% \iffalse %<*internal> \begingroup \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \usedir{tex/latex/poetrytex} \preamble Copyright 2012 Samuel Whited This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later. \endpreamble \postamble ___________ Maintainer: Sam Whited Website: https://blog.samwhited.com Contact: sam@samwhited.com Public key: 0x54083AE104EA7AD3 This work consists of this file poetrytex.dtx and the derived files poetrytex.sty and poetrytex.pdf \endpostamble \askforoverwritefalse \generate{\file{poetrytex.sty}{\from{poetrytex.dtx}{poetrytex}}} \obeyspaces \Msg{****************************************************} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the *} \Msg{* following file into a directory searched by TeX: *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{* poetrytex.sty *} \Msg{* *} \Msg{****************************************************} \endgroup %</internal> % %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{poetrytex.dtx} %</driver> % %<*poetrytex> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{poetrytex}[2014/12/12] %</poetrytex>% % %<*driver> \documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage[pdfborder=0, bookmarks, colorlinks=false, hidelinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{fancyvrb,hologo,framed,multicol,tipa,url,textcomp,poetrytex} \usepackage[parfill]{parskip} \fvset{gobble=2} \newenvironment{Example}{% \begingroup\setlength{\columnseprule}{.4pt} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{multicols}{2} }{ \end{multicols} \end{minipage} \endgroup } \newcommand*{\gitdescribe}{% \immediate\write18{% rm -f gitdescribe.tex 2> /dev/null; (git describe --tags --dirty ||% echo "v0.0.0") 2> /dev/null > gitdescribe.tex }% \InputIfFileExists{gitdescribe.tex}{}{}\unskip% \immediate\write18{% rm -f gitdescribe.tex 2> /dev/null }% } \newcommand\XeLaTeX{\hologo{XeLaTeX}} \newcommand*\name[1]{\textsc{#1}} \newcommand*\fname[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand*\pkg[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand*\code[1]{\texttt{#1}} \renewcommand\partname{Part} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{\jobname.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % % \fi % % \GetFileInfo{\jobname.dtx} % \makeatletter % \errorcontextlines=999 % % \title{The \textsf{\jobname} package} % \author{ % \name{Sam Whited}\\* % \texttt{sam@samwhited.com} % } % \date{\today\\*\gitdescribe} % % \maketitle % \maketoc % % \section{Introduction} % % The \pkg{poetrytex} package is designed to aid in the formatting and % typesetting of anthologies of poetry. % % \subsection{History} % % The package started out as a collection of macros for automating simple tasks % that I often had to perform while working on a collection of poetry and prose. % After a time, I decided to turn it into an STY file which would be geared % more towards the idea of an anthology or a collection of works and less about % typesetting the verse itself (for which there were already several good % packages on CTAN). While the file was small this worked well---Learning to % use the package was easily accomplished by reading the annotated source code % (generated via a modified version of Jeremy Ashkenas' literate programming % tool `docco'). However, as the source and scope of the project grew I decided % to move away from docco and start working on a proper package that would use % more traditional \TeX-style docs. As of version 2.0.0, I began using % \href{https://semver.org}{semantic versioning} to track releases. % % \subsection{License / about the source} % % This project may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the % \LaTeX\ Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at % your opinion) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: % % \url{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt} % % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of \LaTeX\ version % 2008/05/04 or later. % % Contributions are welcome, and the latest development version of the project % can always be found at \url{https://bitbucket.org/SamWhited/poetrytex}. % % \subsection{Acknowledgements} % % A special thanks is in order for Brittany Taylor. Though she probably has no % idea what \TeX\ is, or that this project even exists, it is due mostly to her % influence that it ever got off the ground. Secondly: to Sarah Snyder, who % helped me to start writing again after many wasted years, and is always % obliging when I want to lose at Scrabble. % % \StopEventually{} % \changes{1.0}{2012/07/18}{Converted package to dtx} % \changes{2.1.0}{2013/09/04}{Removed \fname{poetrytex-style.sty} (documentation % style)} % % \section{Package building and loading} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*poetrytex> % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Building} % % Before building \pkg{poetrytex} you should verify that the following % dependencies are installed (note that you do not need to include these lines % in your project; just install the packages mentioned): % \changes{1.0}{2012/07/18}{Removed \pkg{fontspec} / \pkg{xelatex} dependency} % \changes{1.2}{2012/10/03}{Removed \pkg{parskip} dependency} % \changes{1.2}{2012/10/03}{Removed default \pkg{hyperref} options} % \changes{1.3}{2012/10/03}{Load \pkg{hyperref} at end of package} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/02/23}{Require \pkg{tcloft} package} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/08/17}{Begin using semantic versioning (semver.org)} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Don't load hyperref by default} % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{expl3} \RequirePackage{tocloft} % \end{macrocode} % Once you have all the required packages, building \pkg{poetrytex} from source % can be accomplished in multiple ways. If the Makefile is present running % \code{make help} will tell you everything you need to know. To manually % extract the files and generate the documentation simply run \code{pdflatex} % or \XeLaTeX\ against \fname{poetrytex.dtx}: % % \begin{Verbatim} % pdflatex poetrytex.dtx % \end{Verbatim} % % You can also use the \code{-{}-shell-escape} option to generate documentation % which includes the current git commit short-hash in the version number: % % \begin{Verbatim} % pdflatex --shell-escape poetrytex.dtx % \end{Verbatim} % % It should be noted that this option is extremely unsafe and you should only % use it if you understand the risks. % % \paragraph{Loading} % % Using \pkg{poetrytex} in your