%% Installation batch file for the package draftcopy to use with LaTeX2e
%% This package is used to print on some pages the word `DRAFT'
%% (or the language dependend analogon) ``behind'' the intended stuff.
%% Copyright (C) 1995 Dr. Juergen Vollmer, Karlsruhe,
%%                    Viktoriastrasse 15, D-76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
%%                    Juergen.Vollmer@acm.org
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
%% If you find this software useful, please send me a postcard.
%% To install:
%% call "latex draftcopy.ins"
%% or under UNIX systems
%% call "make"
%% This will produce three files:
%%	draftcopy.dtx
%%	draftcopy.sty
%%      draftcopy.cfg            this should be configured to your needs
%% and files containg some tests:
%%      draftcopy-test1.tex ... draftcopy-test12.tex
%% To get the documentation: "latex draftcopy.dtx"
%% --------------- start of docstrip commands ------------------
\input docstrip.tex

\Msg{** Hello to the installation of the `draftcopy' package.}
\Msg{** Version: 2.16; February 25, 2002}


\Msg{** Edit the file draftcopy.cfg and set the default Postscript driver}
\Msg{** c.f. the file graphics.cfg.}
\Msg{** To finish the installation move the file `draftcopy.sty' and}
\Msg{** draftcopy.cfg to a place where LaTeX will find it.}
\Msg{** To get the documentation: `latex draftcopy.dtx'}
\Msg{** To get some test files: `latex draftcopy-test-1.tex'}
\Msg{** ... `latex draftcopy-test-12.tex'}
\Msg{** Happy TeXing}
