
      \def \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
    \chronos@creu@llinell {byw}{\chronos@temph pt}{\chronos@tempk pt}{geni}{marw}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% final coordinate accurate for x and y
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \coordinate (\chronos@byw@tikzname) at 
      ($(\chronos@byw@tikzname{} geni)!1/2!(\chronos@byw@tikzname{} marw)$);
%    \end{macrocode}
% creu cylcu ar y lein ; testun - prif node ; testun cylch ; prif gysylltiad
%    \begin{macrocode}
        \chronos@angorau@theori{testun \chronos@byw@tikzname}%
          {cysylltwr \chronos@byw@tikzname}[connector \chronos@byw@tikzname]%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A       }%
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\digwyddiad}%^^A <<<
%   That is, \cs{chronosevent}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand\digwyddiad { m }{%
    \chronos@digwyddiad@cysylltiadtheorifalse %^^A rhag ofn
%    \end{macrocode}
% oedd problem yn pasio every@digwyddiad i digwyddiad pan iddo fe'n cynnwys font=\cs{unrhywbeth}
% \textbar{} there was a problem passing every@digwyddiad to digwyddiad (event) when it included \texttt{font=\bs something}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% temporary coordinate accurate only for x
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \coordinate (\chronos@digwyddiad@tikzname) at (\chronos@temph pt,0pt);
        \IfExistF \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
          \IfExistTF  \chronos@cynnwys@enw {%
            \def\chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
            \def \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
        \IfExistF \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
          \IfExistF \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
            \def \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
          \IfExistTF  \chronos@cynnwys@enw {%
            \def\chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
            \def \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
    \else % not event date split
      \IfExistTF \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
        \IfExistF {\chronos@cynnwys@enw}{%
          \def \chronos@cynnwys@enw {%
        \IfExistTF \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
          \apptocmd \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {\\}{}{}%
          \pretocmd \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau 
            \def \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
        \def \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
%    \end{macrocode}
% marcio digwyddiad ar y lein \textbar{} mark event on line
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \begin{scope}[/chronos/chronos@llinell@haenen]% finalise coordinate placement
      \path [/chronos/@llinell=\chronos@digwyddiad@lliw] ({\chronos@temph pt,0}
        |- \chronos@border@coord) -- +(0pt,\chronos@digwyddiad@border) 
        coordinate (\chronos@digwyddiad@tikzname);
        \path [/chronos/@llinell=\chronos@digwyddiad@lliw] 
          ({\chronos@temph pt,0} |- \chronos@border@coord@inv) -- 
          +(0pt,\chronos@digwyddiad@border@inv) coordinate 
%    \end{macrocode}
% creu cylch ar y lein ; testun - prif node ; testun cylch ; prif gysylltiad
% \textbar{} create circle (or other mark) on timeline ; text tag ; text tag circle (connector) ; main connection
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \chronos@creu@testun@tag*{digwyddiad}{\chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau}%^^A angen defnyddio  /chronos/event date split
%    \end{macrocode}
% dyddiad arbennig \textbar{} special date
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \scoped[/chronos/chronos@llinell amser@haenen]{%
        \node [/chronos/event year on line] at (\chronos@temph pt,0pt)
        \chronos@angorau@theori{testun \chronos@digwyddiad@tikzname}%
          {cysylltwr \chronos@digwyddiad@tikzname}%
          [connector \chronos@digwyddiad@tikzname]%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A       }%
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\parhad}%^^A <<<
%   That is, \cs{chronosperiod}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand\parhad { m }{%
    \chronos@parhad@cysylltiadtheorifalse %^^A rhag ofn
      \PackageInfo{chronos}{Setting split false for non-event.}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% temporary coordinate accurate only for x
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \coordinate (\chronos@parhad@tikzname) at (\chronos@templ pt,0pt);
    \IfExistTF \chronos@cynnwys@testun{%
      \IfExistF \chronos@cynnwys@enw {%
        \def \chronos@cynnwys@enw {\chronos@enw@priflythrennu{\chronos@parhad@enw}}%
      \IfExistTF \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
        \apptocmd \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {\\}{}{}%
            \def \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {\chronos@parhad@labeldechrau\\}%
            \def \chronos@cynnwys@dyddiadau {%
      \def \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
    \chronos@creu@llinell {parhad}{\chronos@temph pt}{\chronos@tempk pt}{dechrau}{diwedd}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% final coordinate placement
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \coordinate (\chronos@parhad@tikzname) at 
      ($(\chronos@parhad@tikzname{} dechrau)!1/2!(\chronos@parhad@tikzname{} diwedd)$);
%    \end{macrocode}
% creu cylch ar y lein ; testun ; testun cylch ; prif gysylltiad
% \textbar{} create circle (or other mark) on timeline ; text tag ; text tag circle (connector) ; main connection
%    \begin{macrocode}
        \chronos@angorau@theori{testun \chronos@parhad@tikzname}%
          {cysylltwr \chronos@parhad@tikzname}[connector \chronos@parhad@tikzname]%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\theori}%^^A <<<
%   That is, \cs{chronostheory}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand\theori { m }{%
    \chronos@theori@cysylltiadtheorifalse %^^A rhag ofn
    \IfExistTF \chronos@theori@angor{%
      \IfExistTF \chronos@cysylltwyr{%
    \IfExistTF \chronos@cynnwys@testun {%
      \IfExistF \chronos@cynnwys@enw {%
        \def \chronos@cynnwys@enw {\chronos@enw@priflythrennu{\chronos@theori@enw}}%
      \def \chronos@cynnwys@testun {\chronos@cynnwys@enw}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% creu testun \textbar{} text tag
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \IfExistT \chronos@cysylltwyr{%
          cysylltwr \chronos@theori@enw
        }[connector \chronos@theori@enw]{%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\chronos@angorau@theori}%^^A <<<
%   That is, anchors for \cs{chronostheory}.
%   Should this be done this way?!