project works exactly as you'd expect: % % \begin{Verbatim} % \usepackage{poetrytex} % \end{Verbatim} % % \hypertarget{POETRYTEX:OPTIONS}{} % \changes{1.2}{2012/10/03}{Added various package options} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/11}{Remove the redundant `clearpageafterpoems' option} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Don't pass unrecognized options to hyperref} % \begin{macro}{poemsintoc} % \changes{2.0.0}{2012/08/17}{Add option to insert poems in the ToC} % \begin{macro}{numbertop} % \begin{macro}{numbertoc} % \changes{2.0.0}{2012/08/17}{Add option to number poems in the ToC} % \begin{macro}{numberpoems} % \begin{macro}{usedefaulttitles} % \changes{1.4}{2012/02/13}{Add package option to use default titles} % \begin{macro}{useincipits} % \changes{2.0.0}{2012/03/06}{Add package option to use incipits} % \begin{macro}{clearpageafterpoem} % \begin{macro}{clearpageafterannotation} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/11}{Add an option to clear the page after annotations} % The package can also be loaded with any of the following options. If you're % unsure what an option does, check the documentation for the macro that is % associated with it in the code below: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{poemsintoc}{\listpoemsintoc} \DeclareOption{numbertop}{\numbertop} \DeclareOption{numbertoc}{\numbertoc} \DeclareOption{numberpoems}{\numberpoems} \DeclareOption{usedefaulttitles}{\usedefaulttitles} \DeclareOption{useincipits}{\useincipits} \DeclareOption{clearpageafterpoem}{\clearpageafterpoem} \DeclareOption{clearpageafterannotation}{\clearpageafterannotation} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % For instance: % % \begin{Verbatim} % \usepackage[numberpoems,clearpageafterpoem]{poetrytex} % \end{Verbatim} % % \part{Document setup and structure} % % The \pkg{poetrytex} package is fairly simple as far as \TeX\ packages go, so % it's worth taking a look at how it works internally. % % \section{Environment setup and defaults} % % First we setup our environment, define some useful properties, and choose some % default values for those properties. % % \subsection{Title page} % % We'll start with the title page: % % \begin{macro}{\pttitle} % \begin{macro}{\ptsubtitle} % \begin{macro}{\ptauthor} % \begin{macro}{\ptdate} % These properties will affect the appearance of \code{\textbackslash% % maketitle}: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\pttitle}{Title} \newcommand*{\ptsubtitle}{Subtitle} \newcommand*{\ptauthor}{Author} \newcommand*{\ptdate}{\today} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % Since we define them as commands, you can change the appearance of your % title page by redefining them in your preamble like so: % % \begin{Verbatim} % \renewcommand*{\pttitle}{My Title} % \renewcommand*{\ptauthor}{The Author} % \end{Verbatim} % % We then use these properties to set the document title, author, and date: % \begin{macrocode} \title{% \beforetitle\pttitle\aftertitle% \ifx\ptsubtitle\@ptundefined% \relax% \else% \\*\beforesubtitle\ptsubtitle\aftersubtitle% \fi% } \author{\beforeauthor\ptauthor\afterauthor} \date{\beforedate\ptdate\afterdate} % \end{macrocode} % Since \code{\textbackslash maketitle} clears the internal title, author, and % date we use the \code{\textbackslash pt} equivalents so that we can refer to % them again later, or redefine them throughout the document---in anthologies % with works by multiple authors, for instance. % % \subsection{Poem config} % % \begin{macro}{\@ptpoemlabeltext} % Each time you create a poem in your document we automatically assign it a % special label that can be used to link to it later. This label is prefixed % with \code{\textbackslash @ptpoemlabeltext} to prevent it from conflicting % with user defined labels, or labels defined in other packages. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ptpoemlabeltext}{poetrytexpoem:} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Chances are you'll never need to touch this. % % \begin{macro}{poemnum} % \begin{macro}{absolutepoemnum} % \begin{macro}{untitledpoemnum} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/12}{Create a new counter to track untitled poems} % \begin{macro}{absoluteuntitledpoemnum} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/12}{Create a new counter to track of untitled poems} % \begin{macro}{titledpoemnum} % \changes{2.1.0}{2013/09/01}{Create a new counter to track titled poems} % \begin{macro}{absolutetitledpoemnum} % \changes{2.1.0}{2013/09/01}{Create a new counter to track titled poems} % \begin{macro}{poemgroupnum} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/02/23}{Create a new counter to track poem groups} % The \code{poemnum} and \code{absolutepoemnum} counters will be incremented % every time we include a poem in our document and can be used later to number % the poems. The \code{absolutepoemnum} counter will never be reset by \pkg{% % poetrytex} while \code{poemnum} will be be reset to 0 at the beginning of a % new \code{poemgroup}. The \code{untitledpoemnum} and % \code{absoluteuntitledpoemnum} are similar except that they are only % incremented when the poem does not have a title. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{poemnum} \newcounter{absolutepoemnum} \newcounter{untitledpoemnum} \newcounter{absoluteuntitledpoemnum} \newcounter{titledpoemnum} \newcounter{absolutetitledpoemnum} \newcounter{poemgroupnum} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\poemvspace} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/11}{Allow whitespace before every poem} % Sometimes you might want to insert a certain amount of vertical space before % every poem. For instance, maybe you have several poems without titles and you % need a visual cue to let your readers know that a new poem is starting. This % can be acomplished by setting \code{\textbackslash poemvspace}: % % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\poemvspace} \setlength{\poemvspace}{0em} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\pttitleleftspace} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/14}{Add macro to define poem title left hspace} % \begin{macro}{\pttitlerightspace} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/14}{Add macro to define poem title right hspace} % \begin{macro}{\ptsubtitleleftspace} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/14}{Add macro to define poem subtitle left hspace} % \begin{macro}{\ptsubtitlerightspace} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/14}{Add