% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2010-2014 by Ulrich M. Schwarz % Copyright (C) 2019 by Frank Mittelbach % Copyright (C) 2020- by Yukai Chou % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c. % The license can be obtained from % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt % %\fi % %\iffalse (hide this from DocInput) %<*shaded> %\fi % % Mostly, this key wraps the theorem in a |shadebox| environment. % The parameters are set by treating the value we are given as % a new key-val list, see below. % % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{thmdef}{shaded}[{}]{% \thmt@trytwice{}{% \RequirePackage{shadethm}% \RequirePackage{thm-patch}% \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{% \setlength\shadedtextwidth{\linewidth}% \kvsetkeys{thmt@shade}{#1}\begin{shadebox}}% \addtotheorempostfoothook[\thmt@envname]{\end{shadebox}}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % The docs for |shadethm| say: % \begin{quote} % There are some parameters you could set the default for (try them as is, % first). % \begin{itemize} % \item |shadethmcolor|\quad The shading color of the background. See the % documentation for the color package, but with a `gray' model, I find .97 % looks good out of my printer, while a darker shade like .92 is needed % to make it copy well. (Black is 0, white is 1.) % \item |shaderulecolor|\quad The shading color of the border of the shaded box. % See (i). If shadeboxrule is set to 0pt then this won't print anyway. % \item |shadeboxrule|\quad The width of the border around the shading. Set it to % 0pt (not just 0) to make it disappear. % \item |shadeboxsep|\quad The length by which the shade box surrounds the text. % \end{itemize} % \end{quote} % % So, let's just define keys for all of these. % % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{thmt@shade}{textwidth} {\setlength\shadedtextwidth{#1}} \define@key{thmt@shade}{bgcolor} {\thmt@definecolor{shadethmcolor}{#1}} \define@key{thmt@shade}{rulecolor} {\thmt@definecolor{shaderulecolor}{#1}} \define@key{thmt@shade}{rulewidth} {\setlength\shadeboxrule{#1}} \define@key{thmt@shade}{margin} {\setlength\shadeboxsep{#1}} \define@key{thmt@shade}{padding} {\setlength\shadeboxsep{#1}} \define@key{thmt@shade}{leftmargin} {\setlength\shadeleftshift{#1}} \define@key{thmt@shade}{rightmargin}{\setlength\shaderightshift{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % What follows is wizardry you don't have to understand. In essence, % we want to support two notions of color: one is ``everything that goes % after |\definecolor{shadethmcolor}|'', such as % |{rgb}{0.8,0.85,1}|. On the other hand, we'd also like % to recognize an already defined color name such as |blue|. % % To handle the latter case, we need to copy the definition of one color % into another. The \pkg{xcolor} package offers |\colorlet| for that, % for the \pkg{color} package, we just cross our fingers. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmt@colorlet#1#2{% %\typeout{don't know how to let color `#1' be like color `#2'!}% \@xa\let\csname\string\color@#1\@xa\endcsname \csname\string\color@#2\endcsname % this is dubious at best, we don't know what a backend does. } \AtBeginDocument{% \ifcsname colorlet\endcsname \let\thmt@colorlet\colorlet \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Now comes the interesting part: we assume that a simple color name % must not be in braces, and a color definition starts with an opening % curly brace. (So, if |\definecolor| ever gets an optional arg, % we are in a world of pain.) % % If the second argument to |\thmt@definecolor| (the key) starts % with a brace, % then |\thmt@def@color| will have an empty second argument, % delimited by the brace of the key. Hopefully, the key will have exactly % enough arguments to satisfy |\definecolor|. Then, % |thmt@drop@relax| will be executed and gobble the fallback % values and the |\thmt@colorlet|. % % If the key does not contain an opening brace, |\thmt@def@color| % will drop everything up to |{gray}{0.5}|. So, first the color % gets defined to a medium gray, but then, it immediately gets overwritten % with the definition corresponding to the color name. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thmt@drop@relax#1\relax{} \def\thmt@definecolor#1#2{% \thmt@def@color{#1}#2\thmt@drop@relax {gray}{0.5}% \thmt@colorlet{#1}{#2}% \relax } \def\thmt@def@color#1#2#{% \definecolor{#1}} % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse (hide this from DocInput) %</shaded> %\fi