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@angorau@theori{mmO{connector }m}{% 
  % #1 enw y prif node ; 
  % #2 enw yr angor cyntaf ; 
  % #4 style
    \PackageWarning{chronos}{Phantom tags cannot have connectors }%
%    \end{macrocode}
% ateb Symbol 1: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/385953/}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \begin{scope}[/chronos/middle anchorborder]
      \@for \xx:=\chronos@cysylltwyr \do {%
          \node (#2) [%
          ] at (#1.middle \xx) {};
          \node (#2\thechronos@theori@countanchors) [%
            #4, alias=#3\thechronos@theori@countanchors
          ] at (#1.middle \xx) {};
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\cylchtheori}%^^A <<< - cylchau bychain yn lle bocses mawr
%   That is, \cs{theorycircle}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \cylchtheori { m } {%
    \tikzset{cylch theori={enw={??},#1}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A  % ni all wneud y cam hwn a'r un nesaf gyda'i gilydd - wn i ddim yn siwr pam lai
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \coordinate [%
      /chronos/every@cylch cylch theori,%
    ] (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname1) at  (chronos@cylchtheori@at);
    \path [/chronos/every@cylch cylch theori] (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname1) 
      circle (\chronos@cylchtheori@bach) circle (\chronos@cylchtheori@mawr);
    \coordinate (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname2) at 
      ($(\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname1) - (\chronos@templgtha,0)$);
    \coordinate (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname3) at 
      ($(\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname1) - (\chronos@templgthc,0)$);
    \coordinate (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname4) at 
      ($(\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname1) + (0,\chronos@templgthb)$);
    \coordinate (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname5) at 
      ($(\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname1) - (0,\chronos@templgthb)$);
    \path [%
      /chronos/every@testun cylch theori/.expanded={%
        \ \chronos@cylchtheori@circletext@uchod\ %
    ] (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname2) arc (180:0:\chronos@templgtha);
    \path [%
      /chronos/every@testun cylch theori/.expanded={%
    ] (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname3) arc (180:360:\chronos@templgthc);
    \node (label above \chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname) [%
      anchor=south, /chronos/theori/cylchau/@label
    ] at (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname4) {\chronos@cylchtheori@label@uchod};
    \node (label below \chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname) [%
      anchor=north, /chronos/theori/cylchau/@label
    ] at (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname5) {\chronos@cylchtheori@label@isod};
    \node (\chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname) [%
      fit=(label below \chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname) 
        (label above \chronos@cylchtheori@tikzname) 
    ] {};
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\prideitl}%^^A <<< 
%   That is, \cs{chronosmaintitle}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \prifdeitl {  m }
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@tempd/.style={alias=prif deitl,alias=main title}}%
      \def\chronos@prifdeitl@tikzname{prif deitl}%
      \pgfqkeys{/chronos}{@tempd/.style={alias=main title}}%
    \IfFreeT {\chronos@prifdeitl@cynnwys}{%
    \draw node (\chronos@prifdeitl@tikzname) [%
    ] at (chronos@prifdeitl@at) {\chronos@prifdeitl@cynnwys};
      \begin{scope}[on chronos overlay layer]
        \draw [help lines, draw=chronos@lliw@node] 
          (\chronos@prifdeitl@tikzname.north east) -| 
          (\chronos@prifdeitl@tikzname.south west) -| cycle;
        \node [%
          /chronos/show coordinate={chronos show node colour}{0}{%
        ] at (\chronos@prifdeitl@tikzname.east) {};
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\gwybodaeth}%^^A <<< 
%   That is, \cs{chronosinfo}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \gwybodaeth { s m }{%
    \IfExistF \chronos@gwybodaeth@angor{\def\chronos@gwybodaeth@angor{west}}%%
    \IfExistF \chronos@gwybodaeth@capsiwn {%
      \def \chronos@gwybodaeth@capsiwn {%
    \IfExistF \chronos@gwybodaeth@lliw {%
    \node (testun \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname) [%
      alias=tag \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname,%
      alias=text tag \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname,%
    ] at (\chronos@gwybodaeth@at) {\chronos@cynnwys@testun};
    \IfBooleanF {#1}{%
      \node (capsiwn \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname) [%
        alias=enw \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname,%
        alias=name \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname,%
        alias=label \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname,%
        alias=caption \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname
      ] at (\chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname.south) {\chronos@gwybodaeth@capsiwn};
    \edef\chronos@tempa{lliw \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname}%
    \edef\chronos@tempe{colour \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname}%
    \edef\chronos@tempf{color \chronos@gwybodaeth@tikzname}%
    \colorlet{chronos current tag colour}{\chronos@tempb}%
    \colorlet{chronos current tag color}{\chronos@tempb}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\hawlfraint}%^^A <<< 
%   That is, \cs{chronoscopyright}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \hawlfraint { m }
    \def\chronos@hawlfraint@angor{north west}%
        \def\chronos@hawlfraint@notis##1##2{Copyleft \textcopyleft{} ##1 ##2}%
        \def\chronos@hawlfraint@notis##1##2{Copyright \textcopyright{} ##1 ##2}%
      \def\chronos@hawlfraint@at{current bounding box.south west}%
      \PackageWarning{chronos}{Placing copyright notice at bottom left }%
    \IfExistF {\chronos@hawlfraint@cynnwys}{%
      \IfBooleanExprTF { 
        \CSFreeBoolean \chronos@hawlfraint@enw 
        || ! (\CSFreeBoolean \chronos@hawlfraint@awdur) 
        || ! (\CSFreeBoolean \chronos@hawlfraint@blwyddyn) 
        \IfExistF {\chronos@hawlfraint@awdur}{%
          \IfExistTF {\svnauthor} {%
            \IfExistTF {\svnFullAuthor} {%
        \IfExistF {\chronos@hawlfraint@blwyddyn}{%
          \IfExistTF {\svnyear} {%