macro to define poem subtitle right hspace} % To indent the poems title or subtitle to the left or the right, set the length % of \code{\textbackslash pttitleleftspace} and \code{\textbackslash% % pttitlerightspace}. % % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\pttitleleftspace} \setlength{\pttitleleftspace}{0em} \newlength{\pttitlerightspace} \setlength{\pttitlerightspace}{0em} \newlength{\ptsubtitleleftspace} \setlength{\ptsubtitleleftspace}{0em} \newlength{\ptsubtitlerightspace} \setlength{\ptsubtitlerightspace}{0em} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\usedefaulttitles} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Change name of \code{\textbackslash ptusedefaulttitles} to \code{\textbackslash usedefaulttitles}} % \begin{macro}{\nousedefaulttitles} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Add macro to stop using default titles} % \begin{macro}{\ptdefaulttitle} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/12}{Add a default poem title} % \begin{macro}{\useincipits} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/06}{Add option for using incipits in the ToP} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Change name of \code{\textbackslash ptuseincipits} to \code{\textbackslash useincipits}} % \begin{macro}{\nouseincipits} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Add macro to stop using incipits} % The default title for poems that don't include one. If % \code{\textbackslash usedefaulttitles} is called the default title will be % displayed above the poem itself as well as in the table of contents. Otherwise % the title is left blank. We can also use incipits in the ToP by calling % \code{\textbackslash ptuseincipits}. This will override the default title in % the ToP, but will not be displayed atop the poem itself. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\usedefaulttitles}{\newcommand*{\@ptusedefaulttitles}{}} \newcommand*{\nousedefaulttitles}{\let\@ptusedefaulttitles\@ptundefined} \newcommand*{\ptdefaulttitle}{% Untitled No. \arabic{absoluteuntitledpoemnum}% } \newcommand*{\useincipits}{\newcommand*{\@ptuseincipits}{}} \newcommand*{\nouseincipits}{\let\@ptuseincipits\@ptundefined} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ptdefaultenv} % \changes{1.2}{2012/09/20}{Added an option to change the default environment} % \begin{macro}{\pttitleenv} % \changes{1.4}{2013/02/13}{Allow changing of the poem title environment} % These macros contain the names of the default environments in which we should % wrap poems and poem titles. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ptdefaultenv}{verse} \newcommand*{\pttitleenv}{center} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ptdefaultgroupenv} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/09}{Allow changing of the default group environment} % \begin{macro}{\grouppagestyle} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/09}{Allow changing of group page style} % \begin{macro}{\pregroupvspace} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/09}{Allow change in vspace before group} % \begin{macro}{\postgroupvspace} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/09}{Allow change in vspace after group} % The following macros can be used to configure how the poem group page looks. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ptdefaultgroupenv}{center} \newcommand*{\grouppagestyle}{empty} \newlength{\pregroupvspace} \newlength{\postgroupvspace} \setlength{\pregroupvspace}{\fill} \setlength{\postgroupvspace}{\fill} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Annotation config} % % \begin{macro}{annotationnum} % \changes{2.1.0}{2013/09/04}{Create a new counter to track annotations} % \begin{macro}{absoluteannotationnum} % \changes{2.1.0}{2013/09/04}{Create a new counter to track annotations} % Like their poem counterparts, these counters are incremented each time an % annotation is created and the non-absolute version may be reset when the poem % group changes. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{annotationnum} \newcounter{absoluteannotationnum} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ptannotationenv} % \changes{1.3}{2012/10/30}{Added an option to change the default annotation % environment} % This contains the name of the default environment in which we should wrap % annotations. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ptannotationenv}{flushleft} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Dedication} % % After your title page you might want to add a dedication page. % % \begin{macro}{\ptdedication} % \begin{macro}{\makededication} % \changes{1.1}{2012/07/21}{Added optional `environment' argument} % As with the \code{\textbackslash pttitle} and author commands you can simply % redefine \code{\textbackslash ptdedication} to change the dedication text. % % To create a dedication page, the \code{\textbackslash makededication} command % can be called. By default, this command aligns everything to the right using % the \textsf{flushright} environment, however, by adding an optional argument % you can specify another environment to wrap the dedication in. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ptdedication}{Renew \textsf{\textbackslash ptdedication}} \newcommand*{\makededication}[1][flushright]{% \thispagestyle{empty} \vspace*{\prededicationvspace} \begin{#1} \beforededication{\dedicationformat\ptdedication}\afterdedication \end{#1} \vspace*{\postdedicationvspace} } % \end{macrocode} % For example, you might do something like the following: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{Verbatim} % \renewcommand*{\ptdedication}{% % Frontmatter haiku:\\* % This is dedicated to\\* % Someone else, not you. % } % \makededication[center] % \end{Verbatim} % \columnbreak % \renewcommand*{\ptdedication}{% % Frontmatter haiku:\\* % This is dedicated to\\* % Someone else, not you. % } % \makededication[center] % \end{Example} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Tables and links} % % Next we setup the table of contents and list of poems: % % \begin{macro}{\listofpoems} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/02/23}{Use custom table for list of poems} % \begin{macro}{\resetnumon} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/02/23}{Allow user to reset poem nums on counter change} % The \code{\textbackslash listofpoems} command is nothing more than a % convenient alias for \code{\textbackslash listofpoem} as defined by the % \pkg{tocloft} package. We can reset poem numbering at a given point by % redefining the \code{\textbackslash resetnumon} macro. