% @psencodingfile{ % author = "Y&Y, Inc.", % version = "1.1", % date = "1 December 1996", % filename = "texnansi.enc", % email = "help@YandY.com", % address = "45 Walden Street // Concord, MA 01742, USA", % codetable = "ISO/ASCII", % checksum = "xx", % docstring = "Encoding for fonts in Adobe Type 1 format for use with TeX." % } % % The idea is to have all 228 characters normally included in Type 1 text % fonts (plus a few more) available for typesetting. This is effectively % the character set in Adobe Standard Encoding, ISO Latin 1, plus a few more. % % Character code assignments were made as follows: % % (1) The character layout largely matches `ASCII' in the 32 -- 126 range, % except for `circumflex' in 94 and `tilde' in 126, to match `TeX text' % (`asciicircumflex' and `asciitilde' appear in 158 and 142 instead). % % (2) The character layout matches `Windows ANSI' in almost all places, % except for `quoteright' in 39 and `quoteleft' in 96 to match ASCII % (`quotesingle' and `grave' appear in 129 and 18 instead). % % (3) The character layout matches `TeX typewriter' used by CM text fonts % in most places (except for discordant positions such as hungarumlaut % (instead of braceright), dotaccent (instead of underscore) etc. % % (4) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the `control character' % range (0 -- 31), avoiding 0, 9, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software % - similarly one should really avoid 127 and 128 if possible. % In addition, the 8 open slots in Windows ANSI between 128 and 159 are used. % % (5) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra ligatures and such; ff, ffi, ffl, % and `dotlessj,' these are included 11 -- 15, and 17. % % (6) Hyphen appears both at 45 and 173 for compatibility with both ASCII % and Windows ANSI. % % (7) It doesn't really matter where ligatures appear (both real, such as ffi, % and pseudo such as ---) since these should not be accessed directly, only % via ligature information in the TFM file. % % SAMPLE USAGE (in `psfonts.map' file for DVIPS): % % lbr LucidaBright "TeXnANSIEncoding ReEncodeFont" <texnansi.enc <lbr.pfb % % This tells DVIPS that the font called `lbr' in TeX has PostScript % FontName `LucidaBright.' It also asks DVIPS to expand the file `lbr.pfb' % into PFA form, to include the attached `texnansi.enc' encoding vector, % and to then actually reencode the font based on that encoding vector. % % Revised 1996 June 1 by adding second position for `fl' to avoid Acrobat bug. % Revised 1996 June 1 by adding second position for `fraction' for same reason. % Revised 1997 Oct 1 by adding cwm (used in boundary char TFM code) % Revised 1998 Mar 1 by adding Unicode for Euro character % /TeXnANSIEncoding [ /.notdef % 0 /Euro % /Uni20AC 1 /.notdef % 2 /.notdef % 3 /fraction % 4 /dotaccent % 5 /hungarumlaut % 6 /ogonek % 7 /fl % 8 /.notdef % /fraction % 9 not used (see 4), backward compatability only /cwm % 10 not used, except boundary char internally maybe /ff % 11 /fi % 12 /.notdef % /fl % 13 not used (see 8), backward compatability only /ffi % 14 /ffl % 15 /dotlessi % 16 /dotlessj % 17 /grave % 18 /acute % 19 /caron % 20 /breve % 21 /macron % 22 /ring % 23 /cedilla % 24 /germandbls % 25 /ae % 26 /oe % 27 /oslash % 28 /AE % 29 /OE % 30 /Oslash % 31 /space % 32 % /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 33 /quotedbl % 34 % /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign % 35 /dollar % 36 /percent % 37 /ampersand % 38 /quoteright % 39 % /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 