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A     \draw node (\chronos@hawlfraint@tikzname) [draw=none,/chronos/@tempd, /chronos/@hawlfraint, anchor=\chronos@hawlfraint@angor,rotate/.expand once=\chronos@hawlfraint@cylchdroi,/utils/exec=\pgfkeysalsofrom{\chronos@cadw}] at (chronos@hawlfraint@at) {\chronos@hawlfraint@cynnwys};
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \draw node (\chronos@hawlfraint@tikzname) [%
    ] at (chronos@hawlfraint@at) {\chronos@hawlfraint@cynnwys};
      \begin{scope}[on chronos overlay layer]
        \draw [help lines, draw=chronos@lliw@node] 
          (\chronos@hawlfraint@tikzname.north east) -| 
          (\chronos@hawlfraint@tikzname.south west) -| cycle;
        \node [%
          /chronos/show coordinate={chronos show node colour}{0}{%
        ] at (\chronos@hawlfraint@tikzname.east) {};
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\chronoscopyleft}
%   Variant of \cs{chronoscopyright}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronoscopyleft { m }{%
    \hawlfraint {#1}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\chronos@dyddiadau@tag}%^^A <<< \chronos@dyddiadau@tag
%   Internal macro to figure out date format for tags.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@dyddiadau@tag{mmmmm}{%
%^^A #1 : tag e.g. byw / parhad ;
%^^A #2 first date counter e.g. geni / thing ;
%^^A #3 first label e.g. geni / dechrau ;
%^^A #4 second date counter e.g. marw / otherthing ;
%^^A #5 second label e.g. marw / diwedd
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@label#5\endcsname{%
    \IfCSExistF{chronos@#1@label#5}{% creu label yr ail ddyddiad
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@label#5\endcsname{%
    \edef\tempa{}\edef\tempb{\csname chronos@#1@label#5\endcsname}%
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@label#3\endcsname{%
      \expandafter\ifnum\csname chronos@#2year\endcsname<0
        \expandafter\ifnum\csname chronos@#4year\endcsname<0
          \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@label#3\endcsname{%
          \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@label#3\endcsname{%
        \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@label#3\endcsname{%
    \edef\chronos@tempp{\csname chronos@#2year\endcsname}%
    \edef\chronos@tempq{\csname chronos@#4year\endcsname}%
    \ifnum\value{chronos@#2date}=\value{chronos@#4date}%^^A only catches identical blynyddoedd - dal i edrych yn dwp pan dim ond blynyddoedd yn cael eu dangos & maen' nhw'n yr un peth
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>> \chronos@dyddiadau@tag
% \begin{macro}{\chronos@gosodborder@tag}%^^A <<< \chronos@gosodborder@tag
%   Internal macro to install connection point on timeline border.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@gosodborder@tag{m}{%
  \csname ifchronos@#1@isod\endcsname
      \def\chronos@border@coord{chronos base}%
      \def\chronos@border@coord@inv{chronos top}%
      \expandafter\setlength\csname chronos@#1@border\endcsname{%
      \expandafter\setlength\csname chronos@#1@border@inv\endcsname{%
      \def\chronos@border@coord{chronos top}%
      \def\chronos@border@coord@inv{chronos base}%
      \expandafter\setlength\csname chronos@#1@border\endcsname{%
      \expandafter\setlength\csname chronos@#1@border@inv\endcsname{%
      \def\chronos@border@coord{chronos top}%
      \def\chronos@border@coord@inv{chronos base}%
      \expandafter\setlength\csname chronos@#1@border\endcsname{%
      \expandafter\setlength\csname chronos@#1@border@inv\endcsname{%
      \def\chronos@border@coord{chronos base}%
      \def\chronos@border@coord@inv{chronos top}%
      \expandafter\setlength\csname chronos@#1@border\endcsname{%
      \expandafter\setlength\csname chronos@#1@border@inv\endcsname{%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>> \chronos@gosodborder@tag
% \begin{macro}{\chronos@troilliwiau@tag}%^^A <<< & configure isod/uchod 
%   Internal macro to rotate colours and configure below/above split, as applicable. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@troilliwiau@tag{m}{%^^A <<<
  \IfCSExistTF {chronos@#1@at}{%
    \edef\chronos@tempj{\csname chronos@#1@at\endcsname}%
    \path (\chronos@tempj) ++(0pt,\chronos@yshift);
      \expandafter\global\csname chronos@#1@isodfalse\endcsname
        \expandafter\global\csname chronos@#1@isodtrue\endcsname
      \CSletCS {chronos@#1@at}{chronos@#1@tikzname}%^^A uses temporary coordinate at this point but will be aligned horizontally
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@at\endcsname{chronos origin}%
      \PackageWarning{chronos}{Aligning #1 text tag with (chronos origin). 
        Set at to avoid this}%
      \expandafter\global\csname chronos@#1@isodfalse\endcsname
        \expandafter\global\csname chronos@#1@isodtrue\endcsname
            Tag will be placed at the timeline's vertical centre. 
            Set non-zero yshift or text tag yshift or set at to avoid this%
        \chronos@legacy@if{chronos@#1@isod}{% cheat!
        }% if chronos@#1isod
      \fi % if yshift<0pt
    \fi % if yshift>0pt
  \IfCSFreeT{chronos@#1@lliw}{%^^A \ifcsunef is T even if cs is \relax (unlike \ifcsdef which is also T if cs is \relax)
      \csname ifchronos@#1@isod\endcsname
  \edef\chronos@tempa{lliw \csname chronos@#1@tikzname\endcsname}%
  \edef\chronos@tempb{\csname chronos@#1@lliw\endcsname}%
  \edef\chronos@tempe{colour \csname chronos@#1@tikzname\endcsname}%
  \edef\chronos@tempf{color \csname chronos@#1@tikzname\endcsname}%
  \colorlet{chronos current tag colour}{\chronos@tempb}%
  \colorlet{chronos current tag color}{\chronos@tempb}%
    \edef\chronos@tempg{\csname chronos@#1@tikzname\endcsname}%
}%^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>> \chronos@troilliwiau@tag
% \begin{macro}{\chronos@gosod@angor@tag}%^^A <<< 
%   Internal macro to add connector to tag anchors. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand\chronos@gosodangor@tag{m}{%i^^A <<<
      \csname chronos@#1@angor\endcsname
    \foreach \i/\j in {%
      north west/south east,%
      south east/north west,%
      north east/south west,%
      south west/north east%
    \csname ifchronos@#1@isod\endcsname
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@angor\endcsname {north}%
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@invanchor\endcsname {south}%
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@angor\endcsname {south}%
      \expandafter\def\csname chronos@#1@invanchor\endcsname {north}%
}%^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>>
% \begin{macro}{\chronos@creu@llinell}%^^A <<< parhad, byw
%   Internal macro to put new life or period on timeline. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@creu@llinell {mmmmm}{%^^A <<< fill (fallai draw)} llinell ar y llinell amser am dymor estynedig