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\resetnumon}{} \newlistof[\resetnumon]{poem}{top}{\topname} \newcommand*{\listofpoems}{\listofpoem} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\topname} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/16}{Rename from \code{\textbackslash toptitle}} % \begin{macro}{\topentrytype} % \begin{macro}{\toptocentrytype} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/07}{Add hook to change ToP entry type in ToC} % The value of \code{\textbackslash topname} will be rendered atop the Table of % Poems, and \code{\textbackslash topentrytype} will set the default entry type % for poems in the ToP. \code{\textbackslash toptocentrytype} sets the default % entry type for the ToP in the ToC. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\topname}{List of Poems} \newcommand*{\topentrytype}{subsection} \newcommand*{\toptocentrytype}{section} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\listpoemsintoc} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/08/17}{List poems in the table of contents} % \begin{macro}{\nolistpoemsintoc} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Add macro to stop poems being listed in the ToC} % \begin{macro}{\tocentrytype} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/08/17}{Sets the entry type for poems in the ToC} % Using these commands you can cause poems to be listed in the ToC and set the % entry type just like the ToP. By default, the ToC entry type is set to % \code{\textbackslash topentrytype}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\listpoemsintoc}{\newcommand*{\@ptlistpoemsintoc}{}} \newcommand*{\nolistpoemsintoc}{\let\@ptlistpoemsintoc\@ptundefined} \newcommand*{\tocentrytype}{\topentrytype} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % We then set the \code{secnumdepth} and \code{tocdepth} counters to disable % chapter, section, and subsection numbering, and to limit the maximum depth of % entries in the ToC. % % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} \renewcommand*{\listtablename}{\topname} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\maketoc} % \begin{macro}{\maketop} % \begin{macro}{\maketop*} % Once you've configured the ToC and ToP you probably want to insert them into % your document somewhere. While you could just use the \LaTeX\ command % \code{\textbackslash tableofcontents} for the ToC, we provide an alternative % that adds a bit of formatting and clears the page. By default the ToP creates % a listing for itself in the ToC---using the star modifier prevents this. An % example table of poems can be found at the end of this document. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\maketoc}{% \beforetoc \tableofcontents \pagestyle{plain} \aftertoc \clearpage \thispagestyle{empty} } \newcommand*{\maketop}{\@ifstar{\@ptmaketopStar}{\@ptmaketopNoStar}} \newcommand*{\@ptmaketopStar}{% \cleardoublepage \beforetop \listofpoems \pagestyle{plain} \aftertop \clearpage } \newcommand*{\@ptmaketopNoStar}{% \cleardoublepage \beforetop \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{\toptocentrytype}{\topname} \listofpoems \pagestyle{plain} \aftertop \clearpage } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\numbertop} % \begin{macro}{\numbertoc} % \changes{2.0.0}{2012/08/17}{Number poems in the table of contents} % \begin{macro}{\nonumbertop} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/11}{Add command to stop numbering the ToP} % \begin{macro}{\nonumbertoc} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/11}{Add command to stop numbering the ToC} % Placing one of these commands in your document preamble will cause the table % of poems or table of contents to be numbered (or stop them from being % numbered). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\numbertop}{\newcommand*{\@ptnumbertop}{}} \newcommand*{\numbertoc}{\newcommand*{\@ptnumbertoc}{}} \newcommand*{\nonumbertop}{\let\@ptnumbertop\@ptundefined} \newcommand*{\nonumbertoc}{\let\@ptnumbertoc\@ptundefined} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \section{Hooks and formatting} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Refactor hooks into new section} % A great many commands are provided to act as hooks into various parts of % \pkg{poetrytex}. These commands don't do anything initially, but can be % redefined to customize the way \pkg{poetrytex} behaves. % % \subsection{Title page} % % \begin{macro}{\beforetitle} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook before title} % \begin{macro}{\aftertitle} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook after title} % \begin{macro}{\beforesubtitle} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook before subtitle} % \begin{macro}{\aftersubtitle} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook after subtitle} % \begin{macro}{\beforeauthor} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook before author} % \begin{macro}{\afterauthor} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook after author} % \begin{macro}{\beforedate} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook before date} % \begin{macro}{\afterdate} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook after date} % These hooks get inserted before or after elements on the title page or % dedication. If the element has formatting, they will be inserted outside of % the formatted block, but inside of any enclosing environments. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\beforetitle}{} \newcommand*{\aftertitle}{} \newcommand*{\beforesubtitle}{} \newcommand*{\aftersubtitle}{} \newcommand*{\beforeauthor}{} \newcommand*{\afterauthor}{} \newcommand*{\beforedate}{} \newcommand*{\afterdate}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Dedication} % % \begin{macro}{\dedicationformat} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Allow customization of dedication format} % \begin{macro}{\prededicationvspace} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add length for setting the pre-dedication vspace} % \begin{macro}{\postdedicationvspace} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add length for setting the post-dedication vspace} % \begin{macro}{\beforededication} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook before dedication} % \begin{macro}{\afterdedication} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/08}{Add hook after dedication} % Redefine \code{\textbackslash dedicationformat} to change how the dedication % text is formatted. You can change the length of the vspace around the % dedication by redefining \code{\textbackslash prededicationvspace} and % \code{\textbackslash postdedicationvspace} or redefine the % \code{beforededication} and \code{afterdedication} hooks to insert content % around the dedication text. