% Documentation of tkz-euclide
% Copyright 2022  Alain Matthes
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Alain Matthes.

% The author of the original code
% of the environment 'codeexample' is Till Tantau
% from the file pgfmanual-en-macros.tex
%  (Copyright 2006 by Till Tantau)
% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
%   H I G H L Y   E X P E R I M E N T A L
\ProvidesPackage{tkzexample}[2022/07/14 v1.45c (code and graphic)]

  \PackageError{tkzexample}{You need to use extended latex
    (elatex) or (pdfelatex) to use this package}{}

% Define \find@tkzexample such that it doesn't destroy catcodes:
\catcode`[= 1
\catcode `\}=12
\catcode`\\=12 |gdef|find@tkzexample#1\end{tkzexample}[|endoftkzexample[#1]]

\catcode`[= 1
\catcode `\}=12
\catcode`\\=12 |gdef|find@tkzltxexample#1\end{tkzltxexample}[|endoftkzltxexample[#1]]

% define \returntospace.
% It should define NEWLINE as {}, spaces and tabs as \space.
\catcode`\ =13%
\gdef\returntospace{\catcode`\ =13\def {\space}\catcode`\^^I=13\def^^I{\space}\catcode`\^^M=13\def^^M{}}%

\gdef\@typeset@till@return@num#1^^M{{\def%{\char`\%}\textsl{\char`\%#1}} \@@par}

\newif\ifnum@show \num@showfalse
\newif\ifcode@vbox \code@vboxfalse
  execute code/.is if        = code@execute,
  show num/.is if            = num@show,
  overhang/.is if            = code@overhang,
  code only/.code            = {\code@executefalse},
  width/.code                = {\setlength\tkzexamplewidth{#1}},
  code/.code                 = {\colorlet{codebackground}{#1}},
  graphic/.code              = {\colorlet{graphicbackground}{#1}},
  overhang/.code             = {\code@overhangtrue},
  num/.code                  = {\num@showtrue\setcounter{code@cnt}{1}},
  numcolor/.code             = {\colorlet{numcolor}{#1}},
  numbkgcolor/.code          = {\colorlet{numbackground}{#1}},
  global  num/.code          = {\num@showtrue},
  code style/.code           = {\def\code@style{#1}},
  normal/.code               = {\def\code@size{\normalsize}},
  small/.code                = {\def\code@size{\small}},
  very  small/.code          = {\def\code@size{\footnotesize}},
  right margin/.code         = {\def\tkz@rightmargin{#1}},
  left margin/.code          = {\def\tkz@leftmargin{#1}},
  inner  left margin/.code   = {\def\tkz@innerleftmargin{#1}},
  inner  right margin/.code  = {\def\tkz@innerrightmargin{#1}},
  inner  top margin/.code    = {\def\tkz@innertopmargin{#1}},
  inner  bottom margin/.code = {\def\tkz@innerbottommargin{#1}},
  line frame width/.code     = {\def\tkz@linewidth{#1}},
  frame code/.code           = {\def\tkz@frameset{\fcolorbox{#1}}},
  frame tex/.code            = {\def\tkz@frameltxset{\fcolorbox{#1}}},
  above skip/.code           = {\def\tkz@above{#1}},
  below skip/.code           = {\def\tkz@below{#1}},
  hsep/.code                 = {\setlength\tkz@hsep{#1}},
  pre/.code                  = {\def\code@pre{#1}},
  post/.code                 = {\def\code@post{#1}},
  latex/.code                = {\setlength\tkzexamplewidth{#1}%
  vbox/.code                 = {\code@vboxtrue
  every tkzexample/.style={width=6cm},

% execution du code
   \hrule width0pt

\hrule width\z@
}% end of content for the minipage

\begin{mdframed}[linewidth        = \tkz@linewidth,
                 leftmargin       = \tkz@leftmargin,
                 rightmargin      = \tkz@rightmargin,
                 backgroundcolor  = codeonlybackground,
                 innerleftmargin  = \tkz@innerleftmargin,
                 innertopmargin   = \tkz@innertopmargin]
\hrule width0pt
\ifcode@saved\input{#1}\else #1\fi


          right margin        =  0pt,
          left margin         =  0pt,
          line frame width    =  0,
          inner left margin   =  0 pt,
          inner right margin  =  0 pt,
          inner top margin    =  6 pt,
          inner bottom margin =  0 pt}
\pgfqkeys{/tkzexample}{every tkzexample,#1}%
%   \hrule
   \else% pas de code    pas clair
    \fi% fin pas de code
\else% end of code saved code et result ?
          right margin        =  0pt,
          left margin         =  0pt,
          line frame width    =  0,
          inner left margin   =  0 pt,
          inner right margin  =  0 pt,
          inner top margin    =  6 pt,
          inner bottom margin =  0 pt,}
\pgfqkeys{/tkzexample}{every tkzexample,#1}%
\catcode`\%=13 %
\catcode`\^^M=13 %
\find@tkzexample}% #1 est tout ce qui se trouve dans l'environnement
\ifcode@execute % et \fcode@save ??
  \catcode`\^^M=9 %
\else% pas de code execute
   \fi% fin pas de code
  width/.code                = {\setlength\tkzltxexamplewidth{#1}},
  code/.code                 = {\colorlet{codeonlybackground}{#1}},
  show num/.is if            =  num@show,
  num/.code                  = {\num@showtrue\setcounter{code@cnt}{1}},
  global  num/.code          = {\num@showtrue},
  numcolor/.code             = {\colorlet{numcolor}{#1}},
  numbkgcolor/.code          = {\colorlet{numbackground}{#1}},
  normal/.code               = {\def\code@size{\normalsize}},
  small/.code                = {\def\code@size{\small}},
  very  small/.code          = {\def\code@size{\footnotesize}},
  right margin/.code         = {\def\tkz@rightmargin{#1}},
  left margin/.code          = {\def\tkz@leftmargin{#1}},
  inner  left margin/.code   = {\def\tkz@innerleftmargin{#1}},
  inner  right margin/.code  = {\def\tkz@innerrightmargin{#1}},
  inner  top margin/.code    = {\def\tkz@innertopmargin{#1}},
  inner  bottom margin/.code = {\def\tkz@innerbottommargin{#1}},
  line frame width/.code     = {\def\tkz@linewidth{#1}},
  hsep/.code                 = {\def\tkz@hsep{#1}},
  typeset listing/.code      = {#1},
  frame code/.code           = {\def\tkz@frameset{\fcolorbox{#1}}},
  ignorespaces/.code         = {\let\@gobble@till@return =%
  leave comments/.code       = {\def\code@catcode@hook{\catcode`\%=12}%
  every tkzltxexample/.style = {width=8cm},
  vbox/.code                 = {\def\code@preadd{\noindent
% \def\code@pre{}


          right margin        =  0pt,
          left margin         =  0pt,
          line frame width    =  0,
          inner left margin   =  0 pt,
          inner right margin  =  0 pt,
          inner top margin    =  6 pt,
          inner bottom margin =  0 pt,}
\pgfqkeys{/tkzltxexample}{every tkzltxexample,#1}%
\catcode`\%=13 %
\catcode`\^^M=13 %



  prefix/.code    = {\def\tkzFileSavedPrefix{#1}}}

  prefix  = tkzFile}

% \renewenvironment{tkzexample}[1][]{%
%  \killienc  \VerbatimOut{tkzeuc-\tkzref.tex}%
%   }{%
% \endVerbatimOut
% }
% \fi