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A  #1 : tag e.g. byw
%^^A  #2 : x dimen dechrau/geni
%^^A  #3 : x dimen diwedd/marw
%^^A  #4 : i greu enw cyntaf e.g. dechrau/geni
%^^A  #5 : i greu'r ail enw e.g. diwedd/marw
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\chronos@tempa\csname chronos@#1@tikzname\endcsname
  \edef\chronos@tempd{\csname chronos@#1@tikzname\endcsname-inv}%
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\chronos@tempb\csname chronos@#1@border\endcsname
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\chronos@tempc\csname chronos@#1@border@inv\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A       \IfFreeF\bagpuss{\pgfkeys{/chronos/@llinell/.show code}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \path [/chronos/@llinell/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@lliw\endcsname] %
        ({#2,0} |- \chronos@border@coord) -- +(0pt,\chronos@tempb) coordinate %
        (\chronos@tempa{} #4) -| ({#3,0} |- \chronos@border@coord) coordinate %
        [midway] (\chronos@tempa{} #5) -- cycle;
      \path [/chronos/@llinell/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@lliw\endcsname] %
        ({#2,0} |- \chronos@border@coord) ++(0pt,\chronos@tempb) %
        ++(0pt,\chronos@llinell@yshift) coordinate (\chronos@tempa{} #4) -- %
        ({#3,0} |- \chronos@tempa{} #4) coordinate  (\chronos@tempa{} #5);
        \path [/chronos/@llinell/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@lliw\endcsname] %
          ({#2,0} |- \chronos@border@coord@inv) -- +(0pt,\chronos@tempc) %
          coordinate (\chronos@tempd{} #4) -| ({#3,0} |- \chronos@border@coord@inv) %
          coordinate [midway] (\chronos@tempd{} #5) %
          -- cycle;
        \path [/chronos/@llinell/.expand once=\csname chronos@#1@lliw\endcsname] %
          ({#2,0} |- \chronos@border@coord@inv) ++(0pt,\chronos@tempc) %
          ++(0pt,-\chronos@llinell@yshift) coordinate (\chronos@tempd{} #4) -- %
          ({#3,0} |- \chronos@tempd{} #4) coordinate [midway] %
          (\chronos@tempd{} #5);
}%^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>> \chronos@creu@llinell (parhad, byw)
% \begin{macro}{\chronos@creu@testun@tag}%^^A <<< 
%   Internal macro to create text tags. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@creu@testun@tag{s O {} m +m}{%^^A <<< make text tag
  % #1 : seren | star
  % #2 : allweddu ychwanegol | additional keys
  % #3 : tag e.g. byw
  % #4 : testun | text
    \expandafter\let\expandafter\chronos@tempa\csname chronos@#3@tikzname\endcsname
    \expandafter\let\expandafter\chronos@tempb\csname chronos@#3@at\endcsname
      \edef\chronos@tempa{\csname chronos@#3@tikzname\endcsname-inv}%
      \expandafter\let\expandafter\chronos@tempc\csname chronos@#3@invanchor\endcsname
        chronos@tempa@style/.style={/chronos/event date split},% oedd yshcale=-1,...
        \path (\chronos@tempb);
        \pgfgetlastxy {\chronos@templgtha}{\chronos@templgthb}%
          \coordinate (chronos@temp@coord) at (\chronos@templgtha,-\chronos@templgthb);
          \coordinate (chronos@temp@coord) at (\chronos@templgtha,\chronos@templgthb);
      \expandafter\let\expandafter\chronos@tempc\csname chronos@#3@angor\endcsname
      \coordinate (chronos@temp@coord) at (\chronos@tempb);
%    \end{macrocode}
% ateb Symbol 1: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/385953/}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \scoped[/chronos/middle anchorborder]{% 
%    \end{macrocode}
% \verb|fill opacity=0 -> problem| ; \verb|fill=none -> dim problem|; beth sy'n digwydd?
% for some reason \verb|fill opacity=0| causes a problem, whereas \verb|fill=none| does not, but why?
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \node (testun \chronos@tempa) [%
        /chronos/@testun/.expand once=\csname chronos@#3@lliw\endcsname,%
        alias=tag \chronos@tempa,%
        alias=text tag \chronos@tempa
    ] at (chronos@temp@coord) {#4};}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% creu cylch ar y lein \textbar{} make circle on timeline
%    \begin{macrocode}
        \node (cysylltwr chronos \chronos@tempa) [%
          /chronos/@cysylltwr@chronos/.expand once=\csname chronos@#3@lliw\endcsname,%
          alias=chronos connector \chronos@tempa,%
          alias=circle \chronos@tempa,%
          alias=cylch \chronos@tempa
        ] at (\chronos@tempa) {};%
%    \end{macrocode}
%  ateb Symbol 1: \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/385953/}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \begin{scope}[/chronos/middle anchorborder]%
%    \end{macrocode}
% creu cysylltwyr testun ar y node testun \textbar{} make text connectors on the text node
%    \begin{macrocode}
        \node (cysylltwr testun \chronos@tempa) [%
          /chronos/@cysylltwr@testun/.expand once=\csname chronos@#3@lliw\endcsname,%
          /chronos/@cysylltwr@testun@prif/.expand once=\csname chronos@#3@lliw\endcsname,%
          alias=text tag connector \chronos@tempa,%
          alias=prif gysylltwr \chronos@tempa,%
          alias=main connector \chronos@tempa,%
          alias=cysylltwr \chronos@tempa0,%
          alias=testun cylch \chronos@tempa,%
          alias=connector \chronos@tempa0
        ] at (testun \chronos@tempa.middle \chronos@tempc) {};
      \path (cysylltwr testun \chronos@tempa);
      \path (cysylltwr chronos \chronos@tempa);
%    \end{macrocode}
% cysylltu llinell amser i node testun \textbar{} connect timeline to text node
%    \begin{macrocode}
          \draw [%
            /chronos/@cysylltiad/.expand once=\csname chronos@#3@lliw\endcsname
          ] (cysylltwr chronos \chronos@tempa) \chronos@tempe 
          (cysylltwr testun \chronos@tempa) ;%
        }%% oedd .\chronos@tempc
      }{}% ifchronos@#3@cysylltiad
    \fi % \ifchronos@tag@cysylltu
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A   \edef\chronos@tempa{\csname chronos@#3@tikzname\endcsname}%
%^^A   \edef\chronos@tempb{lliw \csname chronos@#3@tikzname\endcsname}%
%^^A   \colorlet{chronos@temp@lliw}{\chronos@tempb}%
%^^A   \chronos@darparu@lliw{\chronos@tempa}{chronos@temp@lliw}%
%^^A   \draw (cylch \chronos@tempa) |- (cysylltwr testun \chronos@tempa.\chronos@tempc) ;
%    \begin{macrocode}
}%^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>> \chronos@creu@testun@tag
% \begin{macro}{\chronosevent,\chronoslife,\chronosperiod,\chronosinfo,\chronostheory,\chronostheorycircle,\chronosmaintitle,\chronoscopyright,\chronosshowpreset,\chronosshowcolour,\chronosshowcolor,\chronosshowfeatures}%^^A <<<  aliases & (globalised) defaults
%   Aliases and globalised defaults.