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\dedicationformat}{\normalfont\itshape} \newlength{\prededicationvspace} \newlength{\postdedicationvspace} \setlength{\prededicationvspace}{\fill} \setlength{\postdedicationvspace}{\fill} \newcommand*{\beforededication}{} \newcommand*{\afterdedication}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Tables and links} % % \begin{macro}{\beforetoc} % \changes{1.4}{2012/02/18}{Add hook before table of contents} % \begin{macro}{\aftertoc} % \changes{1.4}{2012/02/18}{Add hook after table of contents} % \begin{macro}{\beforetop} % \changes{1.4}{2012/02/18}{Add hook before table of poems} % \begin{macro}{\aftertop} % \changes{1.4}{2012/02/18}{Add hook after table of poems} % Several hooks are provided which allow you to insert content before or after % the tables: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\beforetoc}{} \newcommand{\aftertoc}{} \newcommand{\beforetop}{} \newcommand{\aftertop}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Poem group} % % \begin{macro}{\beforepoemgroup} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/09}{Add hook before group} % \begin{macro}{\afterpoemgroup} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/09}{Add hook after group} % The following hooks occur before and after a new poem group. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\beforepoemgroup}{\cleardoublepage} \newcommand*{\afterpoemgroup}{\clearpage} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \part{Poems and annotations} % % Now that we've got all the boilerplate, configuration, titles, tables, and % properties out of the way, it's time to move on to the core functionality of % \pkg{poetrytex}: displaying and organizing poems! % % \section{The \code{poem} environment} % % \begin{environment}{poem} % \changes{1.2}{2012/09/20}{Use \code{hypertarget} instead of \code{label}} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/08/15}{Prevent orphan / widow lines in stanzas (\href{https://github.com/SamWhited/poetrytex/issues/7}{Issue \#7)}} % Inserting a poem or other writing into your anthology is accomplished by % wrapping it in the \code{poem} environment. This environment takes in two % arguments, the title and subtitle (or author, date, etc.) of the poem. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{poem}[3][\ptdefaultenv]{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\@ptwrapenvironment} % By default \code{poem} re-wraps your text in the \code{verse} environment. % However, this can be changed by passing in an optional argument with the name % of another environment to wrap it in (eg. \code{center}) or, for all poems, by % redefining \code{ptdefaultenv}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ptwrapenvironment}{#1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % For example, a poem wrapped in the \code{center} environment might look like % this: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{Verbatim} % \begin{poem}[center] % {The Sea Bell}{J.R.R. Tolkien} % I walked by the sea, % and there came to me,\\ % as a star-beam on the wet sand,\\ % a white shell like a sea-bell;\\ % trembling it lay % in my wet hand.\\ % In my fingers shaken % I heard waken\\ % a ding within, by a harbour bar\\ % a buoy swinging, a call ringing\\ % over endless seas, % faint now and far\ldots % \end{poem} % \end{Verbatim} % \columnbreak % \begin{poem}[center] % {The Sea Bell} % {J.R.R. Tolkien} % I walked by the sea, % and there came to me,\\ % as a star-beam on the wet sand,\\ % a white shell like a sea-bell;\\ % trembling it lay in my wet hand.\\ % In my fingers shaken I heard waken\\ % a ding within, by a harbour bar\\ % a buoy swinging, a call ringing\\ % over endless seas, % faint now and far\ldots % \end{poem} % \end{Example} % % \begin{macro}{\incipit} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/06}{Allow the user to declare an incipit} % \begin{macro}{\incipit*} % \changes{2.2.0}{2014/08/21}{Add non-printing incipit command} % An incipit can be declared within the poem environment using the % \code{\textbackslash incipit} command. This will reprint the first argument % so you don't have to write your first line twice. This is useful for % untitled poems as you can put their incipit in the ToP in place of a default % title. \code{\textbackslash incipit*} will declare an incipit but will not % reprint its argument, for cases where the incipit differs from the actual % line. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\incipit}{% \@ifstar{% \@ptincipitStar }{% \@ptincipitNoStar } } \newcommand*{\@ptincipitNoStar}[1]{% \global\expandafter\def% \csname% @poem\arabic{absolutepoemnum} incipit% \endcsname{##1}% ##1% } \newcommand*{\@ptincipitStar}[1]{% \global\expandafter\def% \csname% @poem\arabic{absolutepoemnum} incipit% \endcsname{##1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\theincipit} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/03/06}{Allow the user to insert the incipit} % After an incipit has been declared, this will expand to the text of the % incipit for the current poem. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\theincipit}{% \csname @poem\arabic{absolutepoemnum} incipit\endcsname% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % This poem has a (slightly modified) default title and an incipit in the ToP: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{Verbatim} % \usedefaulttitles % \useincipits % \renewcommand*{\ptdefaulttitle}{% % Untitled \textnumero\ % \arabic{absoluteuntitledpoemnum}% % } % \begin{poem}{}{Traditional} % \incipit{Media vita in morte% % sumus};\\* % Quem qu\ae rimus adjutorem nisi% % te, Domine?\\* % Qui pro peccatis nostris juste% % irasceris\\* % Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis,% % Sancte et misericors % Salvator,\\* % Amar\ae morti ne tradas nos. % \end{poem} % \end{Verbatim} % \columnbreak % \usedefaulttitles % \useincipits % \renewcommand*{\ptdefaulttitle}{% % Untitled \textnumero\ % \arabic{absoluteuntitledpoemnum}% % } % \begin{poem}{}{Traditional} % \incipit{Media vita in morte% % sumus};\\* % Quem qu\ae rimus adjutorem nisi% % te, Domine?