use 5.008; ## Anything before 5.8.0 is GIMPY! ## This module is to be use()'d only by Pod::Simple::Transcode package Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart; use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Simple; use Encode; our $VERSION = '3.45'; sub is_dumb {0} sub is_smart {1} sub all_encodings { return Encode::->encodings(':all'); } sub encoding_is_available { return Encode::resolve_alias($_[1]); } sub encmodver { return " v" .($Encode::VERSION || '?'); } sub make_transcoder { my $e = Encode::find_encoding($_[1]); die "WHAT ENCODING!?!?" unless $e; my $x; return sub { foreach $x (@_) { $x = $e->decode($x) unless Encode::is_utf8($x); } return; }; } 1;