%   Note these are the documented forms.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  }{% nid yw hyn yn memoizable byth bynnag
    \pgfkeys{/handlers/.meaning to context/.code={}}%
  \IfExistF \chronosevent{\let\chronosevent\digwyddiad}%
  \IfExistF \chronoslife{\let\chronoslife\byw}%
  \IfExistF \chronosperiod{\let\chronosperiod\parhad}%
  \IfExistF \chronosinfo{\let\chronosinfo\gwybodaeth}%
  \IfExistF \chronostheory{\let\chronostheory\theori}%
  \IfExistF \chronostheorycircle{\let\chronostheorycircle\cylchtheori}%
  \IfExistF \chronosmaintitle{\let\chronosmaintitle\prifdeitl}%
  \IfExistF \chronoscopyright{\let\chronoscopyright\hawlfraint}%
  \IfExistF \chronosshowpreset{\let\chronosshowpreset\chronos@dangos@gosod}%
  \IfExistF \chronosshowcolour{\let\chronosshowcolour\chronos@dangoslliw}%
  \IfExistF \chronosshowcolor{\let\chronosshowcolor\chronos@dangoslliw}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\chronosshowfeatures}
%   Debugging.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ProvideDocumentCommand \chronosshowfeatures { o }{%
    \IfValueTF {#1} {%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%   Required colours for \cs{chronosshowfeatures}. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \providecolor{chronos show coordinate colour}{named}{chronos@lliw@coord}%
  \providecolor{chronos show node colour}{named}{chronos@lliw@node}%
  \providecolor{chronos show coordinate color}{named}{chronos@lliw@coord}%
  \providecolor{chronos show node color}{named}{chronos@lliw@node}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\ceyearlabel,\bceyearlabel,\celabel,\bcelabel,\tlstyle,\plstyle,\sishape,\textsi,\uishape,\textui}
%   Globalised defaults.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \IfExistF \ceyearlabel {\let\ceyearlabel\chronos@yearce}%
  \IfExistF \bceyearlabel {\let\bceyearlabel\chronos@yearbce}%
  \IfExistF \celabel {\let\celabel\chronos@ce}%
  \IfExistF \bcelabel {\let\bcelabel\chronos@bce}%
  \IfExistF \tlstyle {\let\tlstyle\upshape}%
  \IfExistF \plstyle {\let\plstyle\upshape}%
  \IfExistF \sishape {\DeclareRobustCommand\sishape{\itshape\scshape}}%
  \IfExistF \textsi {\DeclareTextFontCommand{\textsi}{\sishape}}%
  \IfExistF \uishape {\let\uishape\itshape}%
  \IfExistF \textui {\DeclareTextFontCommand{\textui}{\uishape}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}%^^A >>> aliases & globalised defaults
%^^A END macros y ddogfen >>>
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% ^^A >>> chronos (pkg)
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section[chronos-lib-styles]{\lpack{chronos-lib-styles}}\label{sec:cod-styles}%^^A <<< (pkg)
% Styles.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ProvidesPackageSVN[\MyFileBaseName-lib-styles.sty]{$Id: chronos-code.dtx 10925 2025-03-07 15:07:59Z cfrees $}[v0.9.1 \revinfo]
\pgfqkeys{/chronos}{%^^A BEGIN styles <<<
%    \end{macrocode}
% Styles come in three flavours: on-line, off-line and no-year.
% \subsubsection{On-line}\label{subsubsec:cod-styles-online}
%^^A  % BEGIN on line styles
% \begin{chronosstyle}{modern,lavender menace,serif on line,rainbow serif,sober judge}
% Years are marked on the timeline itself.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  modern/.style={% <<<
    modern/.meaning to context,
    colour scheme=modern,
    no colour rotation,
      timeline years=on line,
      timeline line={chronos timeline background colour, opacity=1},
      timeline height'=5mm,
      timeline marks,
      timeline border height'=5pt,
      major step font=\sffamily\bfseries\small,
      minor step font=\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize,
      eras font=\sffamily\bfseries,
      timeline mark={line width=.4pt, shorten <=-2pt, shorten >=0pt},
      timeline minor mark={line width=.2pt, shorten <=-2pt, shorten >=0pt},
    every chronos connectors'=coordinate,
    every text tag connectors+={circle, anchor=center, draw=none,%
      fill=none, minimum size=\pgflinewidth},
    connections={draw=##1, {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-%
      {Triangle[width=0pt 5,reversed,length=0pt 2.5]}},
    period/line={fill=chronos timeline foreground colour, blend mode=overlay},
    life/line={fill=chronos timeline foreground colour, blend mode=overlay},
    event/line={draw=chronos timeline foreground colour, thick, blend mode=overlay},
    every text tags={fill=chronos main background colour, text=####1,%
      fill opacity=.75, text opacity=1, draw=none, rounded corners,%
      align=center, font=\sffamily\footnotesize},
    only years,
    without eras,
    connections on=background,
    subheadings style={align=center, anchor=base, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,%
      text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour, opacity=.8,%
    headings style={align=center, anchor=base, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,%
      text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour, opacity=.8,%
    main/frame={inner sep=5pt, ultra thick, draw=chronos main colour,%
      fill=none,},% oedd chronos@prifliw@cefndir
    main/title={/chronos/main/@frame, font=\sffamily\huge\bfseries, %
      text=chronos main colour, anchor=center, align=center,%
      draw=chronos main colour,ultra thick,drop shadow,%
      fill=chronos main background colour,fill opacity=1},
    headings drops'=10pt:10pt:7.5pt,
    bce year label=BCE,
    ce year label=CE,
  },% >>>
  lavender menace/.style={% <<<
    lavender menace/.meaning to context,
    colour scheme=lavender,
    rotate all colours,
    every text tags+={draw=####1,sharp corners,text opacity=1,%
      fill opacity=1,draw opacity=1,drop shadow},
    period/line+={top color=chronosSilver,%
      bottom color=chronos timeline border outer colour,fill opacity=1},
    life/line+={top color=chronosSilver,%
      bottom color=chronos timeline border outer colour,fill opacity=1},
    main/title+={text=chronos main colour!75!chronosDarkGray},
  },% >>>
  serif on line/.style={% <<<
    serif on line/.meaning to context,
    no colour rotation,
    colour scheme=default,
    text tag connectors'={fill=##1, opacity=1, circle, minimum size=2.5pt,%
      anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
    chronos connectors'={fill=##1, opacity=.75, circle, minimum size=2.5pt,%
      anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
    timeline ce label={CE},
    timeline bce label={BCE},
    special date=none,
      start date={1800-01-01},
      end date={1900-01-01},
      timeline years=on line,
      timeline marks,
      timeline year={text=chronos timeline foreground colour, align=center},
      timeline mark={draw=chronos timeline foreground colour, thick, shorten >=2.5pt},