\\* % Qui pro peccatis nostris juste% % irasceris\\* % Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis,% % Sancte et misericors% % Salvator,\\* % Amar\ae morti ne tradas nos. % \end{poem} % \end{Example} % % Now we render the page header, title, and the actual poem: % \begin{macrocode} \addtocounter{poemnum}{1} \addtocounter{absolutepoemnum}{1} \poetryheadings \ifx&% \addtocounter{untitledpoemnum}{1} \addtocounter{absoluteuntitledpoemnum}{1} \else \addtocounter{titledpoemnum}{1} \addtocounter{absolutetitledpoemnum}{1} \fi \vspace*{\poemvspace} \begin{\pttitleenv} \refstepcounter{poem}% \phantomsection% \addcontentsline{top}{\topentrytype}{% \ifx\@ptnumbertop\@ptundefined% \relax% \else% \toppoemnum% \fi% \ifx&% \ifx\@ptuseincipits\@ptundefined% \ptdefaulttitle% \else% {\incipittopformat \theincipit}% \fi% \else% #2% \fi% }% \ifx\@ptlistpoemsintoc\@ptundefined% \relax% \else% \addcontentsline{toc}{\tocentrytype}{% \ifx\@ptnumbertoc\@ptundefined% \relax% \else% \tocpoemnum% \fi% \ifx&% \ifx\@ptuseincipits\@ptundefined% \ptdefaulttitle% \else% {\incipittocformat \theincipit}% \fi% \else% #2% \fi% }% \fi% \ifx\hypertarget\@ptundefined% \relax% \else% \hypertarget{\@ptpoemlabeltext\arabic{absolutepoemnum}}{}% \fi% {\poemtitleformat% \ifx\@ptnumberpoems\@ptundefined \relax \else \titlepoemnum \fi% \ifx&% \ifx\@ptusedefaulttitles\@ptundefined% \relax% \else% \hspace*{\pttitleleftspace}\ptdefaulttitle% \hspace*{\pttitlerightspace}\\*% \fi% \else \hspace*{\pttitleleftspace}#2\hspace*{\pttitlerightspace}\\*% \fi% }% \hspace*{\ptsubtitleleftspace}#3\hspace*{\ptsubtitlerightspace} \end{\pttitleenv} \nopagebreak \begin{\@ptwrapenvironment} \begingroup\setlength{\parskip}{\stanzaparskip}% }{% \endgroup \end{\@ptwrapenvironment}% \ifx\@ptclearpageafterpoem\@ptundefined% \relax% \else% \clearpage% \fi% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \section{Formatting poems} % % The \code{poem} environment provides some reasonable defaults for formatting % your work but chances are you want a little more control. % % \subsection{Headings} % % \begin{macro}{\poetryheadings} % Every time a new \code{poem} environment is created we automatically call % \code{\textbackslash poetryheadings}. By redefining this you can change how % your headings look, use packages like % \pkg{\href{http://ctan.org/pkg/fancyhdr}{fancyhdr}}, or remove headers from % poem pages altogether. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\poetryheadings}[0]{% \pagestyle{myheadings} \markboth{\ |\ \textsc{\pttitle}\hfill } {\hfill\textsc{\ptgroup}\ |\ } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Numbering} % % \begin{macro}{\numberpoems} % \begin{macro}{\nonumberpoems} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/11}{Add command to stop numbering poems} % This command determines if the poems should display their number above the % title. Generally these should be called from the preamble but they can be % defined at any point in your document to change how numbering works, or to % turn on numbering from that point forward. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\numberpoems}{\newcommand*{\@ptnumberpoems}{}} \newcommand*{\nonumberpoems}{\let\@ptnumberpoems\@ptundefined} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % Using \code{\textbackslash numberpoems} results in: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{Verbatim} % \numberpoems % \numbertop % % \begin{poem}{The Highwayman} % {Alfred Noyes} % The wind was a torrent of % darkness among the gusty trees,\\ % The moon was a ghostly galleon % tossed upon cloudy seas,\\ % The road was a ribbon of % moonlight over the purple moor% % \ldots % \end{poem} % \end{Verbatim} % \columnbreak % \numberpoems % \numbertop % % \begin{poem}{The Highwayman}{Alfred Noyes} % The wind was a torrent of % darkness among the gusty trees,\\ % The moon was a ghostly galleon % tossed upon cloudy seas,\\ % The road was a ribbon of % moonlight over the purple moor% % \ldots % \end{poem} % \end{Example} % % \begin{macro}{\titlepoemnum} % \changes{1.4}{2012/02/18}{Add hook for poem number formatting} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/10}{Use absolute poem nums by default} % \begin{macro}{\toppoemnum} % \changes{1.4}{2012/02/18}{Add hook for Table of Poems poem number formatting} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/10}{Use absolute poem nums by default} % \begin{macro}{\tocpoemnum} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/08/17}{Add hook for Table of Contents poem number formatting} % These commands are used to insert the poem number into the poem title, the % table of poems, and the table of contents respectively. By redefining them you % can customize how the numbering looks. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\titlepoemnum}{\arabic{absolutepoemnum}\\*} \newcommand*{\toppoemnum}{\arabic{absolutepoemnum}.\ } \newcommand*{\tocpoemnum}{\toppoemnum} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % If we want to use uppercase roman numerals on the poems, and lowercase roman % numerals in the \code{\hyperlink{POETRYTEX:TOP}{Table of Poems}}, we could % redefine them like so: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{Verbatim} % \numberpoems % \numbertop % \renewcommand*{\titlepoemnum}{% % \unskip\Roman{poemnum}\\} % \renewcommand*{\toppoemnum}{ % \unskip\roman{poemnum}.\ } % % \begin{poem}% % {The Lady of Shalott}% % {Alfred Tennyson (1842)} % On either side the river lie\\ % Long fields of barley and % of rye,\\ % That clothe the wold and meet % the sky;\\ % And through the field the road % runs by\\ % To many-towered Camelot;\\ % And up and down the people go,\\ % Gazing where the lilies blow\\ % Round an island there below,\\ % The island of Shalott--- % \end{poem} % \end{Verbatim} % \columnbreak % \numberpoems % \numbertop % \renewcommand*{\titlepoemnum}{% % \unskip\Roman{poemnum}\\} % \renewcommand*{\toppoemnum}{ % \unskip\roman{poemnum}.\ } % % \begin{poem}% % {The Lady of Shalott}% % {Alfred Tennyson (1842)} % On either side the river lie\\ % Long fields of barley and % of rye,\\ % That clothe the wold and meet % the sky;\\ % And through the field the road % runs by\\ % To many-towered Camelot;\\ % And up and down the people go,\\ % Gazing where the lilies blow\\ % Round an island there below,\\ % The island of Shalott--- % \end{poem} % \end{Example} % % \subsection{Spacing and indentation} % % \begin{macro}{\stanzaparskip} % This length is used to change the \code{parskip} within a poem environment. