2002-11-25  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@irin.univ-nantes.fr>

	* prosper.cls: added test for old version of the french style before
		issuing a page to circumvent the bug of seminar.

2002-10-08  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@irin.univ-nantes.fr>

	* prosper.cls: added option "noFooter"

	* PPRautumn.sty: corrected error in \myitem: level 2 was appearing twice and
		level 3 never.

2001-10-31  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: added \saveCtr to save counters affected by overlays
		+ added \everyOverlay to execute some code before each copy
		of a slide in an overlay macro.
		+ corrected bug with \label (and \label@in@display): 
		the macro \Label was not issued
		when in a slide not in \overlay (bug fix by turtle).

2001-10-24  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: seminar.bg2 is loaded once again thanks to a fix
		provided by Erwan Le Pennec <lepennec@cmapx.polytechnique.fr>

2001-10-15  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: removed the limitation of the itemstep environment
		concerning nesting. Now, itemstep environments can be nested
		up to four levels, as with itemize environments.

2001-09-14  Goualard Fr�d�ric  <Frederic.Goualard@epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: added vtex support

2001-08-28  Goualard Frederic  <Frederic.Goualard@epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: replaced all definitions of macros to "." for
	   checking their redefinition to definition to \@empty

2001-07-19  Goualard Frederic  <goualard@lia.di.epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: package graphicx loaded before seminar to overcome
		a failure when using \psgrid

2001-07-13  Goualard Frederic  <goualard@lia.di.epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: modified the itemstep environment to add an 
	optional argument: the overlay level to start from.
	+ changed the definition of \overlays such that 
	\aftergroup work correctly for \inOverlays test.

2001-07-04  Goualard Frederic  <goualard@lia.di.epfl.ch>

	* doc/prosper-doc.tex: corrected a typo (firth -> first) 

2001-07-03  Goualard Frederic  <goualard@lia.di.epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: added \par at the end of the raggedright environment
	in slides to avoid double-spaced second paragraph 
	(see bug report #437965)

2001-06-29  Goualard Frederic  <goualard@lia.di.epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: \@pdfcreator now contains an acknowledgment to 

2001-06-15  Goualard Frederic  <goualard@lia.di.epfl.ch>

	* PPRautumn.sty: without colorBG, the left part is now white.

2001-06-14  Goualard Frederic  <goualard@lia.di.epfl.ch>

	* prosper.cls: added \par after title and subtitle to 
	have even spaces when using explicit line breaks.
	+ removed seminar.bg2 => footer was too low

2001-03-21  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: corrected a bug in itemstep that showed up when 
		this environment contained nested "itemize" environments

2001-03-08  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: added input of bug fixes files for seminar 
		(seminar.bug, seminar.bg2).

2001-02-08  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* doc/prosper-doc.tex: added documentation for 

	* prosper.cls: modified \@addBookmarksOnSlide such that all overlays
		have a bookmark now.

2001-01-31  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: added a redefinition of \reset@color
		to allow proper reinitialization of colors when
		colorlinks option for the hyperref package is true.

2001-01-23  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: added test on \@listctr in redefinition of 
		\stepcounter to allow proper incrementation of 
		counters "enumi...".

2001-01-16  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: \fromSlide, \onlySlide... made \long macros 

2001-01-11  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: added \fi in the redefinition of labels. 
		(correction of bug 125804)

2000-12-05  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: Replaced use of \special by \pdfmark to be
		compliant with various ps->pdf backends.
		+ replace \AtEndOfPackage by \AtEndOfClass
		+ added test for Distiller to remove the inclusion of /Rotate
		  in the pdf file.  It seems that Distiller does not need
		  it to create a pdf in landscape.
		+ `contemporain' is now the default style

2000-12-01  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: corrected a bug in \NewSlideStyle which prevented from
		using arbitrary values as its first argument. 
		+ added \RefStepCounter and \StepCounter macros: now
		  counters inside overlays are not incremented. Labels
		  should no longer be reported as multiply defined either.

	* doc/prosper-doc.tex: corrected an error concerning the position
	of the slideWidth argument in \NewSlideStyle 
		+ added a forgotten closing bracket in section 4 

2000-11-29  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* doc/: moved Examples in a new separate directory: `doc-examples'

2000-11-28  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* doc/prosper-doc.tex: modification of the documentation to add
		references to the Prosper homepage at Source Forge (tm) and
		on the CTAN

2000-11-27  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* doc/prosper-doc.tex: corrected a mispelling (environnment
		`itemsep' -> `itemstep')

2000-11-02  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: corrected a bug due to a mispelling of one

2000-10-28  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* PPRalienglow.sty: added this style file to the distribution

2000-10-17  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: added macro \NoFrenchBabelItemize to allow
		the use of ones own items even when babel/french is loaded.

2000-10-16  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: corrected a bug discovered by Gyom Raschia that 
		prevented the user from using a macro in the beginning of 
		slide titles.

2000-10-04  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* doc/prosper-doc.tex: added comments on \Accumulatetrue
		and \Accumulatefalse

2000-09-24  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: added \slideWidth length: width of the text area
		Added one optional argument to macro \NewSlideStyle. 
		Firth argument now defines the width of the printing area.

2000-09-13  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@cwi.nl>

	* prosper.cls: added macro \onlyInPDF and options accumulate and

2000-09-13  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@irin.univ-nantes.fr>

	* prosper.cls: corrected a bug in \untilSlide and \UntilSlide: 
		material was not displayed on the last slide on which
		it should have been put.

2000-08-29  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@irin.univ-nantes.fr>

	* prosper.cls: removed old overlay management macros. 

2000-07-08  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@irin.univ-nantes.fr>

	* prosper.cls: added \FromSlide, \fromSlide, ... Environment
		overlays no longer needed by the user

2000-06-30  Fr�d�ric Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@irin.univ-nantes.fr>

	* prosper.cls: replaced \pageref by \realpageref to avoid link in 

2000-06-28  Frederic Goualard  <Frederic.Goualard@irin.univ-nantes.fr>

	* prosper.cls: added \DefMyItem macro to allow customization of
		bullets in itemize environments.