      timeline minor mark={draw=chronos timeline foreground colour,%
        thick, shorten >=3.5pt},
      timeline bare mark={draw=chronos timeline foreground colour,%
        semithick, shorten >=2pt, shorten <=2pt},
      minor years,
      step divisions=2,
      timeline line={chronos timeline background colour},
      major step font=\normalfont\bfseries,
      minor step font=\normalfont\bfseries\small,
      eras font=\normalfont\bfseries,
    headings style={text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,%
    subheadings style={font=\scriptsize\uishape,%
      text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour},
    event/text tag+={font=\small\scshape},
    period/text tag+={font=\small\scshape},
    life/text tag+={font=\small\scshape},
    period/line+={fill=##1, fill opacity=.25},
    life/line+={fill=##1, fill opacity=.25},
    every text tags+={text=####1!75!black},%^^A add global default o/w ignored (ond nid eisiau inner sep=0pt)
    main/title={font=\Large\bfseries,text=chronos main colour,draw=none},
    main/frame={draw=chronos timeline background colour, ultra thick},
  },% >>>
  rainbow serif/.style={% <<<
    rainbow serif/.meaning to context,
    serif on line,
    colour scheme=xcolseries,
    rotate all colours,
      timeline mark eras,
      timeline bare marks=false,
    only years,
    without eras,
  },% >>>
  sober judge/.style={% <<<
    sober judge/.meaning to context,
    colour scheme=sobriety,
      start date=1001-10-01,
      end date=1003-06-14,
      step years=1,
      step divisions=6,
      timeline minor marks,
      timeline bare marks,
    ce year label=CE,
    no colour rotation,
    every connections'={draw=####1,%
      -{Triangle[width=1.5pt, reversed, length=.75pt, fill=####1]}},
    every text tags'={fill opacity=.75,%
      fill=####1!25, draw=####1, rounded corners,%
      font=\footnotesize\sffamily, text=chronos timeline foreground colour},
    main/title={font=\sffamily\bfseries\LARGE, text=chronos main colour},
    main/frame={draw=chronos main colour, line width=1pt, rounded corners},
    headings style={font=\rmfamily\small\itshape,%
      text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour},
    subheadings style={/chronos/@amseraumawr,font=\scriptsize\rmfamily\itshape},
    every lines+={fill=none,draw=none},
  },% >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{chronosstyle}
%^^A  % END on line styles
% \subsubsection{Off-line}\label{subsubsec:cod-styles-offline}
% Years are marked somewhere off the timeline e.g.\ just above or below.
% \begin{chronosstyle}{somewhat plain,contemporary 90,blues below,flipping blues,rotated 90,off line colour,off line colour alt,off line simple,simple arrow,event splitter}
%^^A  % BEGIN off line styles
%    \begin{macrocode}
  somewhat plain/.style={%^^A <<<
    somewhat plain/.meaning to context,
    no colour rotation,
    colour scheme=default,
      major step font=\normalfont\sffamily\small\bfseries,
      minor step font=\normalfont\sffamily\footnotesize,
      eras font=\normalfont\normalsize\sffamily,
      timeline width'=100mm,
      timeline years=above,
      timeline ce label={CE},
      timeline bce label={BCE},
      timeline margin'=12.5pt,
      minor years=false,
      timeline year={inner xsep=0pt},
    special date=none,
    ce year label={CE},
    bce year label={BCE},
    text tag yshift'=-10pt,
    every text tags+={fill=chronos main background colour,fill opacity=.25,%
      text opacity=1,font=\sffamily\small},
    every connections+={draw=####1,%
      {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-%
      {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}},
    every event below,
    every period below,
    every life below,
    headings style={font=\footnotesize\sffamily,%
      text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour},
    subheadings style={/chronos/@amseraumawr,font=\scriptsize\sffamily},
    main/frame={draw=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,semithick},
    main/title={/chronos/main/title lines={%
        draw=chronos main colour!50!chronos main background colour,%
      text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,%
    headings drops'=12pt:10pt:7.5pt,
    headings border'=30pt,
  },%^^A >>>
  contemporary 90/.style={%^^A <<<
    contemporary 90/.meaning to context,
    colour scheme=contninety,
    every text tags+={text=####1,font=\sffamily},
    every lines+={line width=1pt},
    no colour rotation,
      start date=2002-01-01,
      end date=2016-12-31,
      timeline arrow,
      conditional timeline arrow={%
        timeline/timeline width-=3pt+4.5\timelineht,
        timeline/timeline line+={shorten >={-3pt-4.5\timelineht}, -Stealth},
        before headings+={%
          \path (chronos post) -- +(3pt+4.5\timelineht,0pt);
      timeline marks,
      timeline minor marks,
      timeline mark={ultra thick},
      timeline minor mark={thick},
      step divisions=4,
      step major years=2,
      timeline year={fill=none},
      timeline margin'=5mm,
      timeline width'=90mm,
      timeline year={rotate=90},
      major step font=\sffamily\upshape\tlstyle\bfseries,
      minor step font=\sffamily\upshape\tlstyle,
      eras font=\sffamily\upshape\tlstyle\bfseries,
      timeline years=above,
      timeline years anchor=west,
    without eras,
    every event below,
    every life below,
    every period below,
    headings style={font=\small\sffamily\plstyle,%
      text=chronos main colour!80!chronos main background colour},
    subheadings style={font=\footnotesize\sffamily\plstyle,%
      text=chronos main colour!60!chronos main background colour},
      double=chronos timeline foreground colour!25!chronos timeline background colour,%
      draw=chronos timeline foreground colour!75!chronos timeline background colour,%
    main/title={font=\sffamily\upshape\plstyle\bfseries\huge,text=chronos main colour},
  },%^^A >>>
  blues below/.style={%^^A <<<
    blues below/.meaning to context,
    colour scheme=blues,
    rotate all colours,
      timeline years=above,
      timeline marks,
      timeline minor marks,
      step minor year=50,
      step divisions=10,
      step major year=100,
      timeline height'=3pt,
      timeline line={chronos timeline foreground colour,%
        double=chronos timeline background colour,%
        line width=\timelineht/3,double distance=\timelineht/3},
      timeline arrow,
      conditional timeline arrow={%
        timeline/timeline line+={Bar-Latex,shorten <=-\timelineht/3,%
          shorten >=-3pt-2.1\timelineht},
        timeline/timeline width-={3pt+2.43\timelineht},
        before headings+={\path (chronos post) -- ++(3pt+2.1\timelineht,0pt) %
          coordinate (chronos arrow tip) (chronos pre) -- %