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\stanzaparskip} \setlength{\stanzaparskip}{0.7em} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\clearpageafterpoem} % \begin{macro}{\noclearpageafterpoem} % \begin{macro}{\clearpageafterannotation} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/11}{Make clearing the page after an annotation optional behavior} % \begin{macro}{\noclearpageafterannotation} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/11}{Add command to stop page clearing after annotations} % \code{clearpageafterpoem} and \code{clearpageafterannotation} cause the page % to be cleared after every poem environment or annotation environment % respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\clearpageafterpoem}{\newcommand*{\@ptclearpageafterpoem}{}} \newcommand*{\clearpageafterannotation}{\newcommand*{\@ptclearpageafterannotation}{}} \newcommand*{\noclearpageafterpoem}{\let\@ptclearpageafterpoem\@ptundefined} \newcommand*{\noclearpageafterannotation}{\let\@ptclearpageafterannotation\@ptundefined} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ptgap} % \begin{macro}{\ptind} % \begin{macro}{\ptind*} % The \code{\textbackslash ptgap} length and \code{\textbackslash ptind} % command are two of those places where \pkg{poetrytex} strays a bit into the % realm of poetry typesetting. They overlap with the \pkg{verse} package's % \code{\textbackslash vgap} and \code{\textbackslash vin} commands and insert % indentation at at the beginning of a line. This is useful for typesetting % poems consistently when the \pkg{verse} package is not loaded. Redefine % \code{\textbackslash ptgap} to change the length that \code{\textbackslash% % ptind} indents by. The starred version of \code{ptind} uses\code{% % \textbackslash hspace*}. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\ptgap} \setlength{\ptgap}{2em} \newcommand*{\ptind}{% \@ifstar{% \@ptindStar }{% \@ptindNoStar } } \newcommand*{\@ptindStar}{\hspace*{\ptgap}} \newcommand*{\@ptindNoStar}{\hspace{\ptgap}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % Using it works something like this: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{Verbatim} % \setlength{\ptgap}{2em} % \begin{poem}[flushleft]{PoE\TeX} % {An {\tipaencoding % /Ig"zA:mp@l/} poem} % There once was a poem called% % PoE\TeX\\* % That's name sounded somewhat% % {\tipaencoding /p@"TEtEk/}.\\* % \ptind It was really quite% % sad,\\* % \ptind to see pronunciation% % so bad,\\* % And to read such a terrible% % {\tipaencoding /"lIme(@)rEk/}! % \end{poem} % \end{Verbatim} % \columnbreak % \setlength{\ptgap}{2em} % \begin{poem}[flushleft]{PoE\TeX} % {An {\tipaencoding % /Ig"zA:mp@l/} poem} % There once was a poem called% % PoE\TeX\\* % That's name sounded somewhat% % {\tipaencoding /p@"TEtEk/}.\\* % \ptind It was really quite% % sad,\\* % \ptind to see pronunciation% % so bad,\\* % And to read such a terrible% % {\tipaencoding /"lIme(@)rEk/}! % \end{poem} % \end{Example} % % \subsection{Style} % % \begin{macro}{\poemtitleformat} % By redefining \code{\textbackslash poemtitleformat} we can change how the poem % title is rendered. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\poemtitleformat}{\normalfont\bfseries\large} % \end{macrocode} % % This can be used for everything from changing the font size to adding % interesting effects: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{Verbatim} % \renewcommand*{\poemtitleformat} % {\normalfont\bfseries% % {\rule{5em}{0.2em}}\\*} % \begin{poem}{Excelsior} % {Henry Wadsworth Longfellow\\* % 1841} % The shades of night were falling% % fast,\\* % As through an Alpine village% % passed\\* % A youth, who bore, `mid snow and % ice,\\* % A banner with the strange% % device,\\* % Excelsior! % \end{poem} % \end{Verbatim} % \columnbreak % \renewcommand*{\poemtitleformat} % {\normalfont\bfseries% % {\rule{5em}{0.2em}}\\*} % \begin{poem}{Excelsior} % {Henry Wadsworth Longfellow\\* % 1841} % The shades of night were falling% % fast,\\* % As through an Alpine village% % passed\\* % A youth, who bore, `mid snow and % ice,\\* % A banner with the strange% % device,\\* % Excelsior! % \end{poem} % \end{Example} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\incipittopformat} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/02/23}{Add hook for incipit formatting in the ToP} % \begin{macro}{\incipittocformat} % \changes{2.0.0}{2013/08/17}{Add hook for incipit formatting in the ToC} % Similarly we can change how the incipit is rendered in the Table of Poems or % Table of Contents: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\incipittopformat}{\itshape} \newcommand*{\incipittocformat}{\incipittopformat} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % If you want a stylistic marker between two poems, or between sections % or stanzas within a poem, the following commands are your friend. % % \begin{macro}{\ptspacergap} % \begin{macro}{\ptspacerchar} % \begin{macro}{ptspacernum} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/10}{Change ptspacernum into a counter} % The \code{ptspacergap} length is the indentation of the spacer, and\code{% % \textbackslash ptspacerchar} is the actual character that will be printed % \code{ptspacernum} times. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\ptspacergap} \setlength{\ptspacergap}{4em} \newcommand*{\ptspacerchar}{\S} \newcounter{ptspacernum} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ptspacer} % \changes{1.0}{2012/07/17}{Repeat \code{\textbackslash ptspacernum} times} % \begin{macro}{\ptspacer*} % The starred version of the \code{ptspacer} command uses \code{\textbackslash% % hspace*} for indention. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ptspacer}{% \@ifstar{% \@ptspacerStar }{% \@ptspacerNoStar } } \newcommand*{\@ptspacerStar}{% \hspace*{\ptspacergap}% \@ptrepeat{\value{ptspacernum}}{\ptspacerchar}% } \newcommand*{\@ptspacerNoStar}{% \hspace{\ptspacergap}% \@ptrepeat{\value{ptspacernum}}{\ptspacerchar}% } \ExplSyntaxOn \cs_new_eq:NN \@ptrepeat \prg_replicate:nn \ExplSyntaxOff % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % For example: % % \begin{Example} % \begin{Verbatim} % \renewcommand{\ptspacerchar}{\o} % \setcounter{ptspacernum}{2} % \begin{poem}{The Love Song% % of J. Alfred Prufrock} % {T.S. Eliot} % \ldots I should have been a pair% % of ragged claws\\ % Scuttling across the floors of% % silent seas. % % \ptspacer % % And the afternoon, the evening, % sleeps so peacefully!