40 /parenright % 41 /asterisk % 42 /plus % 43 /comma % 44 /hyphen % 45 /period % 46 /slash % 47 /zero % 48 /one % 49 /two % 50 /three % 51 /four % 52 /five % 53 /six % 54 /seven % 55 /eight % 56 /nine % 57 /colon % 58 /semicolon % 59 /less % 60 % /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 61 /greater % 62 % /questiondown in TeX text /question % 63 /at % 64 /A % 65 /B % 66 /C % 67 /D % 68 /E % 69 /F % 70 /G % 71 /H % 72 /I % 73 /J % 74 /K % 75 /L % 76 /M % 77 /N % 78 /O % 79 /P % 80 /Q % 81 /R % 82 /S % 83 /T % 84 /U % 85 /V % 86 /W % 87 /X % 88 /Y % 89 /Z % 90 /bracketleft % 91 /backslash % 92 % /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 93 /circumflex % 94 % /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 95 % /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 96 % /grave accent in ANSI /a % 97 /b % 98 /c % 99 /d % 100 /e % 101 /f % 102 /g % 103 /h % 104 /i % 105 /j % 106 /k % 107 /l % 108 /m % 109 /n % 110 /o % 111 /p % 112 /q % 113 /r % 114 /s % 115 /t % 116 /u % 117 /v % 118 /w % 119 /x % 120 /y % 121 /z % 122 /braceleft % 123 % /endash in TeX text /bar % 124 % /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 125 % /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 126 % /asciitilde in ASCII /dieresis % 127 not used (see 168), use higher up instead /Lslash % 128 this position is unfortunate, but now too late to fix /quotesingle % 129 /quotesinglbase % 130 /florin % 131 /quotedblbase % 132 /ellipsis % 133 /dagger % 134 /daggerdbl % 135 /circumflex % 136 /perthousand % 137 /Scaron % 138 /guilsinglleft % 139 /OE % 140 /Zcaron % 141 /asciicircum % 142 /minus % 143 /lslash % 144 /quoteleft % 145 /quoteright % 146 /quotedblleft % 147 /quotedblright % 148 /bullet % 149 /endash % 150 /emdash % 151 /tilde % 152 /trademark % 153 /scaron % 154 /guilsinglright % 155 /oe % 156 /zcaron % 157 /asciitilde % 158 /Ydieresis % 159 /nbspace % 160 % /space (no break space) /exclamdown % 161 /cent % 162 /sterling % 163 /currency % 164 /yen % 165 /brokenbar % 166 /section % 167 /dieresis % 168 /copyright % 169 /ordfeminine % 170 /guillemotleft % 171 /logicalnot % 172 /sfthyphen % 173 % /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 174 /macron % 175 /degree % 176 /plusminus % 177 /twosuperior % 178 /threesuperior % 179 /acute % 180 /mu % 181 /paragraph % 182 /periodcentered % 183 /cedilla % 184 /onesuperior % 185 /ordmasculine % 186 /guillemotright % 187 /onequarter % 188 /onehalf % 189 /threequarters % 190 /questiondown % 191 /Agrave % 192 /Aacute % 193 /Acircumflex % 194 /Atilde % 195 /Adieresis % 196 /Aring % 197 /AE % 198 /Ccedilla % 199 /Egrave % 200 /Eacute % 201 /Ecircumflex % 202 /Edieresis % 203 /Igrave % 204 /Iacute % 205 /Icircumflex % 206 /Idieresis % 207 /Eth % 208 /Ntilde % 209 /Ograve % 210 /Oacute % 211 /Ocircumflex % 212 /Otilde % 213 /Odieresis % 214 /multiply % 215 % OE in T1 /Oslash % 216 /Ugrave % 217 /Uacute % 218 /Ucircumflex % 219 /Udieresis % 220 /Yacute % 221 /Thorn % 222 /germandbls % 223 /agrave % 224 /aacute % 225 /acircumflex % 226 /atilde % 227 /adieresis % 228 /aring % 229 /ae % 230 /ccedilla % 231 /egrave % 232 /eacute % 233 /ecircumflex % 234 /edieresis % 235 /igrave % 236 /iacute % 237 /icircumflex % 238 /idieresis % 239 /eth % 240 /ntilde % 241 /ograve % 242 /oacute % 243 /ocircumflex % 244 /otilde % 245 /odieresis % 246 /divide % 247 % oe in T1 /oslash % 248 /ugrave % 249 /uacute % 250 /ucircumflex % 251 /udieresis % 252 /yacute % 253 /thorn % 254 /ydieresis % 255 % germandbls in T1 ] def