          ++(-\timelineht/3,0pt) coordinate (chronos arrow tail);},
      timeline mark={chronos timeline foreground colour,line width=.6pt,shorten >=-4pt},
      timeline minor mark={chronos timeline foreground colour,%
        line width=.5pt,shorten >=-3.5pt},
      timeline bare mark={%
        chronos timeline foreground colour,line width=.3pt,shorten >=-2.5pt},
      timeline year={fill=none,text=chronos timeline foreground colour,%
        rotate around={45:(chronos year \chronosyeari |- chronos top)}},
      major step font=\sffamily\footnotesize\tlstyle,
      timeline years anchor=south west,
      minor step font=\sffamily\scriptsize\tlstyle,
      timeline margin'=17.5pt,
    minor year format={!Y},
    every event below,
    every life below,
    every period below,
    headings style+={%
      text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,%
    subheadings style+={%
      text=chronos main colour!75!chronos main background colour,%
      font=\LARGE,text=chronos timeline foreground colour,%
      draw=chronos timeline background colour,semithick,%
      thick,draw,chronos timeline foreground colour,%
      double=chronos timeline background colour,%
    copyright={font=\footnotesize\sffamily, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,%
      text=chronos timeline foreground colour!50!chronos main background colour},
    copyright/tag anchor=north west,
  },%^^A >>>
  timeline year rotate/.code={%
  flipping blues/.style={%^^A <<<
    flipping blues/.meaning to context,
    blues below,
      timeline years=below,
      timeline year={%
        fill=none,rotate around={-90:(chronos year \chronosyeari)},%
        text=chronos timeline foreground colour,%
      timeline years anchor=north west,
    every event above,
    every life above,
    every period above,
  },%^^A >>>
  rotated 45/.style={%^^A <<<
    rotated 45/.meaning to context,
    colour scheme=default,
    rotate all colours,
      start date={{-25}-01-01},
      end date={20-01-01},
      step major years=5,
      timeline years=off line,
      timeline years=above,
      timeline marks,
      timeline font=\scriptsize,
      mark at era switch,
    only text,
    year format={!Y !E},
    every text tags+={rotate=-45},
    event/tag+={tag anchor=west},
    period/tag+={tag anchor=west},
    life/tag+={tag anchor=west},
    text tag yshift'=2.5pt,
    every event below,
    every period below,
    every life below,
    no connectors,
    no connections,
    lines on=foreground,
    every text tags+={font=\sffamily},
    main/frame={draw=chronos main colour,rounded corners=10pt,thick},
      draw=chronos main colour,rounded corners=3pt,%
    headings style={%
      text=chronos main colour!50!chronos main background colour,%
    subheadings style={font=\itshape\small,%
      text=chronos timeline foreground colour!50!chronos timeline background colour},
  },%^^A >>>
  off line colour/.style={%^^A <<< ateb: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/324106/
    off line colour/.meaning to context,
    colour scheme=offlinebasic,
    rotate all colours,
      timeline width'=120mm,
      timeline height'=3pt,
      start date={-3000}-01-01,
      end date={-2000}-01-01,
      timeline font=\sffamily\tiny,
      timeline year={text=chronos main colour},
      timeline arrow,
      conditional timeline arrow={%
        timeline/timeline width-=#1,
        timeline/timeline line+={%
          shorten >={-#1}, -{Triangle Cap[length=#1]},
        before headings+={%
          \path (chronos post) -- +(#1,0pt);
      timeline border height'=0pt,
      step major years=100,
      step minor years=0,
      step divisions=0,
      timeline years=below,
      timeline marks,
      timeline minor marks=false,
      minor years=false,
      timeline bare marks=false,
    every text tags+={%
      fill=chronos main background colour,fill opacity=.75,%
    every connections+={%
      {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-%
      {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]},%
    year format={!q!Y},
    event/date format={!q!Y},
    main/title={font=\sffamily\Large,text=chronos timeline foreground colour},
    chronos tikz+={%
        \scoped[on chronos middle ground layer]{%
          \fill [chronos main background colour, fill opacity=.75] 
          (chronos pre) -| (chronos post |- chronos phantom year.south) -| cycle ;
  },%^^A >>>
  off line colour/.default=20mm,
  off line color/.forward to=/chronos/off line colour,
  off line colour alt/.style={%^^A <<<
    off line colour alt/.meaning to context,
    off line colour=#1,
%    \end{macrocode}
% use cronoleg colours
%    \begin{macrocode}
    colour scheme=offlinealt,
    rotate all colours,
    event/colours below from clist={lliwiau_byw_isod},
    event/colours above from clist={lliwiau_byw_uchod},
  },%^^A >>>
  off line colour alt/.default=20mm,
  off line color alt/.forward to=/chronos/off line colour alt,
  off line simple/.style={%^^A <<< https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/324106/
    off line simple/.meaning to context,
    off line colour=#1,
    rotate no colours,
  },%^^A >>>
  off line simple/.default=20mm,
  simple arrow/.style={%^^A <<< https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/342699/
    simple arrow/.meaning to context,
      start date={1-01-01},
      end date={2000-01-01},
      step major years=250,
      timeline height'=2.5mm,
      timeline years=off line,
      timeline width'=200mm,
      timeline arrow,
      conditional timeline arrow={%
        timeline/timeline width-=#1,
        timeline/timeline line+={shorten >={-#1}, -{Triangle Cap[length=#1]}},
        before headings+={%
          \path (chronos post) -- +(#1,0pt);
      mark at era switch=false,
    date format={!d/!m/!Y},
    every event below,
    every period below,
    every life below,
    no colour rotation,
    headings style={font=\footnotesize\itshape},
    subheadings style={font=\scriptsize\itshape},
  },%^^A >>>
  simple arrow/.default=10mm,
  event splitter/.style={%^^A <<< https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/325890/
    event splitter/.meaning to context,
    no colour rotation,
      start date=2014-01-13,
      end date=2014-02-22,
      timeline width'=150mm,
      timeline margin'=0pt,
      timeline era margin'=0pt,
      timeline years=none,
      timeline years=off line,
    event/date format={!b !d \thinspace !Y},
    event dates split,
    text tag yshift'=3pt,
    event text tag={font=\sffamily\small},
    no connectors,
    every event below,
  },%^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{chronosstyle}
%^^A  % END off line styles
% \subsubsection{No-year}\label{subsubsec:cod-styles-no-year}
% Years are not marked.
