2019-12-22  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* thm-kv.dtx:
	removed dependency on etexcmds package

2020-07-16  Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * thm-restate.dtx:
  made compatible with cleveref's \label[]{} syntax

  * thmtools-manual.tex (and comment part of dtx files):
  refined manual

  * general:
  updated license and maintenance status

2020-07-24  Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>
  * thm-kv.dtx:
  made \declaretheorem[<option list>]{<thmname>} accept a clist in <thmname>, #2
  made \declarethemrem accept an extra optional arg
  made "numbered=unless unique" compatible with and aware of "numberwithin=<counter>", #3 & #4

  * unique.dtx:
  adjusted indent

2020-07-29  Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * thm-list.dtx:
  provided new option "swapnumber" for \listoftheorems, #5

  * thm-kv.dtx:
  fixed wrong default value of option "numbered"

2020-08-01  Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * thm-list.dtx:
  made \listoftheorems compatible with ams classes, #6

  * thmtools-manual.tex:
  documented new changes and keys of \listoftheorems

2021-05-27 Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * aliasctr.dtx:
  made \@aliasctr compatible with cleveref, #22

2022-06-01 Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * aliasctr.dtx:
  fixed wrong use of \@ifdefinable, #28

2022-06-01 Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * thm-autoref.dtx:
  fixed non-global restoration for \cs{the\thmt@envname}, #27

2023-02-04 Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * thmdef-thmbox.dtx:
  canceled thmbox's modification to \\proof, #32

2023-02-18 Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * thmtools-manual.tex:
  fell back to `doc` v2 to not overwrite redefinition of `\DescribeMacro`,
  hence not typeset in marginal notes #33
  adjusted pagination

  * thm-kv.dtx:
  wrapped long code lines to avoid exceeding the page margin

2023-05-04 Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com>

  * thm-kv.dtx:
  worked around an `ntheorem` issue that the theorem title cannot contain direct
  brackets, which may come from the expansion of new `\MakeUppercase` or
  `\MakeLowercase`, starting from LaTeX2e 2022-11-01.  #36