\\ % Smoothed by long fingers,\\ % Asleep\ldots\ tired\ldots\ or% % it malingers,\\ % Stretched on the floor, here% % beside you and me\ldots % \end{poem} % \end{Verbatim} % \columnbreak % \renewcommand{\ptspacerchar}{\o} % \setcounter{ptspacernum}{2} % \begin{poem}{The Love Song% % of J. Alfred Prufrock} % {T.S. Eliot} % \ldots I should have been a pair% % of ragged claws\\ % Scuttling across the floors of% % silent seas. % % \ptspacer % % And the afternoon, the evening, % sleeps so peacefully!\\ % Smoothed by long fingers,\\ % Asleep\ldots\ tired\ldots\ or% % it malingers,\\ % Stretched on the floor, here% % beside you and me\ldots % \end{poem} % \end{Example} % % \subsection{Groups and linking} % % When putting together a large collection of poetry and prose you most likely % need a way to organize your works and find them quickly. While the table of % poems helps we might also want to link directly to poems, or further subdivide % the collection into groups of related works (by year written, or subject % matter for instance). % % \begin{macro}{\linktopoem} % \changes{1.1}{2012/07/24}{Fix spacing and multiple use issues} % \changes{1.2}{2012/09/20}{Use \code{hyperlink} when linking to a poem} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Don't create links unless \pkg{hyperref} is loaded} % We can \emph{\linktopoem[1]{link}} \emph{\linktopoem[2]{to}}% % \emph{\linktopoem[3]{poems}} easily enough by providing \code{linktopoem} with % the text for the link and, optionally, the number of the poem to link to. If % only one argument is given it is used as both the link destination and text. % This macro only works if the \pkg{hyperref} package is loaded; otherwise, text % is just passed through. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\linktopoem}[2][ptnull]{% \ifx\hyperlink\@ptundefined #2\relax% \else \ifx{#1}{ptnull} \hyperlink{\@ptpoemlabeltext#2}{#2}\relax \else \hyperlink{\@ptpoemlabeltext#1}{#2}\relax \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/10}{Always reset \code{poemnum} on group change} % \begin{macro}{\ptgroup} % \begin{macro}{\poemgroup} % \begin{macro}{\poemgroup*} % \begin{macro}{\setpoemgroup} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Add macro to change group without creating a titlepage} % \begin{macro}{\setpoemgroup*} % \changes{3.0.0}{2014/12/12}{Add macro to change group without creating a titlepage or adding group to the ToC/ToP} % Dividing poems up into groups can be accomplished with the \code{% % \textbackslash poemgroup} command. The command creates a title-page for the % group at the current location and adds entries to the ToP and ToC unless the % starred version of the command is used. The \code{\textbackslash ptgroup} % command will always contain a reference to the current group in case you need % to refer to it later. If you want to change the group, but don't want to % create a title page, use the \code{\textbackslash setpoemgroup} command. The % starred version also doesn't add an entry in the ToP and ToC. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ptgroup}{} \newcommand*{\poemgroup}[1]{% \addtocounter{poemgroupnum}{1} \setcounter{poemnum}{0} \setcounter{untitledpoemnum}{0} \setcounter{titledpoemnum}{0} \setcounter{annotationnum}{0} \beforepoemgroup \vspace*{\pregroupvspace} \renewcommand*{\ptgroup}{#1} \pagestyle{\grouppagestyle} \begin{\ptdefaultgroupenv} \@ifstar{% \@ptpoemgroupStar{#1} }{% \@ptpoemgroupNoStar{#1} } \end{\ptdefaultgroupenv} \vspace*{\postgroupvspace} \afterpoemgroup } \newcommand*{\@ptpoemgroupStar}[1]{% \section*{#1} } \newcommand*{\@ptpoemgroupNoStar}[1]{% \section{#1} \addcontentsline{top}{section}{#1} } \newcommand*{\setpoemgroup}[1]{% \addtocounter{poemgroupnum}{1} \setcounter{poemnum}{0} \setcounter{untitledpoemnum}{0} \setcounter{titledpoemnum}{0} \setcounter{annotationnum}{0} \renewcommand*{\ptgroup}{#1} \@ifstar{% \relax% }{% \@ptsetpoemgroupNoStar{#1} } } \newcommand*{\@ptsetpoemgroupNoStar}[1]{% \addcontentsline{top}{section}{#1} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \section{The \code{annotation} environment} % % \begin{environment}{annotation} % \changes{1.1}{2012/07/20}{Added optional `environment' argument} % Annotations allow you to insert prose that relates to a specific poem into % your document. It uses \code{\textbackslash annotationheadings} (see below), % clears the page twice, and adds itself to the ToC (but not the ToP). The page % is also cleared again after the annotation. % % Like the \code{poetry} environment, an optional first argument can be used to % specify the environment in which the annotation will be wrapped. The default % is \code{flushleft} and can be changed by redefining \code{\textbackslash % ptannotationenv}. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{annotation}[2][\ptannotationenv]{% \newcommand*{\@ptwrapenvironment}{#1} \cleardoublepage \addtocounter{annotationnum}{1} \addtocounter{absoluteannotationnum}{1} \annotationheadings \begin{\@ptwrapenvironment} \subsection{#2} \nopagebreak }{% \end{\@ptwrapenvironment}% \ifx\@ptclearpageafterannotation\@ptundefined% \relax% \else% \clearpage% \fi% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % % \section{Formatting annotations} % % \subsection{Headings} % % \begin{macro}{\annotationheadings} % \changes{2.1.0}{2013/08/29}{Allow separate headings on annotation pages} % The \code{\textbackslash annotationheadings} macro is automatically called % every time a new \code{annotation} environment is created. By default, it % simply calls \code{\textbackslash poetryheadings}, but it can be redefined to % give your annotation pages a different heading style than your poem pages. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\annotationheadings}[0]{\poetryheadings} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % Now that everything is defined we can process any % \hyperlink{POETRYTEX:OPTIONS}{options} that were passed in by the user: % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions\relax %</poetrytex> % \end{macrocode} % % \clearpage % \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} % \phantomsection % \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Index} % \PrintIndex % % \makeatletter % \renewenvironment{theglossary}{% % \glossary@prologue % \setlength\emergencystretch{5em} % \GlossaryParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}{} % \makeatother % \clearpage % \phantomsection % \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Change History} % \PrintChanges % \changes{1.1}{2012/07/19}{Added an example table of poems} % \renewcommand*{\toptocentrytype}{part} % \renewcommand*{\beforetop}{\hypertarget{POETRYTEX:TOP}{}} % \maketop % \Finale % % \iffalse %\fi \endinput