%^^A  % BEGIN no year styles
% \begin{chronosstyle}{date centric,lines on line,plain arrow}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  date centric/.style={%^^A <<<
    date centric/.meaning to context,
      timeline width'=150mm,
      timeline height'=5mm,
      start date=1935-01-01,
      end date=2010-12-31,
      timeline font=\sffamily\small,
      timeline border height'=5pt,
    event/text tag+={font=\sffamily\scriptsize, fill=none},
    no colour rotation,
    event/default colour=chronos main colour,
    event years on line, 
      font=\sffamily\LARGE,text=chronos main colour,%
      /chronos/main/title lines={%
        draw=chronos timeline background colour,line width=1.5pt,%
  },%^^A >>>
  lines on line/.style={%^^A <<< https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/324453/
    lines on line/.meaning to context,
    rotate all colours,
      timeline width'=120mm,
      timeline height'=#1,
      start date=01-01-01,
      end date=2016-12-31,
      timeline years=none,
      timeline years=above,
      timeline arrow,
      conditional timeline arrow={%
        timeline/timeline width'-=20mm,
        timeline/timeline line+={shorten >=-20mm, -{Triangle Cap[length=20mm]}},
        before headings+={%
          \path (chronos post) -- +(20mm,0pt);
    only years,
    period/line+={line width=#1,draw=##1},
    life/line+={line width=#1,draw=##1},
    line yshift=.5*#1,
    text tag yshift=2.5pt+.5*#1,
    every event above,
    every period below,
    every life below,
    headings style={font=\footnotesize\bfseries},
    subheadings style={font=\footnotesize},
  },%^^A >>>
  lines on line/.default=5mm,
  plain arrow/.style={%^^A <<< https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/324453/
    plain arrow/.meaning to context,
    lines on line=#1,
    line yshift'=1pt,
    text tag yshift'=2.5pt,
    period/line+={line width=2pt,draw=##1},
    life/line+={line width=2pt,draw=##1},
  },%^^A >>>
  plain arrow/.default=5mm,
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{chronosstyle}
%^^A  % END no year styles
%    \begin{macrocode}
}%^^A  % END styles >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% ^^A >>> styles (pkg)
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section[chronos-lib-colschemes]{\lpack{chronos-lib-colschemes}}\label{sec:cod-colours}%^^A <<< (pkg)
% Colour schemes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ProvidesPackageSVN[\MyFileBaseName-lib-colschemes.sty]{$Id: chronos-code.dtx 10925 2025-03-07 15:07:59Z cfrees $}[v0.9.1 \revinfo]
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{colscheme}{blues,contninety,offlinealt,xcolseries,lavender,modern,offlinebasic,sobriety}%^^A <<< BEGIN cylluniau lliwiau | colour schemes
% cylluniau lliwiau \textbar{} colour schemes 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\chronosnewcolourscheme[default]{blues}{%^^A <<<
  timeline foreground=chronosDodgerBlue4,
  timeline background=chronosDodgerBlue2,
  default below={%
  default above={chronosCerulean!50!chronosDodgerBlue4,%
}%^^A >>>
\chronosnewcolourscheme[default]{contninety}{%^^A <<<
  timeline foreground=chronosdarkgray,
}%^^A >>>
\chronosnewcolourscheme[cronoleg]{offlinealt}{%^^A <<<
  timeline foreground=blue!40,
}%^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \lpack{xcolor} manual: 35
%    \begin{macrocode}
\definecolorseries{xcolor g2}{hsb}{grad}[hsb]{.575,1,1}{.987,-.234,0}
\definecolorseries{xcolor s2}{hsb}{step}[hsb]{.575,1,1}{.11,-.05,0}
\resetcolorseries{xcolor g2}
\resetcolorseries{xcolor s2}
\chronosnewcolourscheme[default]{xcolseries}{%^^A <<<
  default above={%
    xcolor s2!![0],xcolor s2!![1],xcolor s2!![2],xcolor s2!![3],%
    xcolor s2!![4],xcolor s2!![5],xcolor s2!![6],xcolor s2!![7],%
    xcolor s2!![8],xcolor s2!![9],xcolor s2!![10],xcolor s2!![11],%
    xcolor s2!![12],xcolor s2!![13],xcolor s2!![14],xcolor s2!![15]},
  default below={%
    xcolor g2!![0],xcolor g2!![1],xcolor g2!![2],xcolor g2!![3],%
    xcolor g2!![4],xcolor g2!![5],xcolor g2!![6],xcolor g2!![7],%
    xcolor g2!![8],xcolor g2!![9],xcolor g2!![10],xcolor g2!![11],%
    xcolor g2!![12],xcolor g2!![13],xcolor g2!![14],xcolor g2!![15]},
  timeline foreground=white,
  timeline background=black,
  timeline border inner=white,
  timeline border outer=white,
  timeline border middle=black!80,
}%^^A >>>
\chronosnewcolourscheme[default]{lavender}{%^^A <<<
  timeline foreground=chronosLavenderBlush4,
  timeline background=chronosLavender,
  timeline border inner=chronosLavenderBlush3,
  timeline border middle=chronosLavenderBlush1,
  timeline border outer=chronosLavenderBlush4,
  default above={%
  default below={%
}%^^A >>>
\chronosnewcolourscheme[default]{modern}{%^^A <<<
  timeline foreground=chronosSilver,
}%^^A >>>
\chronosnewcolourscheme[default]{offlinebasic}{%^^A <<<
  timeline foreground=blue!40,
}%^^A >>>
\chronosnewcolourscheme[default]{sobriety}{%^^A <<<
  timeline background=gray!50,
  timeline foreground=black,
}%^^A >>>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{colscheme}%^^A >>> END cylluniau lliwiau | colour schemes
% ^^A >>> colurs (pkg)
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \loadgeometry{safonol}%
% \fancyheadoffset[lh]{0pt}%
%^^A vim: et:tw=0:sw=2:ts=2:foldmethod=marker:fmr=<<<,>>>: